No Bake Cheesecake

My go-to recipe for No Bake Cheesecake has all the classic elements you love: a dreamy creamy swirly filling on a crispy graham cracker crust. The perfect balance of tart and sweet! I have a secret ingredient that takes it over the top (it’s optional but guys, it’s so good.) No bake cheesecake is a…

My go-to recipe for No Bake Cheesecake has all the classic elements you love: a dreamy creamy swirly filling on a crispy graham cracker crust. The perfect balance of tart and sweet! I have a secret ingredient that takes it over the top (it’s optional but guys, it’s so good.) No bake cheesecake is a perfect blank slate, but I am partial to Fresh Strawberry Topping, with extra graham cracker crumbs to sprinkle on top. This recipe is EASY and a huge crowd pleaser!

side view of a slice of no bake cheesecake with strawberry topping and graham crumble on top.
Table of Contents
  1. 10 things I learned in the Baltics
  2. No bake cheesecake…is life
  3. The secret ingredient
  4. No bake cheesecake recipe ingredients
  5. How to make no bake cheesecake
  6. How to store easy no bake cheesecake
  7. Can no bake cheesecake be frozen?
  8. No bake cheesecake frequently asked questions
  9. More cheesecake recipes to love
  10. Hotter days, cooler treats
  11. No Bake Cheesecake Recipe

Eric and I went on vacation recently and I stopped for an ice cream cone just about every single day, because when in Rome? (Or rather, when in Riga.) What even is a vacation if there is not ice cream every day, I mean really.

Anyway, we were in Lithuania, and I asked the ice cream guy what the purple swirled ice cream was, and he said “Cheese and Black Currant,” and I was like OH HECK NO, no thank you, I don’t want chunks of cheddar in my ice cream. But then I tried it and realized the flavor was black currant CHEESECAKE. I got a double scoop and died and went to heaven, it was so good. (Why is black currant not a thing here?)

a released, whole no bake cheesecake with fresh strawberry, blackberry, and raspberry garnish.

Well, I have no black currant for you today, but I do have the best no bake cheesecake in all the land. I worked hard figuring out exactly what I want from my perfect no bake cheesecake, and this is it!

But before we get into it, I want to tell you a few things I learned from our trip to the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.) We spent 2 weeks there with my parents (the kids stayed home with Eric’s parents, bless their ever loving hearts!!) This was such a dreamy vacation, I already want to go back.

10 things I learned in the Baltics

1. Eastern Europe is absolutely gorgeous. The countryside is lush and green, the cities are well kept and clean. There are actual STORKS in rural areas, with huge massive nests 2-4 feet wide, balanced somehow directly on top of vertical power lines. I never felt unsafe.

2. There are CASTLES you guys. Castles everywhere like it’s just no big deal. Castles that look like freaking Sleeping Beauty is taking a nap inside.

3. The Old Town sections of the capital cities (Tallinn, Estonia; Vilnius, Lithuania; and Riga, Latvia–have you heard of ANY of these cities?? I hadn’t!! I get an F for geography guys). Anyway, ALL these cities had narrow cobblestone streets, red roofs, and buildings established in the 1300s around every corner. Like seriously, if feels like every random shop or restaurant has walls made of stone that were laid in 1478. It was WILD. Eric says that the streets and buildings are so quintessential that they seem fake. But they are not, they are real, and they are 600 years old. (I keep looking around the suburb I live in, knocking on the walls of my house, thinking, will ANY of this be standing in 600 years? 300? 100?? NOPE!)

4. These countries are super cheap to visit. (some of our very nice, historic hotels were only 80 bucks a night.) Some dinner entrees I saw were as cheap as 11 Euros, which is about $12 bucks.

5. Every public bathroom I visited was clean and stocked.

6. The food was just phenomenal. They eat very seasonally. Flavors I noticed: Rye bread. DILL. Pan fried potatoes. Pickles everywhere, all kind of veggies pickled. Lots of fish. REINDEER. Pea soup. Cardamom in anything that has cinnamon. Kebabs, pizza, dumplings, hamburgers; the cities are all very global and you can even find Mexican food. Rhubarb is in season right now and it was on every dessert menu, I was in heaven. They also love beets; one of my favorite dishes was the Lithuanian national treasure that is COLD beet soup, made with kefir and dill, and served with hot fried potatoes. I ordered it 3 separate times.

7. Almost everyone there speaks English, especially in the bigger cities.

8. It was very enlightening and hard to learn about the painful reality of Russian occupation that has dotted their history. Russia occupied these 3 countries until 1918, they had a brief “interwar period” of independence that lasted until 1940 when the Soviets invaded, then the Germans invaded, then the Soviets were back in control until they declared their independence in 1991. Now we all have to wait to see what happens in Ukraine, to see if history repeats itself again in these Baltic states. I feel grateful I had the chance to visit in what feels like (perhaps?) yet another brief interwar period. Like if you want to go…maybe you should go now?

Just think of all the butter I could churn in this bad boy. Just kidding, I don’t even think that’s a butter churner 😂 it’s like an enormous mortar and pestle. For giants.

9. STYLE. Globalization is real and the way people dress there feels very similar to how we dress here, except maybe a bit more formal and classy. (Americans are still the only ones who will wear pajamas to the grocery store and pretend it’s okay.)

10. One of our hotels in Estonia had a delicious breakfast buffet. I came downstairs in the morning to find my mother eating a giant bowl of chocolate ice cream with sprinkles (no cheese chunks in sight) GUYS, CLEARLY WE ARE MISSING SOMETHING. I’m about to write a letter to every hotel. Waffle machines aren’t gonna cut it anymore. Come on America.

My cute parents atop Gediminas Castle in Vilnius, Latvia. Huge thanks to my dad for planning the entire trip, while I did nothing but derail his plans by stopping at every single bakery we passed.

I’m thinking about writing an entire post about the Baltics, where we stayed, what we did, and especially the food, would you be interested in hearing those details and seeing more photos? Please let me know in the comments! Remember when people used to comment on blogs, just to say hi? Those were the good ol days :) I’m a real person over here, I promise. I read every comment that comes through. Seriously, let me know if you want a Baltics post. I would have so much fun writing it for you.

Okay on with today’s post, CHEESECAKE!!

no bake cheesecake with fresh berry garnish, with one slice missing and a second slice cut.

No bake cheesecake…is life

Who doesn’t love a classic no bake cheesecake? A crispy crust and a perfectly creamy, silky smooth layer of tart cheesecake, which is a blank slate to top with whatever fruit you want. No bakes are just so easy. Baked cheesecakes are notoriously finicky, with the fault line risk, plus the challenge of knowing when to pull it out of the oven to get the best texture. No bake cheesecakes have all the flavor and require zero technique. It’s like dessert for dummies.

You’ll sometimes hear no bake cheesecakes referred to as a Philadelphia cheesecake. It has nothing to do with the city, and everything to do with the cream cheese brand and the easy cheesecake they popularized years ago. There are many different versions nowadays, but almost all no bake cheesecakes have no eggs, no gelatin, and of course, no baking required for the filling itself. This is not a sponsored post, but I will make a plug for the Philadelphia brand, they really do make the best cream cheese on the market, hands down.

angle looking down at the top of a no bake cheesecake with strawberry topping and graham crumble.

The secret ingredient

Now I get to tell you about the reason I’m obsessed with this no bake cheesecake, and, spoiler alert, it’s the same reason I’m obsessed with my Classic Baked Cheesecake. I’m a simple girl, what can I say, and when it works, dang, IT WORKS. The answer, of course, is browned butter.

a wooden spoon in a metal pot stirring browned butter with light foam on top.

You guys, I’ve been obsessed with browned butter from the beginning. These Nutella Stuffed Browned Butter Blondies were one of my first viral recipes, the one that put my blog on the map, so to speak (the other one was this Cilantro Lime Cucumber Salad…balance, right? 😂)

Browned butter just has this magical ability to bring out other flavors, kind of like salt. This cheesecake is not a butter-flavored cheesecake, I promise. It just tastes like the cheesecake-iest of cheesecakes, in the best way!

When you brown butter, the milk in the butter solidifies to create little “browned bits.” So at the end, you have smooth golden melted butterfat, and little brown bits at the bottom that look like sand. ALL the flavor in browned butter is contained in these little browned bits; the golden liquid is tasty fat, but doesn’t hold the flavor.

I was trying to come up with ways to increase the amount of browned bits, and not increase the actual amount of butter in the recipe. (We don’t need more fat, we need more browned butter bits.) That’s when I stumbled on this blog post from Lady and Pups called Extra-Browns Browned Butter. You read that right…this woman is a genius. By adding a little milk to the butter as it’s browning, there are simply more milk solids available to brown, exponentially increasing the amount of flavor from a single batch of browned butter.

slice of perfectly cut no bake cheesecake with two raspberries on top on pie server.
Can you see the flecks of flavor?? I hereby dub thee, browned butter. Flecks o flavor

I just love the flavor it adds to this cheesecake. If you don’t think you will be into it, no worries, it’s actually 100% optional. You can make this cheesecake the traditional way, just leave out the butter and milk called for in the filling.

There is one tiny drawback to browning the butter with extra milk, if you are a texture person: the browned butter bits are large and in charge when made this way, and your cheesecake will have flecks in it that mess with the perfectly smooth texture. It doesn’t bother me at all, and I prefer having the extra flavor, but I just want you going in with eyes wide open.

slice of no bake cheesecake on a white plate with bites taken out, topped with strawberries.

Are you ready to make it?? Let go!

No bake cheesecake recipe ingredients

cream cheese, sugar, sour cream, lemon, butter, cream, crackers, vanilla, laid out on a marble counter.

Here is a basic shopping list! Super simple. Check out the recipe card at the bottom of the post for exact measurements and written instructions.

  • graham crackers
  • granulated sugar
  • kosher salt
  • butter
  • heavy cream
  • cream cheese
  • sour cream
  • vanilla
  • lemon juice
  • milk

How to make no bake cheesecake

Start by setting out your cream cheese so it has time to soften. And then we make the crust! I love a classic graham cracker crust, but you can use any kind of crisp cookie. Biscoff or Nilla Wafers or Walker’s Shortbread would be so good. (or Oreos! See recipe notes)

top: graham crackers, nilla, biscoff cookies, bottom: full graham crackers being weighed on digital scale.

I love a good thick crust for my no bake cheesecake, so we are using 2 full packages of graham crackers for the crust, 18 full sheets. This is about 9.7 ounces, or 2 and 1/2 cups when crushed. Plus a lil sugar and salt.

9 whole graham crackers shoved into a food processor ready to be blitzed.

If you don’t have a food processor, you can add your grahams to a ziplock and smash them with a rolling pin.

top image: blitzed graham crackers in food processor, bottom: crumbs in glass measuring cup.

Weighing your graham cracker crumbs (or Biscoff or Nilla wafer crumbs) is the best way to see how much you have. Crumbs tend to settle, just like flour, so if you do need to measure in cups, make sure you spoon and level.

top image: mixing crumbs and melted butter in a mixing bowl, bottom: pressing mix into pan.

Add butter and stir. You can add the melted butter right into the food processor if you like.

Are you going to get mad at me when I tell you that this no bake cheesecake has a baked crust? Honestly I wish there was another name for no bake cheesecakes.

I don’t like unbaked graham cracker crusts. Ever, in any situation. They are mushy from the start. Who wants that? I mean, I get that it’s summer and you don’t want to turn your oven on, but dang, if you’re going to the trouble of making a whole cheesecake, take the 10 minutes to bake the crust and get it done right.

But that’s just me. If you are anti-oven in the summer, by all means, press that mushy wet graham cracker crust into your pan and pop it in the freezer for a few minutes. Voila, a soggy bottom for your beautiful cheesecake. (I’m sorry, I just can’t stop judging you.)

top image: pressing crumb mix onto cookie sheet; bottom: breaking up baked crumbs.

While you are here in crust land, do yourself a favor and crush an entire 3rd package of graham crackers, and add a little sugar salt and butter.

Bake it on a cookie sheet right next to your actual crust. Then break it up into chunks and save it for sprinkling on the top of your final cheesecake. I LOVE graham cracker crust, and feel like there is never enough, so I just add more on top. (I started doing this years ago for my Double Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake and haven’t been able to quit since.) I just love the ultra crunchy touch this adds.

Ok ok now on to the actual cheesecake filling making. It’s so easy guys. If you want to be a little extra, make this extra-browns butter I’m about to show you; if not, you really can skip the butter and milk step entirely.

a hand pouring milk from a measuring spoon into a pot with melted butter in it ready to be browned.

I wish I had taken a picture of the cold butter in the pan with the milk, so you could see it better. But this is a photo of adding milk to melted butter in a pan. We are going to heat it over medium heat, whisking almost constantly, until it bubbles, then foams over completely, then browns.

wooden spoon stirring through browned butter with foam on top in metal pan.

You will know it has turned brown when you see this golden swirl of browned bits lifting up through the foam as you stir. The mixture will smell nutty and very fragrant. It is the exact same process as browning butter, but with the extra milk added, more brown bits are formed, and they tend to form in bigger crystals, hence the constant whisking. We want lots of browned bits, but we want to keep them small so they don’t overwhelm the smooth texture of the cheesecake.

browned butter in a white cookpot showing the clarified butter with browned bits in it.

You can see in this photo how dark I let the browned bits get. Maybe a little too dark to be honest, but it is not burned at all. It tasted phenomenal.

Let this browned butter sit out at room temperature while you mix up the cheesecake filling.

Start by whipping your cream.

stiff whipped cream on whish attachment with metal mixing bowl with whipped cream in background.

Beat heavy whipping cream for about 2-4 minutes, depending on how powerful your beater is, until it is pretty stiff. We don’t need this cream to be super smooth, you can beat until it starts to look a little shaggy. We want STIFF whipped cream, as this is the main stabilizer for our cheesecake, the element that keeps it from being runny. Scrape the whipped cream into another bowl and put it directly in the refrigerator to keep it chilled.

In the same bowl, no need to clean it out, beat your SOFTENED cream cheese with the whisk attachment, if you have one. Scrape the sides and keep going a few minutes until it is smooth and fluffy.

whipped cream cheese in metal mixing bowl with vanilla, sour cream, and sugar piled on top.

Once the cream cheese is whipped, you can add the rest of the ingredients: sugar, sour cream, vanilla, lemon juice, and salt. Beat it all together.

Once your browned butter is COMPLETELY ROOM TEMPERATURE, you can add it to the cream cheese mixture.

top image: pouring browned butter into mixing bowl, bottom all of it on top of filling in bowl.

