Protein Milkshake

This creamy, decadent protein milkshake recipe uses simple ingredients and packs over 30 grams of protein. I love the endless flavor combinations! Need more high-protein drinks? Try my chocolate protein shake, peanut butter protein shake, coffee protei…

protein milkshake recipe.This creamy, decadent protein milkshake recipe uses simple ingredients and packs over 30 grams of protein. I love the endless flavor combinations! Need more high-protein drinks? Try my chocolate protein shake, peanut butter protein shake, coffee protein shake, and protein coffee next. I love protein shakes as much as the next guy, but I can’t…

Cookie Dough Protein Bars

These cookie dough protein bars are full of fiber, healthy fats, and have NO added sugar. With over 20 grams of protein per bar, I love how they taste just like raw cookie dough! Hungry for another high-protein snack? Try banana protein bars, oatmeal p…

cookie dough protein bars recipeThese cookie dough protein bars are full of fiber, healthy fats, and have NO added sugar. With over 20 grams of protein per bar, I love how they taste just like raw cookie dough! Hungry for another high-protein snack? Try banana protein bars, oatmeal protein bars, or cinnamon protein bars. Since I started my fitness…

Protein Granola Bars

This 4-ingredient protein granola bar recipe takes 10 minutes to make and yield thick, chewy and satisfying bars. 20 grams of protein each. Looking for more high-protein snacks? Try these peanut butter protein balls, homemade protein bars, protein ball…

protein granola bars recipe.This 4-ingredient protein granola bar recipe takes 10 minutes to make and yield thick, chewy and satisfying bars. 20 grams of protein each. Looking for more high-protein snacks? Try these peanut butter protein balls, homemade protein bars, protein balls, and protein popcorn next. If you enjoy my healthy granola bars but want to amp up…