The directions of a cold cocktail recipe (1. Add ingredients to the shaker with ice. 2. Shake. 3. Pour) are a lot like this very paragraph: often ignored, but deemed absolutely necessary by the higher ups at the Food Media Factory. The same cannot be said for drinks served above room temperature. Warm cocktails—like mulled wine, hot buttered rum, and this Spiced Apple Pie cocktail—deserve step-by-step instructions because, well, they require actual cooking. And timing. And precision. All of which pays off, when you’re sipping something hot, strong, and fully delicious, like any of these five cold-weather cocktails.
1. Dead Rabbit Irish Coffee
Community member Fiveandspice puts it best, “If you're going to make an Irish coffee, you may as well make the version of Irish coffee from the bar that has been named best bar in the world—NYC's The Dead Rabbit.”