Every time I made this I got impatient and stuck my browned butter in the fridge, but you have to be careful, because you don’t want it to start to solidify. If it does, you need to stir or even melt it again in the microwave until it is completely liquid again. We don’t want any butter chunks in our cheesecake.

cheesecake filling with flecks of browned butter bits, in a metal mixing bowl.

After you’ve mixed in the browned butter, use a rubber spatula to fold in the chilled whipped cream. Don’t over mix, you don’t want to deflate the cream.

pouring cheesecake filing into a graham cracker crust.

Pour the mixture into your completely cooled graham cracker crust and smooth out the top.

Are we just loving these flecks of brown butter?? So much flavor.

a springform pan with no bake cheesecake, showing the crust on the edges and a smooth top.

Cover with plastic wrap and chill for at least 4 hours, 6 hours is better, 12 hours overnight is the best. The longer you chill it, the more stable the cheesecake will be. It will be easier to slice and will have a better texture. Honestly, lukewarm cheesecake is what they serve in hell, I think.

a hand pouring warmed jam from a metal pan into a bowl with fresh topped strawberries.

Once your cheesecake is chilled, make the Fresh Strawberry Topping. This is my favorite strawberry topping, the same one I use for my Strawberry Shortcake. Instead of just macerating strawberries with sugar, we are cooking jam in a little cornstarch to thicken it, then combining with the fresh berries. It makes the BEST syrupy sauce.

slice of no bake cheesecake showing thick crust and juicy strawberry topping.

And don’t forget to top with that extra graham crumble you made! It’s seriously the best!

side angle of no bake cheesecake with a heaping of fresh strawberry topping and graham crumble.

How to store easy no bake cheesecake

If your springform pan has a lid, the easiest way to keep any leftovers is to simply cover the cheesecake and put it in the refrigerator. If it doesn’t have a lid, cover the top tightly with plastic wrap. Or, carefully transfer pieces of cheesecake to airtight containers, but only do this if you are desperate, because it will make the crust soggy. Cheesecake will last in the refrigerator for 4-7 days, supposedly, I actually would not know.

No bake cheesecake is a GREAT make ahead dessert because it can last for so long. Make it a day or two in advance, then refrigerate til you’re ready to serve (just be sure not to add any topping or whipped cream garnish until you serve, and DON’T sneak a slice; once you cut into it, the crust starts to sog.) Don’t leave your no bake cheesecake out on the counter too long, hopefully no more than an hour or two. It will start to get soft and the dairy can begin to spoil if left out too long, and not only that, it’s my opinion that cheesecake should only be eaten when ice cold. Remember, warm cheesecake is what they eat in hell ;)

side view of a no bake cheesecake with a piece cut out of it and fresh berry topping.

Can no bake cheesecake be frozen?

Yes, it’s quite easy! Make the recipe as usual, and be sure to still follow the step to let the cheesecake set up in the refrigerator. Once it has completely set, move the whole pan to the freezer and flash freeze for 30 minutes, then cover tightly, first in plastic wrap and then in heavy aluminum foil. OR stick the whole pie pan in a 2 gallon freezer ziplock bag. After labeling it, return the cheesecake to the freezer. It will be good there for about 3-4 months, but I don’t like to wait too long as the quality starts to go down over time.

To thaw, transfer the sealed pan to the refrigerator and let it chill overnight or for several hours. Do not let it thaw at room temperature. It could make the cheesecake runny and mess with the smooth texture.

no bake cheesecake with mounded fresh strawberry topping and juice dripping down.

No bake cheesecake frequently asked questions

where can i buy cheesecake filling?

Most grocery stores will have a premade tub of cheesecake filling next to the cream cheese in the dairy section. I will say though, that this recipe is SO easy, tastes about 100x better, and doesn’t have any of the preservatives and fillers that the store bought kind does! Check out the recipe card to see how simple it is, you just may change your mind about buying it!!

what is no bake cheesecake filling made of?

No bake cheesecake filling really only has a few ingredients. The main ingredient, of course, is cream cheese. Get a good, high quality brand (I use Philadelphia). It’ll make a big difference in taste and texture! Then, to lighten (and sweeten) things up, sugar, whipped cream and sour cream are also added, plus some browned butter for the BEST flavor. The result is much airier and lighter than traditional cheesecake, but with the same delicious cream cheese flavor.

How do you thicken a no bake cheesecake filling?

Most of the thickening of a no bake cheesecake come from the cream cheese itself, with some stiff whipped cream added in to make it fluffy and add stability. Because there are no eggs or gelatin, a no bake cheesecake will never be as thick or dense as a classic baked cheesecake. Another important part of thickening a no bake cheesecake is to make sure it has plenty of time to set. In other words, the cream and cheese cream need to get down to the proper temperature in order to get firm enough to slice and serve. I recommend at least 6 hours if possible, otherwise you run the risk of a soupier texture. If it is still softer than you like after 6 hours, try putting it in the freezer for about 30 minutes to see if that firms it up a bit more.

is baked cheesecake better than no bake?

It really comes down to personal preference! Personally, I think there’s definitely room for both versions in life. Baked cheesecake is much more dense, almost velvety smooth. I tend to gravitate to it more for winter holidays since it spends quite a while in the oven and feels fancier for holidays. No bake cheesecakes are light, airy, and creamy. They perfectly lend themselves to spring and summer events with little oven time, and the lightness feels much more doable in the hotter weather. I would say yes to either one if offered a piece any time of year though!

can you eat philadelphia no bake cheesecake filling?

Yes! Whether store bought or this homemade version, the filling is not baked or altered in any way (other than setting up in the refrigerator) once it’s added to the crust, and there is nothing raw in it that would make you sick. If you prefer to eat your filling out of a bowl with a spoon vs in a crust, I will not judge you!

a pie server holding a perfectly sliced no bake cheesecake with remaining cheesecake in background.

More cheesecake recipes to love

I am a sucker for cheesecake of all kinds. No bake, Classic Baked Cheesecake, Cheesecake Parfait, cheesecake stuffed inside Strawberries, cheesecake stuffed Cupcakes, even cheesecake in Baklava. Here’s more!

side view of a whole no bake cheesecake smothered with fresh strawberry topping.

Hotter days, cooler treats

Baking is my jam year round, but there are definitely some flavors, textures, and temperatures that do better in different seasons. Have a peek at some of my favorite warm weather treats!

side view of whole no bake cheesecake showing sides of graham cracker crust and berry garnish.

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side view of a slice of no bake cheesecake with strawberry topping and graham crumble on top.

No Bake Cheesecake

My go-to recipe for No Bake Cheesecake has all the classic elements you love: a dreamy creamy swirly filling on a crispy graham cracker crust. The perfect balance of tart and sweet! I have a secret ingredient that takes it over the top (it's optional but guys, it's so good.) No bake cheesecake is a perfect blank slate, but I am partial to Fresh Strawberry Topping, with extra graham cracker crumbs to sprinkle on top. This recipe is easy and a huge crowd pleaser!
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Chill time 4 hours
Total Time 4 hours 40 minutes
Servings 12
Calories 377kcal


For the crust

  • 18 full sheets graham crackers* 9.7 ounces, about 2 and 1/2 cups crumbs
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup butter melted

For the graham crumble (optional):

  • 9 full sheets graham crackers
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 pinch kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup butter melted

For the cheesecake:

  • 6 tablespoons butter optional
  • 2 tablespoons whole milk optional
  • 1 and 1/4 cups heavy cream**
  • 3 (8-ounce) packages full fat cream cheese softened
  • 1 and 1/2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 batch Fresh Strawberry Topping


  • Set out 3 packages of cream cheese, so they can come to room temperature.
  • Make the crust: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Add 2 packages of graham crackers* to a food processor. This is 18 full sheets, or about 9.7 ounces.
  • Add 2 tablespoons granulated sugar and 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt. Pulse the mixture together until the crackers turn to fine crumbs. (you can smash the crackers in a ziplock, with a rolling pin, if you don't have a food processor.)
  • Melt 1/2 cup butter (1 stick) in the microwave. Add the butter to the crumbs and pulse to combine.
  • Add the crumbs to a 9-inch springform pan. Use a glass or measuring cup to press the crumbs into the bottom of the pan and almost all the way up the sides of the pan. While pressing the sides of the pan with the glass, use your thumb to press the top edge of the crust, so that it gets packed in on the top edge.
  • Optional Crumb Topping: Before you pack up your food processor, make the crumb topping, if you want. Add another package of (9) graham crackers to the food processor, add 1 tablespoon sugar, and a pinch of salt. Pulse, then add 1/4 cup melted butter. Scrape the mixture onto a baking sheet and pack it into a flat crust with your hands or the glass.
  • Bake the crust in the springform pan and the baking sheet with the extra crust at the same time. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the edges have started to brown. Set the springform pan aside to cool. Use your hands or a fork to break up the extra crust. Store this in a serving bowl covered in plastic wrap until you are ready to serve your cheesecake. (Try not to eat it all immediately, this stuff is my ultimate weakness.)
  • Optional: Browned Butter. Next it's time to brown the extra-browns butter so it has time to cool. Add 6 tablespoons butter and 2 tablespoons whole milk to a small saucepan. Set the pan over medium heat and whisk constantly, or at least very frequently.
  • The butter will foam and pop, then foam again while the browned bits are forming on the bottom of the pan. Keep whisking, using a rubber spatula to work into the corners if it feels like they are starting to stick. You will know the butter is brown when you can see golden bits lifting up through the foam. The mixture will smell nutty.
  • Immediately transfer the browned butter to a small bowl and set aside to cool completely.
  • Whip the cream. Add 1 and 1/4 cups cream* to a large bowl or stand mixer bowl. Beat (using the whisk attachment if you have one) for about 2-4 minutes, until the cream is stiff and almost shaggy. It should stand up straight when you flip the beater upside down. See photos. You want the cream thick, because it is the main stabilizer for this cheesecake, the ingredient that helps it keep it's shape. Scrape the whipped cream into another bowl and put it in the refrigerator right away.
  • In the same bowl (no need to wash), use the whisk attachment to beat the cream cheese. The cream cheese should be completely softened. Beat the cream cheese, stopping to scrape the sides, until it is soft and there are absolutely zero lumps.
  • Add the remaining cheesecake ingredients: 1 and 1/2 cups granulated sugar, 1/2 cup sour cream, 2 teaspoons vanilla, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt (or sea salt). Beat well until combined.
  • Add the completely cooled browned butter. Beat well, scraping the sides.
  • Remove the whisk attachment or beaters. Use a rubber spatula to fold in 1/3 of the chilled whipped cream. Once it's incorporated, fold in the remaining 2/3 of the whipped cream. Be careful and try not to deflate the whipped cream. Be gentle and don't overdo it.
  • Once the whipped cream is incorporated, scrape the mixture into the completely cooled graham cracker crust. Spread the top evenly and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Chill for 4-12 hours, or up to 2 days.
  • Make the topping. An hour (or up to 24 hours) before you want to serve your cheesecake, make the Fresh Strawberry Topping. Chill the strawberries until you are ready to serve your cheesecake. (You don't have to make this topping, it's just my favorite. You can serve this cheesecake with any fresh berries, a can of cherry pie filling, Hot Fudge, Caramel Sauce, whatever you want.)
  • Serve. If you are absolutely certain your party will eat every slice of the cheesecake, you can pour the strawberry topping right on top the chilled cheesecake. Top with the graham crumble. It makes for a fun and pretty presentation, but it doesn't last.
    If you know you won't eat the whole cheesecake, slice the cheesecake and ladle strawberry topping and graham crumble on top of each plate of cheesecake.
  • Store the cheesecake covered in the fridge. See blog post for freezing options!


*Crust options: You can use any type of crisp cookie for this crust. Use 9-10 ounces total, which usually comes out to about 2 and 1/2 cups. I love using Nilla Wafers, Biscoff cookies, Gingersnaps, or Walker’s shortbread cookies. Oreos would also work well! Use about half the amount of butter in the crust if you are using Oreos (or any cookie with a filling.) 
**Heavy cream is sold near the milk in the dairy section. It is not coffee creamer. Sometimes it is labeled whipping cream, ultra heavy whipping cream, etc. These names differentiate fat content levels. For making whipped cream, buy the cream with the highest fat content you can! The cream I used is 36% fat content, wish I could have found 40%. 
Nutrition Facts do not include the Strawberry Topping.


Calories: 377kcal | Carbohydrates: 31g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 28g | Saturated Fat: 18g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 7g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 80mg | Sodium: 263mg | Potassium: 52mg | Fiber: 0.1g | Sugar: 30g | Vitamin A: 961IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 37mg | Iron: 0.1mg

Caramelized French Onion Dip

I have your dip recipe for the summer guys!! This French Onion Dip features caramelized onions in all their sweet and savory glory, rounded out with some tangy cream cheese and sour cream. Your potato chips have never known such bliss! I honestly thought I didn’t like onion dip, (it’s so…oily?) but homemade French Onion…

I have your dip recipe for the summer guys!! This French Onion Dip features caramelized onions in all their sweet and savory glory, rounded out with some tangy cream cheese and sour cream. Your potato chips have never known such bliss! I honestly thought I didn’t like onion dip, (it’s so…oily?) but homemade French Onion Dip is a whole nother level of creamy, cheesy caramelized perfection.

hand pulling crinkle cut potato chip scooping up french onion dip.
Table of Contents
  1. The best recipe for French onion dip
  2. What is French onion dip?
  3. French onion dip recipe ingredients
  4. How to make French onion dip
  5. What do you eat with French onion dip?
  6. How long does French onion dip last?
  7. Can you freeze French onion dip?
  8. French onion dip frequently asked questions
  9. More incredible dips and sauces you’ll love!
  10. French Onion Dip Recipe

Growing up, our house backed up to an intersection. Kitty corner from us was our church, where I attended seminary every morning in high school at 6:05am (!!!), and across the street was the high school. I always joked with my friends that my entire life was encapsulated in one intersection.

We were literally 50 yards from everything, but you had to walk down the entire block and then back again to get there. If you wanted to stick with those conventional sidewalks, that is.

Hopping the 6 foot cement fence in the backyard was the obvious solution, but how? My dad came up with the idea of using a ladder, the kind with a shepherd’s hook at the top, that people use for above-ground swimming pools. Voila!

little girl on a ladder on a cement fence with purple tree.
Valentine learning to hop the fence 💕

The whole neighborhood started using the ladder to skip the extra block to school, and it was used for years. My dad still hops the fence to get to church every week. He likes to race my mom, who drives the two blocks (ain’t no way she’s hopping the fence in a skirt), and sometimes he beats her.

