Cherry Chocolate Bark


This 4-ingredient Cherry Chocolate Bark recipe is so easy to make and customize to create your own signature version to enjoy with family and friends this holiday season.

The post Cherry Chocolate Bark appeared first on Simple Green Smoothies.


Table of Contents
  1. Cherry Chocolate Bark Ingredients
  2. How to Make Cherry Chocolate Bark
  3. Helpful Tips
  4. Homemade Chocolate Bark Variations
  5. Chocolate Bark FAQs
  6. More Festive Homemade Desserts
  7. Cherry Chocolate Bark Recipe

This simple Cherry Chocolate Bark is the perfect holiday homemade gift for a chocolate lover. It’s only 4 ingredients, doesn’t require baking, and just screams Happy Holidays! Add to the list for your annual cookie baking day alongside the Gluten-Free Brownies and Soft Ginger Cookies. I dare you to eat just one piece.

With all the end-of-year gatherings my family has this year related school, sports, friends and more, this no-fail Cherry Chocolate Bark comes to the rescue. Here’s a few reasons why I love this recipe:

Pieces of cherry chocolate bark on a concrete table.
  • Don’t have to turn the oven on! No baking and you just need one measuring cup for everything. 
  • Kid-friendly: kids can help make and eat this chocolate bark. Let them get creative in sprinkling varies goodies on top to make it their own.
  • Festive gift: If you want to spread a little holiday cheer, wrap up pieces of this bark in little clear baggies with cute ribbons and deliver to friends, neighbors, teachers and more. 
  • Fast to make: you can make multiple batches of homemade chocolate bark in 1 hour and have a variety of treats to share.
  • Not crazy sweet: it’s as perfectly sweetened, chocolate treat you didn’t know you needed this season. A winning dessert for everyone.
  • Versatile: Using the melted chocolate, you can top it however you want, creating a variety of flavors and colors. I’ve got some great ideas below that you can use for inspiration.

Cherry Chocolate Bark Ingredients

labeled ingredients for cherry chocolate bark including dried tart cherries, sliced almonds, semi-sweet chocolate chips and sea salt.

My recipe has just 4 ingredients, seriously! Here’s what you need to make an epically awesome dessert:

  • Semi-sweet chocolate chips: I find that semi-sweet is the crowd pleaser. While adults might gravitate towards dark chocolate and kids want milk chocolate, this kind provides the best all-around flavor and sweetness level. You can use chips or chop up full bars.
  • Sliced almonds: This provides the perfect crunch with a bit of nuttiness. Sliced almonds also make breaking the chocolate bark into pieces easier.
  • Dried, tart cherries: Since the chocolate will bring a lot of sweetness, using tart cherries will bring balance. Plus, there’s just something so satisfying about pairing chocolate and cherries.
  • Coarse sea salt: That fancy salt someone bought you for a house warming gift, or that you got on a whim? Use that here! Flaked sea salt also works great. It’s beautiful, crunchy and brings out the other flavors beautifully.

How to Make Cherry Chocolate Bark

melted chocolate spread out on a parchment lined baking sheet, topped with sliced almonds.

To make this recipe, you’ll need a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper, a heatproof glass bowl and an offset spatula. You’ll need to melt the chocolate in a microwave or stove top. 

  1. Place a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment in the freezer to get very cold.
  2. Melt the chocolate: Simmer of small saucepan of water on the stove. In a heatproof glass bowl set over the simmering water, melt the chocolate chips, stirring frequently so that the bottom doesn’t burn or stick. Be careful not to let water droplets into the bowl or this will cause the chocolate to seize.

    You can also use the microwave, if you wish. Heat for 30 seconds, stir, and heat for 30 more seconds. Repeat until most of the chocolate is melted.
  3. Once most of the chocolate is melted, remove from heat. Continue to stir until the remaining pieces are melted. Avoid stirring to quickly as this will create air bubbles. 
  4. Pour the melted chocolate onto chilled parchment paper in the baking sheet and use a spatula to spread it out evenly, almost to the edges.
  5. Immediately sprinkle the sliced almonds and dried cherries over the chocolate, followed by sprinkling the salt. 
  6. Refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours.

Helpful Tips

Chocolate chips can be swapped with milk, dark, or even white.

Almonds can be swapped for pecans, pistachios, pumpkin seeds or walnuts. Dried cherries can be swapped for dried cranberries, dried blueberries or candied ginger.

