Watergate Salad (Pistachio Salad)

Watergate Salad (Pistachio Salad)
Watergate Salad is a classic dessert that’s back in the spotlight! With over 250,000 views and going viral on Pinterest, this old-fashioned favorite is proving its timeless appeal. Made with simple ingredients li…

watergate salad in a bowl.

Watergate Salad (Pistachio Salad)

Watergate Salad is a classic dessert that’s back in the spotlight! With over 250,000 views and going viral on Pinterest, this old-fashioned favorite is proving its timeless appeal. Made with simple ingredients like pistachio pudding, crushed pineapple, mini marshmallows, and whipped topping, Watergate Salad is Perfect for potlucks, summer gatherings, or whenever you’re craving a…

READ: Watergate Salad (Pistachio Salad)