When you hop a 6-foot fence several times every single day, you get pretty casual about it, or at least I did in high school. One morning on the way to seminary, when it as still dark outside, I jumped without looking, and landed directly in front of this woman out for her morning jog. She screamed sooo loud and was clearly terrified that a random teenager had literally fallen out of nowhere into her path. We didn’t collide, thank goodness, but it was very close! 16-year-old-me felt so bad, but not so bad that I don’t still kind of laugh about it to this day. (I wonder what HER story is 😅)

I asked my family for more fence hopping stories:

I think you can guess which messages are from my brothers, always keepin it classy 😅

One day, my dad was making scrambled eggs. He went outside, knelt down by the weeds that grew out of the landscape edging we all stepped over every single day on the way to to hop the fence, snipped said weeds with scissors, and sprinkled them over his eggs. Because they were CHIVES. My mind was absolutely blown. Yer a wizard, Dad! I had NO idea we had edible weeds in our yard 😂

I always think of this when I buy chives, like for today’s recipe, which I am SOOO excited about!!

ceramic bowl filled with French onion dip and garnished with snipped chives and potato chips.

The best recipe for French onion dip

I never thought I could adore a dip the way I adore this dip. I love me some caramelized onions, but go ahead and add a ton of creamy cheese and chips? Stop itttt.

This will be the only thing I’m snacking on poolside this summer. If you invite me to your summer BBQ, I’m showing up toting this dip. I might even still be stuck on it come Thanksgiving, where it actually makes a perfect centerpiece to a Charcuterie Board. (I would know, this dip with charcuterie is what I served last November! I’ve been holding out on you for months with this recipe!!)

glass bowl of French onion dip with a few crinkle cut potato chips stuck in the top.

What is French onion dip?

Have you ever had French Onion Soup? If not, please go make that right now, then we can talk.

Just kidding. (Also, did you click over? Those pictures are sooo old but I promise the soup is legit.)

French Onion Dip is just the cheesy, dip-able version of the glorious soup.

The soup starts out with a ton of onions, which we slowly caramelize with the patience of turning coal into diamonds. (Trust me, worth it). Once finished, we immerse them in a rich beef broth. THEN we top it with crusty bread and cheese, which is broiled to perfection. I know, RIGHT??

The dip version takes the flavors and adds a ton more cheese, minus all the liquid, plus potato chips. I mean how can we go wrong here?

French onion dip is specifically made with beef broth flavors. If it doesn’t have the beef component, then it’s just onion dip. I have some BEEF with today’s sneaky snack makers, because there are so many store-bought ready-to-eat dips out there claiming to be French onion, that are really just plain ol’ onion dip. NOT SO, SIR! Give me my beef or give me death. Or something like that.

Onion dip is mostly sour cream with dried minced onion and a few other seasonings, almost like a super oniony ranch. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I can get down with a good onion dip as much as the next guy, but it is not the same!! No beef, no caramelized onions, and doesn’t come close to the deep, savory, almost sweet flavor of French onion dip!

close up of French onion dip showing the creaminess as well as the bits of real, caramelized onions.

French onion dip recipe ingredients

Here’s a quick overview of the ingredients you’ll need to make this dip. Nothing special, the magic happens when we caramelize! Check out the recipe card for exact amounts!

ingredients for french onion dip - cream cheese, onions, beef base, sour cream, and more.
  • yellow onions
  • butter
  • kosher salt
  • granulated sugar
  • cayenne pepper
  • Beef base
  • white wine vinegar
  • cream cheese
  • sour cream
  • garlic
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • lemon juice
  • chives, optional
  • crinkle cut potato chips

How to make French onion dip

This dip takes an hour to make, but only because caramelized onions refuse to be rushed. They are drama queens like that. Caramelizing is not hard work, it just takes a while. The toughest part is actually chopping them up!!

super thinly sliced onions on a wooden cutting board, all ready to be caramelized.

The fact that I was willing to cry my way through these onions is testament to how much I LOVE THIS DIP. One onion I can handle, but three? So many tears. I busted out the onion goggles for sure (they actually work. I use regular swim goggles! They seal to your face better than marketed “onion goggles“. The only downside is that I have raccoon eyes for an hour afterward.)

woman wearing goggles in kitchen

Onion time 😂

My other tip I learned from my mom: when the tears come, run your wrists under cold water from the tap. It works every time! Bodies are weird guys. What do your wrists have to do with your eyeballs?? Just thinking about this makes me want to go try acupuncture.

Toss all your hard-earned onions in a skillet with a couple tablespoons butter. Heat over medium for a few minutes to get them going, then turn the heat down to medium low.

top pic: onions in pan, bottom, onions starting to brown and scorch.

When the pan dries out and the onions start to stick to the pan (and even, eep, start to blacken, yikes) it’s time to add the white wine vinegar. Deglaze the pan, stirring up all the brown bits and glorying in all the flavor you are working up! Then add in some beef base. This addition of beefy flavor is what distinguishes this dip as “French onion.” Without the beef flavor, it would just be onion dip. I love the deep umami it adds!

top pic: beef base in pan with browned onions, bottom pic wooden spoon mixing them together.

And voila, 40-50 minutes later, your onions are caramelized! Don’t they look so good?? Give them a taste. MARVELOUS.

Chop them up now if you didn’t do it before caramelizing. (You can totally chop the onions into a dice before caramelizing. I’m just always crying a river at that point, so I chop after when it’s easier 🤣)

top pic: chefs knife chopping browned onions smaller, bottom pic hand mixer beating cream cheese.

Beat up your softened cream cheese and sour cream.

top pic: beaten cream cheese in glass bowl, bottom pic chopped onion and other ingredients added.

Add in the garlic, Worcestershire, and lemon juice, and of course the onions. Don’t add them hot! Let them cool a little bit so you don’t melt your cream cheese. Fold it all together.

Guys, that’s it!! Dig in! Sprinkle with some chopped fresh chives that you have snipped from the weeds in your yard 😂, or some green onions that you have chopped more finely than usual.

hand holding a crinkle cut potato chip loaded with French onion dip and chive garnish.

What do you eat with French onion dip?

Well if you’re like me, you could eat this stuff straight up with a spoon. But there are a few particular items that I particularly love that work as dippers at parties!

  • crinkle cut potato chips are BY FAR the best potato chip option, with that classic potato chip taste to complement the flavor of the dip and strong enough to scoop inappropriate amounts of it without breaking
  • I love this dip with veggies: carrots especially, but also cucumbers, bell pepper, celery, jicama, snap peas, etc.
  • try other crinkle cut chip flavors: I absolutely love this dip with Salt & Vinegar Chips. Or try different vegetable crinkle cut chips (like sweet potato, tomato, spinach, etc)
  • french fries! hello!
  • pita chips, pretzels, or any kind of cracker
  • slices of good bread like French or sourdough, or crostini (toasted baguettes). Bread would make it feel a little like Spinach Artichoke Dip, hello yum.

You can also use your dip as a condiment to elevate so many foods! Check ’em out:

a crinkle cut potato chip laden with French onion dip hovering over the bowl of dip.

How long does French onion dip last?

First, make sure it’s in an airtight container. Then store it in the refrigerator where it should last for 5-7 days. French onion dip IS PERFECT for making ahead to save you time the day of serving. I’m thinking Thanksgiving, New Years Eve, any potluck ever. It can be served chilled, so it will be ready to pull out and use right away. But don’t limit yourself if you have travel time. This dip is killer when served room temperature. (I actually prefer room temp.)

Can you freeze French onion dip?

I do not recommend it. Dairy, in particular the sour cream in this case, does not do well in the freezing and thawing process. It tends to separate and get watery or grainy. No thank youuuu. Stick to keeping this dip in the fridge for storage. If you don’t think you can eat the whole batch in 5-7 days ((or honestly, you didn’t hear it from me, but it lasts longer than this if well sealed), I recommend either making a half recipe or planning to gift some to friends or neighbors.

two crinkle cut potato chips nestled into french onion dip with snipped chive garnish.

French onion dip frequently asked questions

What is french onion dip made of?

French onion dip starts with a creamy base made up of cream cheese and sour cream. Then we’re adding perfectly golden caramelized onions and rich beef broth flavors are mixed in. That’s it! It does take some time to cook down the onions, but please ditch the onion soup mix because I promise: the knock-your-socks-off flavor is 100% worth it!!

What’s the difference between French onion dip and onion dip?

French onion soup is derived from the flavors of French onions soup. Sweet caramelized onions and savory beef broth are the backbone of the soup, and those same flavors are mixed with a smooth cream cheese and sour cream base to make a dip. The end result is deeply flavored, savory but sweet deliciousness. Onion dip, on the other hand, has no beef influence. It’s just the cheese and the onion. It’s kinda like ranch dip’s more oniony cousin, and is a lighter dip option than French onion.

what is the best chip to eat with French onion dip?

This girl enjoys a quite high dip to chip ratio, so I’m all about the crinkle cut potato chips!! Buy a high quality brand like like Kettle or Boulder Canyon, but really any kind will do ya fine. Basic potato flavor is best, so you get the salt and crunch, but nothing else to compete with the flavors of the dip. And as far as classic thin potato chips, only buy them if you enjoy a frustrating, chip-breaking dip session. They’re just too thin to hold up!

If you can’t find regular crinkle cut potato chips, stick with crinkle cut style, and choose something like a veggie chip (I know some brands have sweet potato chips, or more exotic roots like taro). The next best option is probably a good plain pita chip, or toasty baguettes!

close up showing half a bowl filled with caramelized French onion dip with chive garnish and chips.

More incredible dips and sauces you’ll love!

I’m a sucker for a good condiment. It can totally make a whole meal or even event to have just the right sauce or dipper!! Look through these recipes for your favorite dip recipes and more!

finger and thumb holding a crinkle cut potato chip loaded with French onion dip with chive garnish.

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hand pulling crinkle cut potato chip scooping up french onion dip.

French Onion Dip

Course Appetizer, Snack
Cuisine American
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Servings 10
Calories 203kcal


  • 3 large yellow onions
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon Beef base
  • 1 tablespoon water if needed
  • 8 ounces cream cheese softened
  • 1 and 1/2 cups sour cream
  • 1 small clove garlic smashed and minced
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • chives chopped, to garnish
  • 1 large bag high quality potato chips for serving


  • Set out your block of cream cheese so that it is soft when you need to beat it later.
  • Caramelize the onions: Thinly slice the 3 onions. Thin slices caramelize more evenly than big ol pieces!*
  • Set a 12-inch high sided pan over medium heat. Melt 3 tablespoons butter, then add all the onions. Sprinkle with 2 teaspoons kosher salt, 1 tablespoon sugar, and 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper. The cayenne is for flavor and not heat, if you like things a lil spicy, add 1/4 teaspoon!
  • Saute the onions over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Lower the heat to medium low, and settle in for the long haul. Onions take about 40-50 minutes to caramelize fully.
  • Eventually, after 10-15 minutes, the bottom of the pan will get dry and the onions will start sticking to the pan. At this point, deglaze the pan by adding 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar and using a wooden spoon to scrape up all the browned bits on the bottom of the pan.
  • Add 1 teaspoon beef base and stir it all together. Keep sauteing until you have reached the 40-50 minute mark. If the pan gets very dry and the onions start to blacken on the edges, add 1 tablespoon water and stir. Repeat this process as often as necessary. At the end, your onions should be a deep brown caramel color, with no white parts, and not blackened. (not too much, anyway.)
  • Remove the onions from the heat and let cool for a while. When you can handle them, scrape them onto a cutting board and chop into bite-size pieces.*
  • Make the dip: Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, add 8 ounces softened cream cheese. Beat with a hand mixer until it is smooth and creamy, and there are no lumps.
  • Add 1 and 1/2 cups sour cream, 1 small clove of minced garlic (about 1 teaspoon), 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Continue beating until it's all mixed together. Give it a taste and add salt and pepper to taste!
  • Use a rubber spatula to fold in the cooled and chopped caramelized onions. Transfer to a serving dish and sprinkle with chopped chives (or green onions are good too, thinly sliced).
  • Serve right away with potato chips! I like the crinkle cut potato chips, I feel like they are sturdier and hold up better for dipping.
  • Store the dip in a covered container in the fridge. It will keep for a couple weeks! (Ask me how I know 😂) This is a GREAT make ahead appetizer, the flavors just get better with time.


*You can chop your onions into a normal dice before cooking, if you wish. I’m always crying a thousand tears by this point and want to get them in the pan as fast as possible, so I just slice and go! We don’t want long stringy onions in our dip; I always take the step to chop up the onions after they have caramelized. But if you are not a crier, you can do the full dice before cooking, if that’s more convenient! 


Calories: 203kcal | Carbohydrates: 9g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 18g | Saturated Fat: 10g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 4g | Trans Fat: 0.1g | Cholesterol: 52mg | Sodium: 632mg | Potassium: 149mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 5g | Vitamin A: 636IU | Vitamin C: 4mg | Calcium: 70mg | Iron: 0.2mg

Pig Pickin Cake (Sunshine Cake)

Okay, hear me out folks. I know “Pig Pickin Cake” may not sound the most appealing, but I’M TELLING YOU. This cake is legit. Sometimes called a “Sunshine Cake,” it is a yellow cake with mandarin oranges baked right into it, then layered with pineapple whipped cream. It’s a classic from yesteryear and is SO…

Okay, hear me out folks. I know “Pig Pickin Cake” may not sound the most appealing, but I’M TELLING YOU. This cake is legit. Sometimes called a “Sunshine Cake,” it is a yellow cake with mandarin oranges baked right into it, then layered with pineapple whipped cream. It’s a classic from yesteryear and is SO light, bright, and tasty, you will want to bring it to every summer potluck, picnic, or BBQ this year! Also would be a great dessert for Mother’s Day.

slice of four layers of yellow mandarin cake layered with pineapple whipped cream on a plate.
Table of Contents
  1. Sunshine Cake
  2. What is Pig Pickin’ Cake?
  3. Why do they call it Pig Pickin Cake?
  4. The BEST sunshine cake
  5. Pig Pickin Cake recipe ingredients
  6. How to make pig pickin cake
  7. What to serve with pineapple sunshine cake
  8. How to store sunshine cake
  9. Can you freeze pig pickin cake?
  10. Can you make it ahead?
  11. Pig pickin cake frequently asked questions
  12. More summer desserts to try
  13. Sunshine Cake (Pig Pickin Cake) Recipe

I currently have 4 giant squares of blue painted on my bedroom wall, all slightly different shades (but mostly the same, of course.) Has anyone done this before, painted different colors on the wall to see which one you like?