Homemade Chocolate Bark Variations

One of my favorite reasons to make homemade chocolate bark is how easy it is to change it up! I can top with whatever dried fruit I want, mix up the nuts that go on as well, or use a mixture of white and dark chocolate for some festive flare.

Here are a few combinations I love:

  • 1 layer of dark chocolate, 1 layer of white chocolate, crushed candy canes
  • Semi-sweet chocolate, crunched pretzels, peanuts
  • Dark chocolate + crunched potato chips
  • Dark chocolate + semi sweet chocolate swirled together with dried blueberries and hazelnuts
  • Go wild and chop up your fav candy bars into the melted chocolate for a Snickers or Peanut Butter Cups bark that will be gone in minutes.
Fresh cherries next to a plate of cherry chocolate bark.

Chocolate Bark FAQs

What is in chocolate bark?

Homemade chocolate bark typically contains a base of chocolate; you can choose white, dark, semi-sweet or milk. It can be vegan or non, depending on your preference. Then you add toppings to it like sliced nuts, dried fruit, candy and more. My recipe uses semi sweet chocolate topped with sliced almonds, dried cherries and coarse sea salt.

How do you make chocolate bark?

Making chocolate bark is so easy! First, melt the chocolate either on the stove or in the microwave. Then spread it out on a parchment lined baking sheet then top with desired toppings. Refrigerate or freeze to help the whole thing set. Finally, remove and break into pieces and try not to eat it all in 1 sitting. You can also layer different kinds of chocolate or almond bark to achieve the exact look and flavor you want.

Is almond bark the same as melting chocolate?

Almond bark is a bit different than melting chocolate. Melting chocolate is real, high-quality chocolate that you melt. Almond bark is artificially flavored vegetable fat. You can use either in a chocolate bark recipe, or you can just use a real chocolate bar (or chocolate chips) for your bark. If you want a chocolate-free option, use white chocolate or almond bark as the base of your candy bark.

More Festive Homemade Desserts

My kids ask for Chocolate Chip Cookies from Thanksgiving to New Years. They’re a constant presence ion my house this time of year. I also enjoy making my soft Ginger Cookies to share with family and friends. My dad loved ginger snaps, so this recipe always reminds me of him.

If you want another easy + no-bake option, try this freezer Peanut Butter Fudge… it won’t stick around for long at any party! You can also make a batch of my fudgy Gluten-Free Brownies or Rice Krispie Treats and throw some sprinkles on top to make them even more festive and inviting. 

I can’t wait for you to whip up a batch of this Chocolate Almond Bark; it is seriously easy and so delicious. How are you going to top yours? Drop and comment and let me know!

Cherry Chocolate Bark om blue plate

Cherry Chocolate Bark

This 4-ingredient Cherry Chocolate Bark recipe is so easy to make and customize to create your own signature version to enjoy with family and friends this holiday season.
Course Dessert
Cuisine Vegan
Diet Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Prep Time 2 hours
Cook Time 3 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 3 minutes
Servings 8
Calories 245kcal


  • stove top


  • 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips vegan
  • 1 cup sliced almonds
  • 1 cup dried tart cherries
  • ½ tsp sea salt


  • Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment and place in the fridge or freezer to chill.
  • In a heatproof glass bowl set over a pan of simmering water, melt the chocolate, stirring occasionally. Be careful not to let any water get into the bowl or the chocolate will seize.
  • Remove the bowl from the heat when some pieces of unmelted chocolate still remain. Stir well until the remaining chocolate melts, but do not stir too vigorously or air bubbles will form.
  • Pour melted chocolate onto the chilled, parchment lined pan and use a thin spatula to spread it out evenly, almost to the edges. Immediately sprinkle the almonds and cherries over the chocolate, evenly covering it. Then sprinkle the salt.
  • Refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours.
  • Break bark into pieces to serve. Store in an air-tight container in the fridge.


  • This can be stored in the refrigerator up to 1 week.
  • Feel free to use whatever toppings you want over the melted chocolate. Here are a few combos you can try: 
    • 1 layer of dark chocolate, 1 layer of white chocolate, crushed candy canes
    • Semi-sweet chocolate, crunched pretzels, peanuts
    • Dark chocolate + crunched potato chips
    • Dark chocolate + semi sweet chocolate swirled together with dried blueberries and hazelnuts
    • Go wild and chop up your fav candy bars into the melted chocolate for a Snickers or Peanut Butter Cups bark that will be gone in minutes.
  • This can be added to a cookie tray, just let the person you are giving it to know that it is best stored in the fridge.