Guess what, they all look blue. I have ZERO vision when it comes to interior decorating. I won’t know which one I hate the most until I’ve painted the entire room that color, and then it will be too late, and of course I won’t be invested enough to fix it. I will have the blue room that I wanted, only slightly-off, like the Upside Down in Stranger Things. People will walk in and silently judge me. “This is the color she chose for her bedroom??”

side view of sunshine cake with exposed edges to see layers and a slice missing.

That is, of course, if I ever get around to actually painting the wall. It might be my new thing, to have a white wall with 4 blue squares on it. Adding this kind of thing to my to-do list and never following through on it is definitely my m.o.

One time years and years ago, my mom was painting the hallways of the entire house. She chose a slightly different shade of off-white from the previous off-white. She ran out of paint right over the top of her bedroom door. There was a tiny strip of wall about 2-3 feet long that she didn’t have enough to cover. And she just said, heck with it. I’m out.

The two toned paint is still there to this day. It’s not that noticeable of course, you kind of have to know about it to be able to tell.

side view of all four layers each of cake and pineapple whipped cream in a slice of cake.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, guys. Mark my words, these blue squares are going to be on my wall for at least a year. I was visiting my sister in Texas a few weeks ago and noticed a little tan spot right smack in the middle of her kitchen wall. “Thinking about painting?” “Yup. I painted that 2 years ago.” 😂

Sunshine Cake

Who is ready for days and days of sunshine? I have the PERFECT springtime cake to share with you today! My sister Laura (the one with the tan spot in her kitchen, lol) has been telling me for YEARS about this cake that her mother-in-law makes regularly. She tested and tested it to make it juuust right (Laura helps me out with recipe development for the blog!) and we ate her final version together when I came out to visit for the eclipse.

top of a round, decorated pig picking cake with orange slice garnish.

I had never had this cake, and I was blown away! It’s a dangerous cake because it has to be refrigerated, and after we ate it for Easter dinner, there wasn’t enough fridge space to store it all layered and beautiful on it’s platter. We had to chop it up and store it in tupperware.

Which meant that EVERY time I passed through her kitchen I would stop at the fridge with a new fork and grab myself a lil bite. (“I think I need a little treat!” a dangerous concept indeed.) For some reason a tupperware of kinda-smashed cake is a lot easier to steal from than a gorgeous layered cake under a glass dome. No regrets, it was so good. (And sorry I ate all the cake, Laura.)

It’s a very simple recipe that is light and bright and not at all heavy. I love this cake because it almost feels like a trifle with all the layers!

What is Pig Pickin’ Cake?

Weirdest name ever, right?? Okay, forget the name and listen up: We’ve got four thin and delicate layers of buttery mandarin orange cake (whaaat?), stacked with generous pillows of fluffy pineapple whipped cream. Pineapple whipped cream, my friends!

looking straight at a piece of sunshine cake with the first bite taken.

The cake’s other name, Sunshine Cake, is a lot more descriptive. It really does feel like tropical sunshine, perfect for a swelteringly hot day where the idea of heavy hot fudge or cookie dough cupcakes just makes you feel like you need a glass of water. It is perfectly light and refreshing. The best ending to any dinner, bbq, or summer potluck.

The cake only has a few ingredients since it’s a doctored cake mix (which means minimal prep time!). But I wanted to amp up the pineapple flavor so I decided to try adding ground up freeze-dried pineapple to the whipped cream. Whaaaat yes, it is so good my friends. If you know you’re going to have trouble finding freeze dried pineapples, don’t sweat it. This cake is so good the traditional way. I just couldn’t help it, pineapple is my favorite fruit!

slice of sunshine cake showing all the layers on a ceramic plate with a metal fork.

Why do they call it Pig Pickin Cake?

Okay, now for the deets on the name. This cake is a true Southern treat and has a true Southern nickname! It goes back to earlier times when people would get together for a whole pig roast. It’s just what it sounds like! They would roast a whole hog in large underground pits for hours until perfectly cooked, and then party-goers would pick off the tender roasted meat. It’s easy to see how the gatherings became known as pig-pickin’ parties! (I’ve never been and I’d really like to be invited to one. Anyone?!)

This cake somehow became the traditional mascot dessert for pig-pickin parties. I can see why. I’m sure these parties were all going on in the heat of the summer, and this cake is the perfect dessert for a hot and sticky BBQ! I actually call it Sunshine Cake most of the time. Because I mean, just look at this edible sunshine!!

whole pig pickin' cake with a slice cur but not removed, and orange slices as garnish.

The BEST sunshine cake

There are many variations on this cake, it’s an old classic that’s been through a thousand grandma’s-recipe-boxes. But they usually follow the same format: a box of yellow cake mix combined with with mandarin oranges, with pineapple pudding whipped cream. But, being me 😅, I decided to amp up the flavors a bit to get more of that tropical vibe from the oranges and pineapple. So here are a few things we’re doing to make this version the BEST.

  • double the mandarin oranges
  • no mandarin orange syrup; most recipes add in the heavy syrup from the can but I just replaced it with MORE MANDARIN yes please.
  • real whipping cream instead of cool whip. this is a no brainer, duh.
  • freeze dried pineapple, buzzed into a powder and added to the whipped cream. IT’S SO GOOD!! Praise Jesus for this modern age of intense fruit flavors in baked goods. All hail the freeze dried fruit hack.
  • Adding dried sugared mandarin oranges to the top of the cake takes it to a WHOLE new level, more on that later!
4 layer pig pickin' cake with golden cake and topping, plus chopped dried mandarin oranges as garnish.

Pig Pickin Cake recipe ingredients

This recipe is so simple! Just a handful of ingredients to pick up, and some you may already have hanging out in your pantry or fridge. Be sure to check the recipe card for exact ingredient measurements and instructions!

wooden table with yellow cake mix, whipping cream, and other ingredients for pig pickin cake.
  • yellow cake mix
  • canned mandarin oranges
  • vegetable oil
  • eggs
  • canned, crushed pineapple
  • instant vanilla pudding mix
  • whipping cream
  • powdered sugar
  • freeze dried pineapple, totally optional
  • dried sugared mandarin oranges (optional)

How to make pig pickin cake

Layer cakes always feel a little intimidating, but I swear, this one is super duper easy (especially since we are leaving the sides exposed and you don’t have to worry about smooth frosting.) You just dump in all the ingredients:

top all cake ingredients in a metal mixing bowl, bottom, everything all mixed together.

And beat it up like so. You’re gonna feel weird doing this but I promise it works. The mandarins are so tender, they break down easily from the beaters.

pig pickin cake batter divided evenly into 4 metal 8-inch round baking pans.

Then divide the cake into four cake pans. If you don’t have four pans, just pour batter into two pans and you can split the cakes once they are baked.

While the cakes are baking (which goes so fast since they are so thin) make up the whipped topping. Start with the freeze dried pineapple, if you have it! Totally optional. I found it at Whole Foods, but you can also get it online.

left freeze dried pineapple pieces in a food processor, right the pineapple turned into a powder.

Powdered flavor, right here!! Give it a taste. So good.

Meanwhile, softly whip your cream in the bowl of a stand mixer or with a hand mixer.

left whipped cream whipped to soft peaks in metal mixing bowl, right pudding mix added to it.

Once soft peaks have formed, add in the vanilla instant pudding mix. This serves two purposes: it provides some of the classic sweet “pudding” flavor for this cake, but more importantly, the starch in the pudding mix serves as a stabilizer, meaning your whipped cream is going to stay cloud-like and dreamy, even when smashed in between layers of cake. No need to fold it with a spatula; just keep using the mixer.

And voila! Stable whipped cream! Even when you dump an entire can of crushed pineapple (with the juice!) into said whipped cream. What!! Yes really.

top pineapple added to stabilized whipped cream, bottom pineapple all mixed in.

Don’t forget to add in the freeze dried pineapple powder at this point, if you have it. It really amps up the flavor!

Once your cakes have cooled, place the first one on your serving platter or cake stand. See how delectably thin they are?? I love it.

top very thin cake layer on plate with thumb, bottom layer of pineapple whipped cream on the cake.

Add about 1/4 of the pineapple whipped cream on top and spread to the edges, but not down the sides.

top added second layer of cake, bottom layer third layer with cream added.

Keep going, adding the next cake and then the next layer of whipped cream.

And that’s it! I think this cake is pretty just as it is, but if you want you can add orange slices, mandarin orange slices, or chamomile flowers on top. (don’t eat the flowers 😂)

One ingredient that I decided to add on top last minute, were chopped up dried mandarin oranges as garnish.

package of trader joes "soft & juicy mandarins" on top of a countertop with plated cake behind it.

Have you had these from Trader Joe’s? You can get them online too. I’m obsessed. Totally unnecessary as a cake garnish, and kind of changes the lightness vibe of the cake (adds a decent amount of chew) but I really loved it.

close up of layered pig pickin cake with thinly chopped dried mandarin oranges on top.

That’s it! She’s ready for the Pig Pickin’ Party! You can serve it right away or refrigerate it and serve the cooled cake later.

What to serve with pineapple sunshine cake

Obviously this cake can definitely stand alone, for dinner, if you’re like me on a low will-power day. That said, I really do think it is SO well suited to its origins: a good and proper cookout! Here are some of my favorite summer party/BBQ recipes that would be the perfect meal to serve before this cake.

How to store sunshine cake

With all the whipped cream, this cake will absolutely need to be kept refrigerated. If you have a top for your cake plate and a ton of fridge space, you can simply cover it and put it in the refrigerator.

If you don’t, you can either cut the cake into smaller pieces and transfer them to airtight containers, or stick toothpicks all around the top of the cake and carefully cover with plastic wrap so the plastic doesn’t stick to the topping. If you transfer to tupperware, just be aware that it may squish together a bit since it is such a moist cake. This is not an apology, because all the flavors come together and it ends up tasting like an amazing trifle! Not ideal for serving at an event, but absolutely ideal for nabbing a forkful with every kitchen pass-through for days on end.

piece of 8 layer pig pickin' cake on a ceramic plate with scalloped edges.

Can you freeze pig pickin cake?

Yes, you can! Transfer slices or the whole cake on top of parchment paper on a cookie sheet and flash freeze for about 30-60 minutes depending on how big the portion is. After flash freezing, carefully wrap the cake in a few layers of plastic wrap and then heavy foil. Be sure to label it! It will be good in the freezer for a month or two. After that, the quality really starts to deteriorate and you risk freezer burn. To use, move from the freezer to the refrigerator and let thaw for several hours or overnight.

If I were trying to make this in advance for later, I would make and freeze just the cake portion. Then, thaw the cake pieces in the refrigerator and make the topping fresh, and assemble.

Can you make it ahead?

On that note, yes, you can. Make and store the cakes tightly in plastic wrap and freeze (unless it’s going to be less than 12 hours from when you are serving it; then just wrap and store on the counter.) Make the whipped cream topping start to finish, and store in the fridge. The pudding helps preserve the whipped cream so it will still be pretty fluffy when you need to use it. Assemble the cake last minute and serve!

slice of caking lying on its side on a ceramic plate, with orange slices as garnish on top.

Pig pickin cake frequently asked questions

Why do they call it pig pickin cake?

It all started a long time ago at community events where people would have “Pig Pickin’s,” parties where they would roast a whole pig and then “pick” the meat off. This cake was the cool thing to bring for these potlucks, and became so synonymous with Pig Pickin’ events that it took on the name!

What is another name for pig pickin cake?

SO MANY NAMES, GUYS! The most common ones aside from Pig Pickin’ Cake are Sunshine Cake, or Pineapple Sunshine Cake, because of bright tropical flavors. There are actually several more though, you ready? Pea Pickin’ Cake, Pig Eatin’ Cake, Pig Lickin’ Cake, Orange Pineapple Layer Cake, Summer Cake, Tropical Dream Cake, Mandarin Crush Cake, Virginia Farmer’s Wife Cake, Arnold Felcher Cake, and even Celestial Snow Cake! I want to hear more about that last one! I’m guessing each locality had their own name. The most popular name overall is definitely Pig Pickin’ Cake, which seems to come from North Carolina (where pig roasts are super popular, so that makes sense!)

side view of a tall piece of sunshine cake with 8 layers, garnished with an orange slice.

More summer desserts to try

I love all the lightness and brightness of summer desserts! Not to mention the fruit. There’s nothing like a nice, COLD treat to top off your BBQ or 4th of July party. Here are some more options you’ll love!

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slice of four layers of yellow mandarin cake layered with pineapple whipped cream on a plate.

Sunshine Cake (Pig Pickin Cake)

Okay, hear me out folks. I know "Pig-Pickin Cake" does not exactly sound appetizing, but I'M TELLING YOU. This cake is legit. Sometimes called a "Sunshine Cake," it is a yellow cake with mandarin oranges baked right into it, then layered with pineapple whipped cream. It's a classic from yesteryear and is SO light, bright, and tasty, you will want to bring it to every summer potluck, picnic, or BBQ this year! Also would be a great dessert for Mother's Day.
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Servings 16
Calories 298kcal


For the cake

  • 1 (15.25 ounce) yellow cake mix
  • 2 (11-ounce) cans mandarin oranges drained
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 4 large eggs

For the whipped cream topping

  • 3 cups heavy cream*
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 (5.1-ounce) package instant vanilla pudding mix dry powder
  • 1 (20-ounce) can crushed pineapple with juices
  • 2 (1.5 ounce) packages freeze dried pineapple blended to powder (OPTIONAL)
  • 1/2 cup dried mandarin oranges chopped, optional


  • Get yourself set up. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  • Prepare four (9-inch) round cake pans by tracing the bottom of the cake pan onto parchment paper. Cut out four circles and place in the bottom of each pan. Spray each parchment-lined pan generously with nonstick spray. (if you only have two cake pans, that's fine, prep them the same way.)
  • Make the cake batter. In a large bowl or stand mixer, add 1 box of yellow cake mix. Open 2 cans of mandarin oranges and drain them completely. Add all the canned oranges to the the cake mix in the bowl. Add 1 cup vegetable oil. Add 4 eggs. Beat all of it together with a hand mixer. I know, this feels weird with the oranges, right? Trustttt.
  • Once the batter is completely mixed (the oranges will break down into small bits), carefully spoon the batter into the prepared cake pans. If you have four cake pans, you need 1 and 1/4 cup batter in each pan. (If you are using two cake pans, split the batter evenly between the pans.)
  • Bake the cakes at 350 degrees. If you have four pans, bake them 12-15 minutes, rotating the pans in the oven about the 9 minute mark.
    If you have two pans, bake for 23-30 minutes, checking early to make sure you don't over bake.
    The cake is done when the edges are just starting to pull away from the pans. Don't over bake! A toothpick inserted in the center will come out with no wet batter on it.
  • Let the cakes cool on wire racks. About 15 minutes after they have come out of the oven, carefully flip each cake onto the wire rack. Let cool completely.**
  • Make the whipped cream topping. For best results when whipping cream, put the whisk/beaters and bowl in the freezer 5-10 minutes before whipping. Chilled tools makes the cream whip higher and faster!
    In a large bowl or stand mixer set up with the whisk attachment, add 3 cups of whipping cream.* Add 1/4 cup powdered sugar. Beat for 2-4 minutes, until soft peaks are forming.
  • Add in the entire 5.1-ounce package of pudding mix. Mix for about 30 seconds. It will start to get very thick and even look a little congealed or grainy. Don't panic.
  • Add the 20-ounce can of crushed pineapple WITH all of the juices. Fold in with a rubber spatula, until it looks light and fluffy.
  • You can stop here, but if you have the freeze dried pineapple, it really bumps up the flavor in this cake! Use a food processor or blender to blend two (1.5 ounce) packages of freeze dried pineapple until it is a fine powder. Add to the whipped cream mixture. Fold in with a rubber spatula until it is light and fluffy and fully combined.
    If you are not ready to assemble the cake now, cover and refrigerate the whipped cream.
  • Split your cakes, if necessary. If you baked the cake in two layers, split each layer horizontally with a large serrated bread knife to make 4 layers. Place your serrated knife at about the halfway down point on the side of the cake, and gently saw back and forth toward the center of the cake. Turn the cake every so often as you cut, to make sure you are cutting evenly.
  • Assemble the cake. Place the first layer of cake down on a serving plate. Top with about 1/4 of the whipped cream topping. Spread to the edges and make sure the whole top is well covered, but not the sides of the cake. Continue with each layer until you've added them all.***
  • Decorate with extra mandarin oranges, fresh pineapple, or pipe on plain whipped cream. OR top with chopped up dried mandarins, you can get them online or at Trader Joe's! Love the chew factor this adds, but it's optional.
  • Store this cake in the fridge, for sure. That whipped cream topping needs to be chilled!


*Heavy cream is sold near the milk in the dairy section. It is not coffee creamer. Sometimes it is labeled whipping cream, ultra heavy whipping cream, etc. These names differentiate fat content levels. For making whipped cream, buy the cream with the highest fat content you can! The cream I use has 36% fat content. 40% is even better. 
** If you want to speed up the process of cooling your cakes, you can toss them in the freezer for a few minutes! Wrap in plastic wrap if you can’t fit the whole cooling rack in the freezer. Just make sure they stay flat and don’t get misshapen. 
*** The crushed pineapple in this cake is so tasty, but it makes the frosting look kinda weird. It’s just not a smooth frosting like people are expecting on a layer cake, so I don’t like to frost the entire outside of the cake. The “naked cake” trend, with exposed edges, is the answer. But if you prefer, add less whipped cream to each inside layer (about 1 cup per layer) and use the remaining frosting to cover the top and sides of the cake. 


Calories: 298kcal | Carbohydrates: 3g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 31g | Saturated Fat: 13g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 9g | Monounsaturated Fat: 8g | Trans Fat: 0.1g | Cholesterol: 97mg | Sodium: 31mg | Potassium: 60mg | Fiber: 0.01g | Sugar: 3g | Vitamin A: 724IU | Vitamin C: 0.3mg | Calcium: 37mg | Iron: 0.3mg

Mexican Street Corn Dip Recipe

This corn dip recipe tastes just like an elote (Mexican street corn). It is the perfect combo of sweet corn and savory tart cheese. Plus it’s a lot easier to eat AND you get tortilla chips. Win! Originally published June 16, 2017. My cousin Lani has been making this corn dip for every family get-together…

This corn dip recipe tastes just like an elote (Mexican street corn). It is the perfect combo of sweet corn and savory tart cheese. Plus it’s a lot easier to eat AND you get tortilla chips. Win! Originally published June 16, 2017.

Mexican Street Corn Dip
Table of Contents
  1. What is street corn dip?
  2. Mexican Street Corn Dip Recipe Ingredients
  3. How to make Elote Dip
  4. What to Eat with this Street Corn Dip Recipe
  5. More dips you’ll love
  6. Some of my favorite Mexican recipes
  7. Elote Dip Recipe Recipe

My cousin Lani has been making this corn dip for every family get-together in the summer for years, and every time it disappears so fast. I make a point to eat at least 3x my share of it before even bothering to grab a hot dog from the grill (sorry family, I’m the reason you didn’t get any amazing dip…I’m in it for the win.)

Elote Corn Dip

My niece Ella requested this Mexican corn dip for her graduation party a few weeks ago. I volunteered to make it because then I knew I would be able to pin Lani down for the recipe. Lani is one of those amazing cooks who makes amazing food with seemingly no effort. I know it looks all fun and games here on the blog, but if you actually saw me working in my kitchen, I’m sweatin’. (“Wait, was is 1/4 of salt or 1/2 teaspoon??”) Lani just freestyles it and everything comes out incredible.

Mexican Corn Dip Recipe

But she’s REALLY bad at translating her “recipes” for the average lay person (me). “Lani, can I have your recipe for ___ ?” “Oh yeah, it’s so easy, you just take a little__ and a little__ and add it until it’s like ___, you know?”

Sure Lani. Thanks for NOTHING. (One of the top recipes on my site was me trying to recreate a random side dish she made for dinner one time. Obviously that one turned out okay.)

Elote Dip

I called her to get the corn dip and she started explaining how she makes it before I could find a pen. I finally found one and wrote down corn, butter, garlic, red onion, salt, pepper, paprika, mayo, cotija, cilantro. That’s all I could remember from what she said.

But she tried the dip at the party and said it’s even better than when she makes it. She’s probably just buttering me up, but I’ll take it.

Next I want to get her guacamole recipe, but I know she’ll be like Karen, just get some avocados and smash them up with lime juice and add some–and I’ll be like, BUT HOW MANY AVOCADOS LANI and she’ll be like CALM DOWN IT’S JUST GUACAMOLE. #charlatan (Update: it really is kind of embarrassingly easy, and it is my favorite guacamole ever.)

What is street corn dip?

If you’ve ever had elote, you already know you’re going to love this. If you haven’t had it, think of corn on the cob, but with classic Mexican toppings: mayo, crumbly cheese, cilantro, and chili powder. Now imagine it all chopped up in dippable form, so you can serve it with chips at a party. Are you drooling yet?? Let’s make it!

Mexican Street Corn Dip Recipe Ingredients

Here’s a quick list of what you need to make street corn dip. Scroll down to the recipe card at the bottom of the post for more details!

  • Fresh corn on the cob (10 cobs)
  • Red onion
  • Salted butter
  • Garlic
  • Paprika
  • Chili powder
  • Kosher salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Mayonnaise
  • Cotija cheese
  • Cilantro
  • Tortilla chips (for serving)

How to make Elote Dip

Prepping corn on the cob

Lani said to get more corn than you think you need, like 10 cobs for one bowl of dip. It sounds like overkill, I know. But do it. Later one when you can’t stop eating it, bite after bite, you’ll be glad you made the full recipe!

Cutting the corn off of each job

Lop off all that corn. It makes a big ol’ mess on your counter. It’s worth it to get that freshness! Don’t forget to sharpen your knife blade. It makes a big difference when you can easily and quickly shave the kernels off.

Dicing onions for the dip
Crumbled up cotija cheese

Have you ever had Cotija? It’s a dry Mexican cheese. It’s so good on salads, barbacoa, tacos, burrito bowls. It is a flavor you must have when making this elote dip. It usually comes in a round block. You can find it either in the cheese aisle or over with the deli cheese. You simply put a chunk in a bowl and use a fork to break it up.

Adding cilantro to the Mexican Corn Dip

Finally, you add the cilantro and mix it all together. If you’re a cilantro hater you can leave it out. But do try to convert yourself, hater. You’re missing out. Plus it adds a nice color pop.

What to Eat with this Street Corn Dip Recipe

I love serving this dip at BBQs, potlucks, when my family and friends come over, or anytime that I need to impress someone with food. It’s simple to make but so delicious. I am also fine with grabbing the tortilla chips out of the cupboard and making this my lunch.

This would be the perfect summer appetizer to bring to your 4th of July parties coming up!

If you make this recipe, share it on Instagram using the hashtag #TheFoodCharlatan so I can see it! I love that.

More dips you’ll love

Snowy Chili Cheese Dip << To die for!

Sausage Cream Cheese Dip Recipe (Slow Cooker) << this one is perfect for a fall game day

Carol’s Legendary 7 Layer Dip << I don’t know anyone who can resist this stuff (me included)!

Pimiento Cheese Dip << if you don’t know this southern classic, it’s time to try it!

Fresh Bruschetta Lentil Dip << Sounds weird, but it’ a favorite of mine!

Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Dip << always a crowd pleaser!

Whipped Ricotta Dip from Ahead of Thyme

Chaat Dip (Indian Party Dip) from Yellow Thyme

Some of my favorite Mexican recipes

Chicken Fajitas << you guys have been loving these lately!

How to Make Carne Asada << watch out because once you make this at home, the stuff you get at restaurants will pale in comparison

Better than Chipotle Cilantro Lime Rice << gorgeous green color and tons of flavor

The Best Chicken Tacos << make these in the crockpot or on the stovetop

Traditional Tejano Carne Guisada (Braised Beef for Tacos) << I love how saucy this is

Cilantro-Lime Cucumber Salad << so refreshing with any Mexican meal

The Best Tres Leches Cake << literally the best end to ANY taco, enchilada, or burrito dinner

Nopales (Cactus Sauteed with Onion) from Adan Medrano

Sopes de Pollo from Beyond Mere Sustenance

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Mexican Street Corn Dip (Elote) from The Food Charlatan

Elote Dip Recipe

This corn dip recipe is just like an elote (Mexican street corn). It is the perfect combo of sweet corn and savory tart cheese. Plus it's a lot easier to eat AND you get tortilla chips. Win!
Course Side Dish
Cuisine Mexican
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 8
Calories 313kcal


  • 10 cobs corn fresh
  • 1/4 red onion
  • 1/2 cup salted butter (1 stick)
  • 2 cloves garlic smashed and minced
  • 3/4 teaspoon paprika
  • 3/4 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 & 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • cracked black pepper to taste
  • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 5-6 ounces Cotija cheese
  • 2-3 tablespoons cilantro chopped
  • tortilla chips for serving


  • Husk the corn and use a sharp knife to chop the corn off of the cob. Chop up 1/4 of a red onion.
  • Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add the butter and let it melt. Add the corn and onion.
  • Let the corn and onion cook for about 8-10 minutes, until the corn is starting to brown and stick to the pan.
  • Add the garlic, paprika, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Cook for 1 minute, then remove from heat.
  • Let the mixture cool slightly.
  • Chop the cilantro. Put the cheese in a bowl and use a spoon or fork to crumble it.
  • Add mayonnaise, Cotija, and cilantro and stir to combine.
  • You can serve this dip warm, room temperature, or cold, though I love it best when it is slightly warm.


Serving: 1g | Calories: 313kcal | Carbohydrates: 29g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 21g | Saturated Fat: 11g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 4g | Monounsaturated Fat: 5g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 48mg | Sodium: 773mg | Potassium: 318mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 7g | Vitamin A: 926IU | Vitamin C: 8mg | Calcium: 99mg | Iron: 1mg

Carol’s Legendary 7 Layer Bean Dip

Nobody says no to 7 Layer Dip, right? I mean how could you?? Spicy bean dip on the bottom, sour cream, guacamole, tomatoes and cheese, you just can’t beat it. I have a few tips to take your 7 layer dip to the next level, read on! Originally posted September 11, 2018. Have you ever…

Nobody says no to 7 Layer Dip, right? I mean how could you?? Spicy bean dip on the bottom, sour cream, guacamole, tomatoes and cheese, you just can’t beat it. I have a few tips to take your 7 layer dip to the next level, read on! Originally posted September 11, 2018.

7 layer dip in a glass baking pan.
Table of Contents
  1. Best 7 Layer Dip!
  2. Best 7 Layer Bean Dip Ingredients
  3. How to make 7 Layer Dip
  4. 7 Layer Bean Dip Recipe Variations
  5. Seven Layer Bean Dip Storage
  6. More game day recipes you will love!
  7. Best 7 Layer Dip Recipe

Have you ever heard of Scott’s Cheap Flights? Nothing will make you think you are rich enough to travel internationally than subscribing to this dude’s emails. He makes a business out of searching for cheap flights (sometimes mistakes that the airlines have made) and emailing you the deals.

7 layer bean dip shot from the side.

$364 for tickets to Bali? 500 to Beijing? $165 to Peru?? By the time you get to the bottom of his emails he’s convinced you that you would be spending more money by staying at home.

So when Eric texted me a few weeks ago and said, “Hey do you want to go to Paris for your birthday?” I smiled and ignored it. It’s fun to dream sometimes, right?

Then he called my mom to see if she could come babysit the kids at our house. And then he bought them that day. What?? Happy birthday to me!? We leave on Thursday.

7 layer bean dip on a chip.

We have 3 little kids at home and do not take vacations that often, so this is totally unlike us. Plus I’m super weird about traveling, it kind of stresses me out.

I actually think I will like this trip even more than what we’ve done in the past because we’re not doing any traveling besides getting there and back. When you go to Europe it’s tempting to try to squeeze in as much as you can, because there is so much to see! But we are not leaving Paris. And I’m SO okay with that.

Scooping up 7 layer bean dip.

Eric is being super nice and planning the whole thing. (Planning vacations also stresses me out. Again, I’m a weirdo.) But Eric knows who I am and I noticed that our itinerary has SEVERAL bakeries planned every single day. Oh Eric, I love you. We are also taking a croissant making class. Gah I’m so excited!!!

He is getting ready for a marathon right now, and his training schedule says that he needs to do a 14 mile run while we’re there. If I were training for a marathon (as if) I’m pretty sure I would skip it, but Eric is dedicated. I’m planning on sitting in a French cafe sipping hot chocolate while he does that…

7 layer dip recipe in casserole dish.

Best 7 Layer Dip!

Now to introduce you to today’s recipe, which is about as un-French as you can get, and I’m A-OK with that. Who needs escargot when you could be eating chips and dip nonstop? (NO escargot will be passing my lips, thankyouverymuch. Yes I’m a total wuss.)

This recipe is legendary in Eric’s family. Carol is a family friend and we’ve been making her 7 Layer Dip for years. (We lovingly call it “Carol’s Bean Dip”) 7 Layer Dip is hugely popular and I’m sure you’ve had it, but there are a few special touches that Carol’s recipe has that makes it WAY BETTER than what you’re used to.