Calories: 245kcal | Carbohydrates: 25g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 6g | Trans Fat: 0.02g | Cholesterol: 1mg | Sodium: 150mg | Potassium: 212mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 17g | Vitamin A: 549IU | Calcium: 59mg | Iron: 2mg

The post Cherry Chocolate Bark appeared first on Simple Green Smoothies.

Healthy Pomegranate Smoothie


This pomegranate smoothie recipe is loaded with healthy benefits that will leave you glowing from the inside out. Antioxidants galore!

The post Healthy Pomegranate Smoothie appeared first on Simple Green Smoothies.


Grab this Pomegranate Smoothie for a ruby red beverage loaded with potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C. It’s the perfect antioxidant-rich drink that you can sip this season to ward off the sniffles and capitalize on some seasonal ingredients.

two glass jars full of pomegranate smoothies topped with pomegranate arils and raspberries, sitting on a wooden cutting board.
Table of Contents
  1. Pomegranate Smoothie Ingredients
  2. How to Cut a Pomegranate for a Smoothie
  3. How to Blend a Pomegranate Smoothie
  4. More Ways to Use Pomegranate
  5. Healthy Pomegranate Smoothie Recipe
  6. Pomegranate Smoothie FAQs

I live for pomegranate season, like buy Costco-sized boxes every time I see them in stores kind of living. My family loves them as well!

I’m sure it’s the burst of juice you get when you bite into the arils as well as how versatile they are as a topping for a Fall salad, a bright addition to a vegan charcuterie board or a lovely flavor mixed into berry sangria. They are perfect for this Pomegranate Smoothie and I hope you get to enjoy this recipe at least once this year.

Today’s smoothie recipe is loaded with healthy benefits that will leave us glowing from the inside out. These antioxidant gems make an energizing pomegranate smoothie in just minutes.

labeled ingredients for a red fruit smoothie including frozen berries, red cabbage, pomegranate arils and goji berries.

Pomegranate Smoothie Ingredients

I added as many red ingredients as I could fit into this smoothie recipe resulting in a delicious, gorgeous red beverage that’s loaded with vitamins and minerals. Here’s what I’m blending today:

If you want to boost your smoothie and turn it into a meal replacement then add in 1 serving of homemade protein powder. It takes this smoothie from 5g of protein to 15g of protein as well as thickens the final product up a bit.

How to Cut a Pomegranate for a Smoothie

While we LOVE this great fruit and all the incredible benefits, how the heck do you get it open?! Pomegranates are a little weird in that we can’t just peel or slice to get to the juicy good parts.

Here is a short tutorial on how to de-seed a pomegranate:

Follow these steps for the least amount of mess and the biggest yield:

  1. Cut the fruit directly in half ‘hamburger style.’
  2. Holding the fruit seed side down over a bowl, use a wooden spoon or flat, sturdy spatula and whack the fruit.
  3. Repeat with the other half.
two glass jars of red fruit smoothie topped with raspberries and pomegranate arils.

How to Blend a Pomegranate Smoothie

While this smoothie may not have “leafy greens” it does have some leafy reds, so we’re going to do the 2-step blending method to get the best result:

  1. Blend cabbage, water, pomegranate arils and goji berries until smooth. If you aren’t using a high-powered blender then soak the goji berries first to soften them up a bit.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and blend again until smooth. Since the berries have seeds you may need a longer blending time than normal. Stop and scrape down the sides of the container as needed.
  3. Pour into your fav glass and enjoy!

If you’re adding protein powder to this recipe then add it during step 2. You can also add in some yogurt (greek yogurt or vegan yogurt) to turn this smoothie into a meal replacement.

glass jar full of fruit smoothie topped with red fruits.

More Ways to Use Pomegranate

Since pomegranate has a lot of the same nutrients that berries do, you can swap them into any smoothie recipe that calls for berries: my raspberry smoothie would be a great one. You could also add them to this mixed berry smoothie with ease.

Pomegranate isn’t just good for smoothies; toss it into this mason jar salad or even use it as a delightful vegan pumpkin soup topping.