Best 7 Layer Bean Dip Ingredients

Here’s a quick list of all the ingredients you’ll need for this dip. For a detailed list, scroll down to the recipe card at the bottom of the post!

  • Green onions
  • Shredded cheddar cheese
  • Sliced black olives
  • Chopped cilantro, add to taste (optional)
  • Sliced limes (to garnish, optional)

How to make 7 Layer Dip

The first rule is to use Frito’s Bean Dip. This stuff is perfectly spiced and so delicious all on it’s own. It makes for a much tastier base than regular ol’ refried beans. My brother had some recently and asked, what’s in this dip?? I’m telling you, people will notice.

Frito bean dip and tortilla chips.

I’m showing you this package of Juanita’s because they are LITERALLY the best tortilla chips you will ever put in your mouth, and if you ever see this brand in the store, buy them out and tell the managers that they need to keep stocking it. I used to have to go to Winco across town to get them, but I just saw them at my regular store around the corner. I think I freaked out all the check out people in by gushing about how life changing these chips are. But I’M TELLING YOU.

layered bean dip with sour cream.

The second rule for the best 7 Layer Bean Dip of your life is to add mayonnaise to the sour cream layer. Sour cream is good all on it’s own, but add the mayonnaise once and you will never go back. Also we are adding taco seasoning to this layer. You can use as much as you want, Carol’s recipe says one package, but I’m pretty sure I added way more than that (I buy bulk taco seasoning). Buy two packets just in case! (update 2023! I finally nailed a homemade taco seasoning recipe that I love. Use 1/4 cup!)

seven layer dip with guacamole.

Then you need to add a layer of guacamole. Normally I’m a believer in homemade guacamole, but since there’s so much going on in these layers, you can get away with store bought guac, no problem.

onions and tomatoes layered on top of bean dip.

And that’s it, the rest is just toppings. Tomatoes (I actually had some pico de gallo on hand, so I used that. You could also sub regular salsa but I prefer fresh tomatoes), onions (any kind you like), cheese, olives, chopped green chiles.

shredded cheese and black olives on top of dip.

This 7 layer bean dip recipe could not be any easier. It only takes a few minutes to put together and everyone will love you. It’s the perfect snack for game day!

7 Layer Bean Dip Recipe Variations

I love this bean dip, it’s so classic. Change it up and make it the way you like it (and share what you did in the comments section, I love hearing from you!). 

  • Add a can of chopped green chilies right before the cheese for extra heat.
  • Top with sliced jalapenos (fresh or pickled) if you like it hot. 
  • Use pepper jack cheese instead of cheddar for even more spicy goodness.
  • Make individual dip servings in clear plastic cups. This is a LOT more work but it’s also super cute and maybe worth it if you’re a Pinterest level partier (I am NOT, all about the communal dipping experience over here).
  • Double it and make it in a 13×9 inch pan to serve a bunch of people.

You can easily double the recipe and put it in a 9×13 inch pan, if you’re serving a crowd. Or if you’re serving it for lunch to your kids, like I did…mom of the year right here. Hey there are LOTS of vegetables in this dip, right??

Seven Layer Bean Dip Storage

How long does 7 layer dip last in the fridge?

7 layer dip lasts for 3-4 days in the fridge. You’re better off storing it tightly covered to keep it fresh as long as possible. I know it’s tempting to wander by the fridge with a chip every time you pass to grab another bite, but just make sure to snap the lid back on well.

Can you freeze 7 layer dip?

Nope. Don’t do it. Pico de gallo and guac are NOT meant to be frozen. Invite all your friends over to finish it off while you watch Veronica Mars together.

Can you make 7 layer dip the night before?

Yes, definitely, you just won’t add all the ingredients quite yet. Layer the bean dip, sour cream mixture, and guacamole in the pan. Squeeze lime juice on top so your avocados don’t brown. You can cover that and store it in the fridge for up to 24 hours, then add the other veggies and toppings last minute.

7 layer dip with black olives

More game day recipes you will love!

Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Dip << One special ingredient makes these sizzling hot!

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeño Poppers << A classic made with three cheeses

5 Minute Restaurant Style Salsa << so much better than the store bought stuff!

Bacon Blue Cheese Dip << One of the best combos – plus works great with both crackers and fruit

Easy Rotisserie Chicken Nachos << game day food, OR a 30 minute meal that will make your kids love you.

Copycat Chili’s Queso Dip (Slow Cooker) << Everyone loves queso!!

Mexican Street Corn Dip (Elote) << I LOVE THIS DIP. Seriously it’s so good.

Blue Cheese Dip for Wings from Fifteen Spatulas

Hot Caprese Dip Recipe from Rachel Cooks

Kentucky Hot Brown Dip from Cupcakes and Kale Chips

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Best 7 Layer Dip

Nobody says no to 7 Layer Dip, right? I mean how could you?? Spicy bean dip on the bottom, sour cream, guacamole, tomatoes and cheese, you just can’t beat it. I have a few tips to take your 7 layer dip to the next level!
Course Appetizer, Snack
Cuisine American
Prep Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 12
Calories 219kcal


  • 2 9-ounce cans Frito brand bean dip
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup homemade taco seasoning or 1 taco packet
  • 1 cup guacamole
  • 4-5 roma tomatoes chopped**
  • 1/2 cup green onions chopped***
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 2.25 ounce can sliced black olives, drained
  • chopped cilantro add to taste (optional)
  • sliced limes to garnish, optional


  • Use a square 8×8 or 9×9 inch pan (preferably a glass pan because it’s prettier. Don’t use a trifle bowl or something deep, because then people won’t be able to dip down deep enough to get all the layers, and that’s just tragic).
  • Add the 2 cans of bean dip straight into the pan. Stir it together so it’s smooth, then spread on the bottom.
  • In a medium bowl, stir together sour cream, mayonnaise, and 1/4 cup homemade taco seasoning (or 1 packet taco seasoning). How much taco seasoning you want to add is completely up to you, give it a taste and add more if you like!
  • Layer the sour cream mixture over the bean dip. 
  • Add the guacamole and spread over the top.
  • Chop a few tomatoes and sprinkle those on next. You can add as many as you like. 
  • Chop the green onions and sprinkle them on top. You can use either the white part of the onion or the green part; green will be milder.
  • Sprinkle the shredded cheese on top.
  • Sprinkle with the black olives.
  • Garnish the top with additional tomatoes, pico de gallo, and cilantro. Another optional layer you could add would be a small can of chopped green chiles (drained). (I would add those before the cheese layer.)
  • Serve with tortilla chips and limes to squeeze over individual servings. Store covered in the fridge.
  • If you want to make this ahead of time, layer the bean dip, sour cream mixture, and guacamole in the pan. Squeeze lime juice on top so your avocados don’t brown. You can cover that and store it in the fridge for up to 24 hours, then add the veggies and toppings last minute. 


**You could also add pre-made pico de gallo from the store, which is what I did here in the photos. (because I thought I had more tomatoes than I did, oops!) 
***A regular white or yellow onion would taste good too.
This recipe is from Carol Struckman. Thanks Carol!


Calories: 219kcal | Carbohydrates: 10g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 18g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 5g | Monounsaturated Fat: 6g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 24mg | Sodium: 699mg | Potassium: 204mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 3g | Vitamin A: 816IU | Vitamin C: 7mg | Calcium: 114mg | Iron: 1mg

Easy BLT Pasta Salad

This 30-minute no-brainer side dish is perfect to throw together right before the potluck! Bacon, lettuce, and tomato have never been so right together. Add some grilled or rotisserie chicken to make it a quick dinner.  Originally published July 30, 2015. I’ve never claimed to be the most attentive driver, but lately it’s getting out of hand. My…

This 30-minute no-brainer side dish is perfect to throw together right before the potluck! Bacon, lettuce, and tomato have never been so right together. Add some grilled or rotisserie chicken to make it a quick dinner.  Originally published July 30, 2015.

close up shot of BLT pasta salad.
Table of Contents
  1. This BLT Pasta Salad is perfect for a potluck!
  2. BLT Pasta Salad Recipe ingredients
  3. How to make a BLT Pasta Salad with Mayo
  4. More great pasta salads you’ll enjoy!
  5. Easy BLT Pasta Salad Recipe

I’ve never claimed to be the most attentive driver, but lately it’s getting out of hand. My GPS will tell me to turn left, and it’s only after I start to go that I realize that it’s a RED LIGHT. This has happened more than once. Don’t worry, I haven’t nailed any little old ladies crossing the street…yet.

Have you seen that Office episode where the GPS tells Michael Scott to turn and he drives into the lake? This is me. Can I get an applause for being personally responsible for the death of common sense? Well, me and Michael. A fictional character.

BLT pasta salad shot from up close.

I’ve mentioned that our tomatoes are going crazy lately. Eric and I picked over 20 yesterday. (Anyone have a good recipe for spaghetti sauce from fresh tomatoes??) I wanted to make something BLT-inspired because tomatoes + bacon = you win. Throw in some mayonnaise and you’re really gettin goin.

Anytime I think of BLTs I think of this line from Miracle Max in The Princess Bride (probably my favorite movie of all time), “Sonny, true love is the greatest thing in the world. Except for a nice MLT, a mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe. [smacks lips] They’re so perky. I love that.” Perky?? I love YOU, Miracle Max.

BLT pasta salad.

This BLT Pasta Salad is perfect for a potluck!

This is a big crowd-pleasing bowl of potluck goodness. Ever been to a potluck and the pasta salads are kinda questionable? Like, you’re thinking to yourself “I don’t know what those weird vegetables are but I’m pretty sure they shouldn’t be in there?” Ok perfect, this is the salad for you. Bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo are the stars, just like in a good ol’ BLT

We took this to a potluck and every speck got polished off. If you want people devouring your pasta salad and asking you for the recipe, this is the one for you.  Also, it only takes 30 minutes to make, so even if you’re rushing, you can still avoid showing up empty-handed.

BLT Pasta Salad Recipe ingredients

Here’s a quick list of everything you’ll need to make this pasta salad. Scroll down to the recipe card at the bottom of the post for more! 

  • rotini pasta
  • mayonnaise
  • sour cream
  • BBQ sauce
  • garlic (minced)
  • vinegar
  • Kosher salt
  • black pepper
  • cayenne pepper
  • green onions
  • tomatoes
  • iceberg lettuce
  • thick-cut bacon

How to make a BLT Pasta Salad with Mayo

Boil your water and add salt. Some people say that pasta water should be “as salty as the sea.” I have two questions. 1) Are you drinking boiling water?? 2) Are you tasting the ocean??? Just add a tablespoon for a big pot of water, the amount you’d cook a pound of pasta in.

Only cook the noodles until they’re al dente. That means they should have a little bite to them. Use the lowest recommended cooking time on the package, then remove a noodle with a slotted spoon or tongs, let it cool, and test it (by test it I mean eat it). 

cooling cooked macaroni with ice cubes.

I made this salad for a church potluck, and of course I started making it later than I should have. It wasn’t going to be cold in time. As I was rinsing the pasta I thought, hm, ice cubes?

YES. I put some in the colander with the noodles and they cooled off within just a few minutes. Does everyone else already know this trick?? It’s so obvious, but I’ve never even thought of it before. Hooray for cold pasta salads! And not room temperature ones, please. (Ignore the fact that this is macaroni, I shot this on round 2 of this recipe. Rotini is better, trust me.)

cooked, chopped bacon.
Baconnnnnn. I’m actually feeling pretty good about that fact that this is not mutton.

Keep the bacon separate and add it to individual servings (or the whole salad, if you’re heading to an event) just before serving. That’ll keep it nice and crispy.

a bowl of BLT pasta salad.

I love the tang of the BBQ sauce in the dressing. It’s not overwhelming and doesn’t really taste like BBQ. Eric and I made this 2 days in a row because there wasn’t any leftover after the potluck, and we needed more BLT in our lives. It’s just the perfect summer food! Throw on some grilled or rotisserie chicken to make a meal out of it. (Or more bacon…)

a bowl of BLT pasta salad.

More great pasta salads you’ll enjoy!

Lemon Tarragon Pasta Salad >> one of my favorite salads ever!

The Best Macaroni Pasta Salad >> trust me guys, I made a million batches, it’s PERFECT

Italian Tortellini and Pepperoni Pasta Salad >> amazing flavor, so easy to make

Avocado Pasta Salad from Spend with Pennies

Greek Pasta Salad from Just a Taste

Creamy Cheddar Pasta Salad from Center Cut Cook

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Easy BLT Pasta Salad from The Food Charlatan

Easy BLT Pasta Salad

This 30-minute no-brainer side dish is perfect to throw together right before the potluck! Bacon, lettuce, and tomato have never been so right together. Add some grilled or rotisserie chicken to make it a quick dinner.  
Course Side Dish
Cuisine American
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Servings 8 Servings
Calories 560kcal


  • 16 ounces rotini pasta
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 2-3 tablespoons BBQ sauce or to taste
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt or more to taste
  • black pepper to taste
  • dash cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 bunch green onions sliced (to taste)
  • 2-4 tomatoes chopped, (depending on how much you like tomatoes)
  • 1/2 head ice berg lettuce chopped, or more to taste*
  • 1 pound thick-cut bacon cooked and crumbled/chopped


  • In a 3 quart pot, boil a couple quarts of water. Add a tablespoon of salt. When it boils, add the pasta and stir occasionally until it is al dente. (Don’t over cook!) Check the packaging for times.
  • Drain the noodles in a colander and rinse with cold water. If you are in a big rush, add some ice cubes to the noodles and stir every now and then. If your dressing is not ready, drizzle with olive oil to keep the noodles from sticking to each other.
  • In a large bowl, combine mayonnaise, sour cream, BBQ sauce, garlic, vinegar, salt, pepper, and cayenne. Stir well.
  • Add the cooled pasta, the green onions, tomatoes, add lettuce. Stir in the bacon just before serving. Keep refrigerated.


*Make sure you chop up the crunchy inside part…I peeled off the first couple layers of leafy green on the outside. You know, the healthiest part…
I highly recommend baking your bacon! So much easier.


Serving: 1bowl | Calories: 560kcal | Carbohydrates: 50g | Protein: 16g | Fat: 33g | Saturated Fat: 10g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 8g | Monounsaturated Fat: 12g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 49mg | Sodium: 794mg | Potassium: 404mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 6g | Vitamin A: 580IU | Vitamin C: 6mg | Calcium: 45mg | Iron: 1mg

My Favorite Green Goddess Salad

Listen, I have a rough history with salad in general. I’m a meat-and-potatoes-girl at heart. But this Green Goddess Salad makes my heart sing in a way I didn’t even know was possible! It’s packed with fresh herbs, crunchy greens, and an unbelievably creamy (and vividly green) dressing. It’s especially transcendent when you add crushed…

Listen, I have a rough history with salad in general. I’m a meat-and-potatoes-girl at heart. But this Green Goddess Salad makes my heart sing in a way I didn’t even know was possible! It’s packed with fresh herbs, crunchy greens, and an unbelievably creamy (and vividly green) dressing. It’s especially transcendent when you add crushed salt and vinegar chips on top (I mean, hello? I think I would like every salad better this way??)

plate full of green goddess salad topped with chips, avocado, and extra dressing.
Table of Contents
  1. What is green goddess dressing?
  2. TL;DR
  3. Green goddess salad recipe ingredients
  4. How to make green goddess salad
  5. How to store green goddess dressing
  6. Can you freeze green goddess dressing?
  7. Frequently asked questions about green goddess dressing
  8. More salad recipes you’ll love
  9. Green Goddess Salad Recipe

Yesterday we were all frantically searching the house for Truman’s lost homework. It wasn’t just one assignment, it was an entire week’s worth, because we pulled the kids out to travel for the eclipse (more on that in a minute!)

We tore the house apart and couldn’t think where else to look. Then Charlotte said, “Wait, have you looked in Edison’s closet? He’s always hiding stuff in there.” Eric runs off to look, and Truman hollers, “Oh yeah, and check under the bed too, that’s where Edison has been hiding the Triscuits lately.”

Lately? Lately?? I’m sorry, what now?? I know Edison (who is 4) has a snacking problem, but I didn’t know the other kids were silently complicit. Darn them!!

chopped salad with green goddess dressing on a ceramic plate.

We did end up finding the homework, by the way, thank goodness. We had told the elementary office that we were looking everywhere for it (it was late) and when I finally brought it into the office, the receptionist actually stood and gave me a hug. Probably because she could see I had devolved into a crazy eyed freak by that point. (No one tells you this is how motherhood ages you. It’s not the wrinkles; it’s the spiraling pupils.)

people laying down on gravel watching the sky, close up of a camera with a picture of a total eclipse.
total solar eclipse

But no regrets! The eclipse experience was AMAZING! (Can you see the solar flare on the bottom right? My dad took this amazing photo!) We’ve been planning a family reunion around this eclipse for several years, since my sister lives in Dallas and in the path of totality. It was cloudy all morning, but cleared up just in time for all 27 of us to see it! It was truly once-in-a-lifetime-level cool.

If you are on my email list, you received my post with eclipse-worthy snacks last week. Because I can find a reason to snack at literally ANY event. (I guess this is where Edison gets it??) Sign up here to get recipe ideas in your inbox! (Thank you to reader Virginia, who emailed me requesting eclipse snack ideas!)

salad with cabbage, spinach, cucumber, green onion, avocado, and feta on a ceramic plate.

Okay folks, it’s Goddess time! (← who remembers this song? aahhh high school haha.) Have you seen the Green Goddess salad that’s viral on Tiktok? Yeah, me neither. I asked my friend if she lets her teens on Tiktok and she said, when it first came out, I signed up to see what it was all about. I had so much hot garbage funneled into my brain so fast, I couldn’t imagine letting my kids on it. Haha! No shade on all you Tiktokers out there. The good news is, we can have an incredible Green goddess salad even without a buxom influencer telling us to!

What is green goddess dressing?

I mean, we know it’s green…but what is it? Green goddess is a creamy dressing made with mayo, fresh herbs, and lemon juice. You can really take it anywhere you want from those basic guidelines. There is a ton of variety in the recipes I found. I tried several ingredient combos, and I’m soooo happy with the one I landed on!! I could pour this stuff on anything.

overhead shot of green goddess dressing swirled in a mason jar.

I’m a sucker for fresh herbs. This dressing has parsley, green onions, basil, dill, and cilantro. Pile it all in!! I promise it’s not overwhelming. Herbs bring all the flavor, but we also need plenty of fat in this dressing to make it nice and creamy since herbs are so watery. We’re drizzling this dressing over basically calorie-free greens, so I promise, it’s a good idea to have some fat in our dressing. 

parsley, basil, cilantro, and dill lined up on a wooden cutting board to be chopped.

So we are adding mayo, greek yogurt, and half an avocado. Skip the avocado if you must, but I’m telling you, those lil green monsters are champs at bringing in the creamy fattiness. And hello, they are totally on the color theme! It was too perfect, I couldn’t pass it up.

Like I said, this dressing is really adaptable, so don’t stress about getting every single ingredient, especially if you don’t love one of them, like cilantro. Just leave it out. Swap the lemon for lime. Out of basil? Add in more parsley. Use soaked nuts like cashews or walnuts in place of yogurt for dairy free dressing. Just follow your little heart!

We are adding a teaspoon of fish sauce for some amazing umami flavor and saltiness. Do you have this ingredient in your fridge? You should. I put it in so many things, it’s not a fishy flavor when you use it sparingly (which I always do). Technically you can leave it out, but I do highly recommend it! Use it to make last week’s recipe, Korean Beef. Or this Pork Ramen. Or this Banh Mi Sandwich! Yum.

finely chopped cabbage, spinach, cucumber, and green onion on a ceramic plate.

Once we’ve got our dressing ingredients all put together, sky is the limit on what you want to put it on. I love it with some simple cabbage (chopped up really small!) spinach, cucumbers, avocado and green onion. But that’s just one idea, you could put it on romaine lettuce butter lettuce, baby kale, arugula – really, any green veggies in any combination that you want. Some recipes call for broccoli or green bell pepper (nawwww…but you do you😂)

Although it really doesn’t matter what greens you choose once you find out about this next ingredient. It’s the kicker, the thing that transforms this salad from a bowl of vegetables into a sexy side dish: SALT AND VINEGAR CHIPSSSSSS!!! Y’all. I cannot get enough of this. Why am I not adding salt and vinegar chips to every salad of my life? #goals

plate of green goddess salad topped with avocado and feta cheese.


Here’s the bullet list, all the reasons I love this green goddess salad more than life itself right now:

  • it’s got a dressing with creamy smooth ingredients and plenty of lemon and herbs for flavor
  • fish sauce for umami (a hack for not having to add anchovies, a traditional ingredient in many dressings)
  • greens that are chopped itty bitty tiny, so you get all the goodness of the salad in each and every bite. this is huge for me.
  • feta cheese, what’s a salad without a lil cheese? It’s tangy and perfect.
  • and then, say it with me now….SALT AND VINEGARRRR yes please.

That’s it guys. I ate this salad every day for lunch for a week because I was so obsessed. If you want to make it dinner, throw in some rotisserie chicken breast or your protein of choice, salmon would be great! Now let’s make it!

Green goddess salad recipe ingredients

Here’s a quick list of what you need for the homemade dressing and the salad. Just look at this pile of GREEN. Don’t you feel like a champ already??

ingredients for green goddess like herbs, mayo, yogurt, fish sauce, and more.
  • plain whole milk Greek yogurt
  • mayo (get the good stuff!)
  • fresh parsley
  • green onions
  • fresh basil
  • fresh dill
  • cilantro (skip it if you hate it)
  • lemons
  • cucumbers
  • garlic
  • green cabbage
  • baby spinach
  • fish sauce
  • avocado
  • feta cheese
  • salt and vinegar kettle chips (optional but I mean, not really?? so good!!)

How to make green goddess salad

Bust out your blender, he’s the real MVP today.

blender with several green goddess ingredients layered inside.

Start by adding all the liquid-y ingredients at the bottom, this will make it easier on the motor. Greek yogurt, mayo, lemon juice, fish sauce, etc.

looking into the inside of a blender filled with yogurt, green onion, avocado, and more.

Then add all the herbs on top. You don’t need to chop them first! Just throw them in. Here’s how I slice cilantro away from the stems. Repeat for all the herbs.

top chefs knife chopping cilantro off bottoms, bottom chopping entire bunch.

Blend away until you have this vibrant deliciousness in front of you.

looking down at blended green goddess dressing in a glass mason jar.

Doesn’t it look like Hulk potion or something? Like, maybe if you drank this whole thing, suddenly you might be able to lift a car or something?? Green Goblin was onto something.

Set the dressing aside and get chopping. For today’s salad, we are using cabbage, spinach, cucumbers, avocado (the other half of the one you used in the dressing!) and green onions.

chopped green onion, cucumber, spinach, cabbage, and avocado lined up on a plate.

And when I say chopped, I mean chopped. Even the spinach. Small bites are what make this salad so amazing. All the flavors can fit compactly right on your fork when you do a decent job chopping. I swear, I would love salad in general so much more if they were all chopped to this level.

And that’s it my friends! Do NOT skip the salt and vinegar chips and the feta cheese!

How to store green goddess dressing

Green goddess salad dressing can be stored for up to a week in the fridge. Because we are using avocado it will start to discolor a little bit after day one, but it’s still tasty I promise. After a week, the fresh herbs aren’t going to keep very well. Use it or freeze it before then.

Can you freeze green goddess dressing?

Yes, you totally can! Make sure it’s labeled and in an airtight container or ziplock bag. Defrost it overnight in the fridge and then give it a quick whir in your blender or food processor to fully combine, just in case any separation occurred in the freezer.

fork digging into green goddess salad with avocado and feta cheese on top.

Frequently asked questions about green goddess dressing

what does green goddess sauce taste like?

Fresh herbs, lemon, creamy yogurt, and a little garlic, yowz! It’s very fresh tasting, but also feels decadent because we’re using full-fat Greek yogurt and mayonnaise. PLUS an avocado for all the perfectly green fattiness that gorgeous veggie can offer. (veggie? fruit? Feels like a veggie, but I just checked, it’s a fruit. weird.)

Is green goddess dressing healthy?

Hey, I say anything that helps you to eat more vegetables is healthy! Who’s with me? This dressing is packed with fresh herbs and actually has some decent protein (for a dressing) from the greek yogurt. The creaminess comes from the yogurt, mayo, and avocado, so while it does have fat, I say it’s a healthier option than your average creamy dressing. As with all condiments, it’s all about how much you use!

why is it called green goddess salad?

In the 1920s, a California hotel chef dedicated a salad to an actor, who was in a play called The Green Goddess. The play and the salad were both extremely successful, but today most people only know the salad. (When I actually sit and think about the name of this salad, all I can picture is the Green Giant veggie brand dude, with the leafy Adam-and-Eve-outfit, and the Peter Pan shoes. You know that guy??)

Where to buy green goddess salad dressing?

You can find bottled commercial versions of green goddess dressing in just about any grocery store! I personally haven’t found one that can beat the flavor of fresh made dressing though. You should definitely give this recipe a try (it’s SO easy!!)

close up of green goddess salad on a plate and topped with dressing and salt & vinegar chips.

More salad recipes you’ll love

chopped salad topped with green goddess dressing on a plate with avocado and chips.

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plate full of green goddess salad topped with chips, avocado, and extra dressing.

Green Goddess Salad

Listen, I have a rough history with salad in general. I'm a meat-and-potatoes-girl at heart. But this Green Goddess Salad makes my heart sing in a way I didn't even know was possible! It's packed with fresh herbs, crunchy greens, and an unbelievably creamy (and vividly green) dressing. It's especially transcendent when you add crushed salt and vinegar chips on top (I mean, hello? I think I would like every salad better this way??)
Course Salad
Cuisine American
Prep Time 30 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 6 people
Calories 428kcal


For the dressing:

  • 1/3 cup whole milk plain Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise high quality, like Best Foods
  • 1 and 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice freshly squeezed
  • 1 teaspoon fish sauce
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt use less if using table salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 medium avocado save the rest to garnish
  • 1/4 cup green onions roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh parsley packed
  • 1/3 cup fresh basil packed
  • 1/4 cup fresh dill packed
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro packed

For the salad:

  • 1/2 head green cabbage finely chopped
  • 6 ounces fresh baby spinach chopped small
  • 1 large English cucumber sliced and then quartered
  • 1/4 cup green onions chopped small
  • 1 and 1/2 medium avocados sliced

Optional toppings

  • 1/2 cup feta cheese crumbled
  • 1 and 1/2 cups salt and vinegar kettle chips crunched
  • crushed red pepper


  • In a blender or food processor, add 1/3 cup plain yogurt, 1/2 cup mayo, 1 and 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon fish sauce, 1 clove of garlic, 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, and 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Cut an avocado in half and scoop half of it into the blender. (Save the rest)
  • Add about 1/4 up green onions. (I use not-quite-all of the green parts from a bunch.) You only need to bother chopping them into 2-inch pieces.
  • Add 1/2 cup fresh parsley. Use a chef's knife to cut the leaves of the parsley away from the stems, dragging your knife along the length of the stem. See photo. You don't need to chop the parsley, just shove it into a 1/2 cup measurement, and when you have enough, toss it in the blender.
  • Do the same for about 1/3 cup basil. Cut the leaves away from the stems. Remove any very large stems but don't stress yourself out if a few get tossed in. Don't chop, just shove it into the measuring cup until it's full and then add it to the blender.
  • Repeat the process of cutting the dill leaves away from the stems, and packing into a 1/4 cup measuring cup. Add to the blender.
  • Repeat the process of cutting the cilantro leaves away from the stems, and packing into a 1/4 cup measuring cup. Add to the blender.
  • Blend the dressing ingredients together until smooth and creamy, scraping down the sides as necessary. Taste it and adjust seasonings as necessary; you might want to add more lemon juice or salt or pepper.
  • Finely chop the green cabbage. Annoyingly small. I promise, small bites make for the best salad! Add to a serving bowl.
  • Chop about 6 ounces of spinach into very small pieces, first one way, then turn and chop the other way. Add to the bowl.
  • Slice the cucumber in half lengthwise, then in half again. Chop the cucumber into slices. Add to the bowl.
  • Chop about 1/4 cup of green onions from the same bunch.
  • Family Style serving: Add dressing, as much as you like, and toss the salad. Top the tossed salad with the remaining avocado, sliced (plus another one if your crowd loves avocado). Top with 1/2 cup feta cheese, and 1 and 1/2 cups crushed salt and vinegar chips. Sprinkle with crushed red pepper. Pass the remaining dressing at the table.
  • Individual servings: Divide the chopped cabbage, spinach, cucumber, and green onions among 6 salad plates or bowls. Toss each serving with dressing, you don't have to use it all. Top with sliced avocado, feta cheese, salt and vinegar chips, and sprinkle with crushed red pepper. Pass the remaining dressing at the table.