Don’t forget to rate + review this recipe once you blend it up!

pomegranate smoothie recipe

Healthy Pomegranate Smoothie

Try this pomegranate smoothie recipe to give your body an immunity boost and some great energy for the busy day ahead. It's loaded with antioxidant-rich ingredients like red cabbage, raspberries, pomegranate arils, strawberries, cherries and superfoods to bring you the best flu-fighters in one serving.
Course Smoothie
Cuisine Plant-Based
Diet Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 1
Calories 310kcal


  • 1 cup red cabbage chopped
  • ½ cup water chilled
  • ½ cup pomegranate arils
  • ½ cup strawberries frozen
  • ½ cup raspberries frozen
  • ½ cup cherries frozen
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp goji berries optional


  • Place cabbage, water, pomegranate arils and goji berries (if using) into a blender.
  • Puree until smooth.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and blend again until smooth.


  • Can substitute pomegranate arils with 1/2 cup pomegranate juice.
  • Use at least 1 frozen fruit for a refreshingly cool smoothie.
  • Swap out the cabbage for the leafy greens of your choice.
  • Feel free to add in some Antioxidant Smoothie Cubes for even more red foods.


Calories: 310kcal | Carbohydrates: 56g | Protein: 9g | Fat: 9g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 6g | Monounsaturated Fat: 1g | Trans Fat: 0.03g | Sodium: 38mg | Potassium: 861mg | Fiber: 20g | Sugar: 30g | Vitamin A: 1079IU | Vitamin C: 122mg | Calcium: 239mg | Iron: 4mg

Pomegranate Smoothie FAQs

What fruit mixes well with pomegranate?

Pomegranate mixes well with so many fruits. You can pair it with citrus, berries, bananas and more! It also pairs well with a variety of squashes, so don’t be afraid to toss some pomegranate arils in your next dish.

Is it safe to blend pomegranate?

It is safe to blend pomegranate arils. If you aren’t using a high-powered blender then you may still get a few gritty pieces after blending, so feel free to pour it through a mesh sieve into your glass. If you are using a high-powered blender then there shouldn’t be any grittiness leftover from the arils.

Can we mix banana and pomegranate together?

Pomegranate goes well with a variety of fruits, including bananas. Toss some arils on your next salad, fruit salad or citrus platter. Mix it in with some butternut squash. Blend some in your next smoothie, or enjoy fresh and by itself!

The post Healthy Pomegranate Smoothie appeared first on Simple Green Smoothies.

Yogurt Persimmon Smoothie


Try this creamy, refreshing Yogurt Persimmon smoothie to add a new, fun Fall fruit to your smoothie list. Delightfully festive and tasty!

The post Yogurt Persimmon Smoothie appeared first on Simple Green Smoothies.


This easy smoothie will brighten your day! It’s made with just 4 ingredients + a dash of cinnamon at the end, and it uses a fun seasonal fruit called a persimmon. Try my Yogurt Persimmon Smoothie for a creamy snack. A smoothie like my Vanilla Bean Yogurt Smoothie or this lovely persimmon one is a great way to add extra protein to your day!

My son introduced me to persimmons after we found some at Trader Joes. He thought they were so bright and fun so we just had to try them. Once we figured out how to tell when they’re ripe (when the skin is almost translucent), we gave them a try… and were immediately impressed! They are creamy, super sweet and easy to eat.

glass full of orange smoothie topped with orange fruit, cinnamon and 2 paper straws.

Naturally I had to come up with a fruit smoothie recipe to showcase this incredibly beautiful fruit, so I paired it with a bright orange, some coconut yogurt and a bit of honey for a filling snack. This no banana smoothie recipe is a great option to blend this time of year.

Table of Contents
  1. Ingredients in a Persimmon Smoothie
  2. How to Make a Persimmon Smoothie
  3. Common Questions ABout A Persimmon Smoothie with Yogurt
  4. More Fruit Smoothie Recipes for Winter
  5. Yogurt Persimmon Smoothie Recipe

Ingredients in a Persimmon Smoothie

labeled ingredients for a persimmon smoothie including cinnamon, honey, vegan yogurt, orange and Fuyu persimmons.

This 4-ingredient smoothie with a dash of cinnamon is such a satisfying pairing of sweet, citrus and a bit of deep flavor from the honey and spice.

  • Vegan yogurt: I’m keeping this smoothie dairy-free with some coconut yogurt. Grab your fav version from the store or try making your own.
  • Orange: A lightly peeled orange adds a juicy, citrus flavor to this blend while also giving it vitamin C.
  • Fuyu persimmons: This type of persimmon should be fairly easy to find at the grocery store starting in October.
  • Honey: I love pairing honey with these sweet persimmons. Feel free to use the natural sweetener of your choice; maple syrup is a great vegan option.
  • Cinnamon: A dash of cinnamon at the end is the perfect way to finish off this festive drink. If you aren’t a fan of smoothie toppings then feel free to add it right into the blender to mix in with the other ingredients.