Serving: 1serving | Calories: 428kcal | Carbohydrates: 27g | Protein: 8g | Fat: 34g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 11g | Monounsaturated Fat: 14g | Trans Fat: 0.05g | Cholesterol: 20mg | Sodium: 697mg | Potassium: 1050mg | Fiber: 8g | Sugar: 5g | Vitamin A: 3720IU | Vitamin C: 60mg | Calcium: 176mg | Iron: 3mg

Easy BBQ Sauce

Everyone needs their own easy BBQ sauce recipe! I love this one because it is super fast to throw together (10 minutes!) and it’s got the perfect level of vinegary-acidic kick to it. Black pepper and chili powder bring in a little heat, and molasses brings balance without making it overly sweet. Homemade barbecue sauce…

Everyone needs their own easy BBQ sauce recipe! I love this one because it is super fast to throw together (10 minutes!) and it’s got the perfect level of vinegary-acidic kick to it. Black pepper and chili powder bring in a little heat, and molasses brings balance without making it overly sweet. Homemade barbecue sauce is definitely worth it! Originally published September 2, 2022.

close up of easy bbq sauce on a white brush on parchment paper.
Table of Contents
  1. Barbecue Sauce (BBQ Sauce, Bar-B-Q Sauce, Barbeque Sauce??)
  2. Why you’ll love this Homemade BBQ Sauce Recipe
  3. Ingredients to make Easy BBQ Sauce
  4. How to make this BBQ Sauce Recipe
  5. Tips for making the Best BBQ Sauce Recipe
  6. What to serve with BBQ Sauce  
  7. How to store Barbecue Sauce
  8. Can you freeze it?
  9. FAQs
  10. More BBQ to love! 
  11. Best BBQ Sauce Recipe Recipe

Every morning I have a 50/50 chance of either waking up relatively peacefully, from the alarm blaring loudly on the bedside table (night table? bed stand? Why can I never remember this word??) Or there’s the other option, which is being woken up by my 2-year-old, Edison. I would pick the loud alarm ANY DAY.

One morning last week I was in full REM mode: totally out, not a ray of sun yet, probably drooling. Suddenly in my subconscious I hear a baby-toddler voice whisper directly in my ear, “Cann-aye have popsicle?”

My eyes fly open and land on the SCISSORS that are inches from my eyeball. How else would I open the Otter Pop he was holding in the other hand? It was 5:45am. (Who knows how high he climbed and what deathly moments ensued in his quest for the scissors. I’ve blocked the imaginings from my mind.)

Why do people even drink coffee? I don’t get it. All you need is a scissor-wielding 2-year-old, he will perk you up in no time.

overhead shot of homemade bbq sauce in a jar.

No one prepares you for this. No one, when you are pregnant the first time, mentions, “Oh yeah, I get woken up via popsicle-scissor-face all the time. Get ready for that.”

I was talking to my sister about this a few weeks ago. She read a study that said moms with newborns have the same nighttime sleep quality as PTSD patients, because they know they could be called from sleep into wake-time action at literally any moment. There is no real peace.

You could be woken by a board book slammed into your jugular. Or via toddler full-body-roll. Or my favorite, a few weeks ago when he lovingly snuggled next to me in bed, and I looked over, bleary eyed, to register that he had something pink on his lips. Lipstick, from my daughter’s lip-gloss-making-kit. I looked down to find my bedsheets covered in pink dye, and little dots of pink on the carpet in a trail from the bathroom, because the dye had soaked into his footie pajamas.

Like I said. No. Peace.

overhead shot of a bowl of bbq sauce with spoons, brushes, and parchment paper on a wooden table.

Well, at least we can find peace in sauces. Peace in sauces?? What does that even mean? Well my friends, it means that the search is over for an easy, no-brainer, 10-minute BBQ sauce recipe for when you forgot to grab some at the store, or for when you want to add a little “umph” to that pulled pork you worked on all day long. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could have the perfect sauce for your meal in 10 minutes, every time? It’s the little things, guys.

Barbecue Sauce (BBQ Sauce, Bar-B-Q Sauce, Barbeque Sauce??)

This is the sauce with 100 name spellings! Eric’s grandma was named Barbara and called her own special sauce “Barb-ecue Sauce.” Get it? Get it?? However you spell it, this sauce is perfect for SO many recipes!

I made this barbecue sauce originally to go along with my favorite Pulled Pork Recipe (and also this Slow Cooker Pulled Pork). Long and slow cooked protein is going to be good no matter what, but slap this sauce on too? Irresistible.

saucy smoked pulled pork on a toasted bun on a plate.

Why you’ll love this Homemade BBQ Sauce Recipe

This homemade bbq sauce has a good balance, with no single flavor taking over. It’s peppery and sharp, but the molasses does its job of evening out the flavors perfectly. It is on the tangy side, I’m not a fan of overly-sweet sauces. (If you are, just add in a bit more molasses or brown sugar!)

The tangy kick and the hot-but-not-too-hot spices are perfect for cutting the richness of fatty smoked pork, brisket, or tri tip. It’s also perfect for chicken, pork tenderloin, spare ribs, etc! I love how adaptable it is.

spoon lifting homemade barbecue sauce from a bowl of sauce.

Ingredients to make Easy BBQ Sauce

Here are the ingredients you are going to need. It’s just pantry staples! For a complete list scroll down, the full recipe card is below!

  • ketchup
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • white vinegar
  • molasses
  • kosher salt and black pepper
  • paprika and smoked paprika
  • chili powder
  • liquid smoke, optional
ingredients for bbq sauce displayed on a wooden table.

How to make this BBQ Sauce Recipe

Let’s dig into the details! It could not be easier my friends. Today’s recipe is focused on keeping it simple and quick, but doesn’t sacrifice flavor.

We are starting out with some ketchup for instant flavor. I tested this recipe a few times with straight up tomato sauce and some extra sugar/vinegar, because that’s all ketchup is, right? Wrong. It was just not as flavorful.

pouring ketchup from a measuring cup into a white saucepan.

There is something magical about ketchup. Don’t you turn your nose up at me. You will appreciate what you have if you just go to Australia. They still haven’t figured out how to do ketchup right, and every French fry I ate in that country was a disappointment. (Sorry Australia, I do love you. Even though you wrap your hot dogs in sandwich bread and top it with tomato sauce…you have lots of other redeeming qualities 😉)

Anyway. Get yourself some Heinz and then add in all the other stuff. It couldn’t be more easy.

pouring worcestershire sauce into a 1/3 measuring cup on a table.

Worcestershire sauce is the secret ingredient in so many recipes. It brings that umami flavor we all love, even if we don’t recognize it. I saw on a New Orleans blog recently (which is a super fun read, by the way!) the author referred to “Lea and Perrins” the way you would call it Coke instead of soda, or Kleenex instead of tissue, or the way I call it Lawry’s instead of seasoning salt. I love this brand so much that I think I’m going to adopt the Lea and Perrins moniker. They deserve it.

adding molasses to a white pot full of ketchup and other ingredients.

Molasses is the only sweetener I use in this recipe. I love it because of the complex, nutty flavor it adds, even more interesting than plain brown sugar. (Which is made from granulated sugar with some molasses mixed in, did you know that?) Don’t add too much, just a few tablespoons. This is not a sticky-sweet sauce. Bring the TANG.

ingredients and spices for barbecue sauce in a white and black pot on a wood table.

Add in all the rest of the ingredients, including a dash of liquid smoke.

This ingredient is technically optional, but I love the depth that it adds to the sauce! I think it’s especially important to add in if you are not pairing it with grilled or smoked meat (like anything slow cooked would benefit from liquid smoke for sure). It’s not as good as the real thing (actually cooking with smoke), but I do love the aroma and big flavor it adds.

bottle of liquid smoke on white countertop with tablespoon.

The other optional ingredient you can add to this recipe is water. If you have the time, add some water, bring the sauce to a simmer, and let bubble for 30-60 minutes. The water will cook off over that time, leaving you with a perfectly saucy sauce. I love this method because it gives the ingredients all a chance to get cozy together, enhancing flavor.

BUT…if you don’t have time for that (I get it! I get it!) just leave out the water, simmer for 5 minutes, and bam, you’re done. Perfect bbq sauce in 10 minutes.

Tips for making the Best BBQ Sauce Recipe

This BBQ sauce is incredibly easy. You literally just mix the ingredients together, simmer ‘em for 5 minutes, and you’re good to go! Here are the elements of this recipe that make the perfect topping for meats everywhere:

  • Add some liquid smoke. Technically this is optional, but it adds that hot-off-the-grill smoky note to your sauce and I can’t live without it. 
  • Add water and time for even more flavor.  If you have a little extra  time, add water to the sauce, bring it to a simmer, and let it bubble for 30-60 minutes. The water will cook off until the sauce is the perfect consistency.
  • Make extra for later. This BBQ sauce freezes beautifully, so after you fall in love you’ll have some to pull out whenever you need it.
white brush dipping into a white bowl full of barbecue sauce.

What to serve with BBQ Sauce  

The question is, what CAN’T you serve BBQ sauce with?

How to store Barbecue Sauce

This easy homemade BBQ sauce recipe is so easy to save if you have extra. Simply pour it into an airtight container, make sure it’s cooled to room temperature, and then place in the refrigerator. I like to use a mason jar or glass containers instead of plastic, as tomato-based sauces tend to stain. Once in the refrigerator, it will last for up to two weeks (or more). Lean in to the “more” here. Ask yourself, how long have I had my current open bottle of ketchup? That’s how long you can let this BBQ sauce hang out in the back of your fridge.

Can you freeze it?

Most definitely, and it’s about the easiest thing ever. Pour the BBQ sauce into a freezer ziplock bag, making sure it’s at room temperature, and place in the freezer. Store for 4-6 months. To reheat, you can let it thaw in the fridge overnight and heat the next day. If you’re in a time crunch, place the whole frozen chunk of sauce in a saucepan with a few tablespoons of water, cover with a lid, and turn the heat on low. Be sure to stir occasionally until it is heated through.

white brush being dipped into bowl of homemade barbecue sauce.


What makes BBQ sauce taste like BBQ sauce?

What even is this stuff, right??

This classic BBQ flavor that we all adore is a combination of acidic tomato and vinegar combined with some sweetness, usually sugar or molasses, and a variety of spices that bring flavor and smokiness. You can use onion, smoked paprika, mustard, liquid smoke, sky is pretty much the limit here.

My recipe isn’t overly sweet and is spiced with lots of black pepper. Do not underestimate America’s second favorite seasoning! (It’s second, right? People never say, “Pepper and salt.”)

But I’m telling you, black pepper is legit, especially when it’s freshly cracked. I love how this bbq sauce recipe highlights it. Because black pepper is usually an afterthought, right? IT’S TIME TO SHINE BABY. Bust out that grinder.

Is BBQ sauce ketchup + brown sauce?

BBQ Sauce is not a combination of ketchup and brown sauce. For those who don’t know, brown sauce is a condiment common in the UK. It has a taste similar to Worcestershire sauce but is thicker. So, while I can see why people may think that, especially given the similar appearance of the two sauces, they are not related.

Is BBQ Sauce spicy?

There are a million different BBQ sauce brands and recipes out there. They run the gamut from mild as a baby lamb to “I think I need a new tongue.” This BBQ sauce has just a little heat from black pepper and chili powder. Nothing insane, just great flavor and a lil kick.

What are the basics of BBQ Sauce?

BBQ sauce is a tomato-based sauce with tangy vinegar, sweet molasses, and (if you know what’s good for you) a little bit of liquid smoke for that undeniable grill flavor. There are so many ways to make BBQ sauce but this one is classic. It’s the perfect condiment for just about any meat you can throw at it.

overhead shot of easy bbq sauce in a clear glass bowl on parchment paper.

More BBQ to love! 

What is summer without some epic grilling and BBQing sessions?! I’ve got you covered with all the BBQ meats you love:

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close up of easy bbq sauce on a white brush on parchment paper.

Best BBQ Sauce Recipe

Everyone needs their own easy BBQ sauce recipe! I love this one because it is super fast to throw together (10 minutes!) and it's got the perfect level of vinegary-acidic kick to it. Black pepper and chili powder bring in a little heat, and molasses brings balances without making it overly sweet. Homemade barbecue sauce is definitely worth it!
Course Sauce
Cuisine American
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 10 (makes about 3 cups)
Calories 76kcal


  • 2 cups ketchup
  • 1/3 cup Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 cup white vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons molasses
  • 1 & 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper freshly cracked, if possible
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon liquid smoke optional
  • 1/4 cup water optional, for simmering


  • Add all the ingredients to a medium pot on the stove: 2 cups ketchup, 1/3 cup Worcestershire, 1/4 cup white vinegar, 3 tablespoons molasses, 1 and 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt (use less if all you have is table salt), 1 teaspoon black pepper (use a pepper grinder if you have one!), 1/2 teaspoon paprika, 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika, 1 teaspoon chili powder, and 1/4 teaspoon liquid smoke.*
  • Add 1/4 cup water if you have a half hour to simmer. If you're short on time, leave the water out.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil over medium high heat. Simmer 5 minutes if you didn't add the water.
  • Simmer at a low bubble for about 25 minutes if you did add the water, or up to an hour. (add more water in increments if it starts to get too thick.)
    The longer you cook, the more time your ingredients will have to marry and meld together, enhancing flavor. (The extra water we added should all bubble off by the time it has simmered a half hour. We want nice and thick BBQ sauce. The water is added so that it doesn't get too thick as you simmer to achieve more flavor.)
  • Once you have simmered as long as you like, turn off the heat and let come to room temperature. The sauce will continue to thicken as it cools.
  • Serve warm or room temperature with anything you can think of! Slow Cooker Pulled Pork, Smoked BBQ Pulled Pork, use it on an epic Tri-Tip sandwich, slap it on Nana's Ribs, brush your grilled chicken, top a hot dog, make BBQ Meatballs. The possibilities are endless!
  • Store leftovers tightly sealed in the fridge for several weeks, as long as you would keep ketchup.


*Buy a decent brand of liquid smoke, I like Wright’s. The ingredients should be water and smoke, nothing else. 
This sauce freezes well, seal in a ziplock bag for 3-4 months! Let thaw in the fridge, or heat from frozen on low with a few tablespoons of water. 


Calories: 76kcal | Carbohydrates: 20g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 0.1g | Saturated Fat: 0.02g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.02g | Sodium: 910mg | Potassium: 307mg | Fiber: 0.3g | Sugar: 16g | Vitamin A: 412IU | Vitamin C: 3mg | Calcium: 32mg | Iron: 1mg