You can swap the yogurt with canned coconut milk and add in a dash of vanilla for a bit of warmth.

Pro Tip: Make sure those persimmons are ripe before you blend, as they won’t be flavorful and creamy if they aren’t!

How to Make a Persimmon Smoothie

Since persimmons may be a new-to-you fruit, especially if you aren’t used to tossing them into a smoothie, I added a recipe step on how to prep them (spoiler alert, it’s super easy). Here’s how I’m blending this 5-ingredient smoothie:

white bowl of persimmon slices on a white countertop next to whole persimmons.

Step 1: Since the skin of a persimmon is edible, start by washing the fruit well. Then remove the top stem and you’re ready to toss them into the blender along with the yogurt, orange (peeled) and honey.

blender container of orange smoothie sitting on a white countertop surrounded by fresh persimmons, a tea towel and a jar of ground cinnamon.

Step 2: Blend this mixture until smooth. Stop and scrape down the sides as needed to get the smoothest result.

pouring an orange fruit smoothie from a blender container into a glass sitting on a white countertop.

Step 3: Pour into a glass and sprinkle cinnamon on top. Enjoy!

If you thought the liquid was missing, it’s not. Oranges and persimmons are super juicy fruits so they act as both the liquid and the produce in this recipe. If you want to add in a few tablespoons of water to help your blender then go for it.

You can also add in a bit of coconut milk for a tropical tasting result.

Common Questions ABout A Persimmon Smoothie with Yogurt

What fruits go well with persimmon?

Persimmon tastes great alongside oranges, pomegranate seeds, grapes and apples. Since these are all rip in the same season, you should be able to easily find them all to toss into a fruit salad or smoothie!

What are the health benefits of persimmons?

Persimmons are great sources of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B6. They are full of antioxidants and can help boost heart health.

Can you eat the skin of a persimmon?

The skin of a persimmon is definitely edible! The skin is just a bit tougher than that of a plum, and tastes just like the custard-like flesh inside.

glass of yogurt persimmon smoothie topped with fresh persimmons and 2 paper straws, on a white counter surrounded by persimmons.

More Fruit Smoothie Recipes for Winter

I know it might be hard to think about sipping an icy cold smoothie during the Winter months yet hear me out. You might be surprised how much of a difference using room temp ingredients (aka no frozen fruits) or blending up some warm smoothies can make.

Seasonal ingredients make smoothies like this butternut squash smoothie or an apple pie smoothie taste heavenly, even warm! My kids love sipping a hot chocolate smoothie on a cold morning.

Or if you do just fine with cold ingredients then give a refreshing pomegranate smoothie or a festive fig smoothie a blend. Lean into the flavors of the season and have fun with your daily beverage!

Don’t forget to rate + review this recipe once you’ve made it; I can’t wait for you to try it!


Yogurt Persimmon Smoothie

I'm turning to persimmons this year for a festive, in-season persimmon smoothie that's ultra creamy and tasty. Just 5 simple ingredients— yogurt, orange, persimmon, honey and cinnamon,— to create a delicious drink that will help fuel your day.
Course Smoothie
Cuisine dairy-free
Diet Gluten Free, Vegetarian
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 1
Calories 402kcal


  • high-powered blender


  • ½ cup vegan yogurt
  • 1 orange peeled
  • 2 fuyu persimmons ripe
  • 1 tsp honey
  • tsp cinnamon ground


  • Wash persimmons and remove stems.
  • Blend yogurt, orange, persimmons and honey until smooth.
  • Pour into a glass and sprinkle cinnamon on top. Serve immediately.


  • To make this recipe vegan, swap honey with maple syrup or the natural sweetener of your choice.
  • Since oranges carry so much water, you don’t need to add liquid to this smoothie. Yet if your blender blades have a hard time getting this smoothie liquified, then add just a bit of water to facilitate the blending process.
  • Use frozen persimmons or add ice to your glass for a refreshingly cool smoothie.
  • Feel free to add up to a cup of leafy greens.


Calories: 402kcal | Carbohydrates: 92g | Protein: 4g | Fat: 7g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.03g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.03g | Sodium: 39mg | Potassium: 782mg | Fiber: 17g | Sugar: 19g | Vitamin A: 295IU | Vitamin C: 292mg | Calcium: 566mg | Iron: 9mg

The post Yogurt Persimmon Smoothie appeared first on Simple Green Smoothies.