Gas-Triggering Foods You Might Want to Avoid

Joking and talking about being gassy can be hilarious, but when it happens to you especially if it’s a frequent occurrence, it can definitely be a no laughing matter! Everyone’s been there with that bloated uncomfortable feeling that makes you feel heavy. Sometimes it can be so bad you can’t even concentrate on the task at hand. […]

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Joking and talking about being gassy can be hilarious, but when it happens to you especially if it’s a frequent occurrence, it can definitely be a no laughing matter! Everyone’s been there with that bloated uncomfortable feeling that makes you feel heavy. Sometimes it can be so bad you can’t even concentrate on the task at hand. Did you know everyone passes gas around 14 times a day, and we even do it in our sleep? As embarrassing as it may be there is no way around it because gas is part of the natural digestive process our bodies have to go through. Gas can come from two sources, normal breakdown of foods by innocent bacteria that is naturally present in the large intestine or from swallowed air. Swallowed air can be caused by gum chewing, sucking on hard candies and even dentures. These things can cause the amount of saliva produced and swallowed to increase which then increases the amount of air we swallow and in turn, causes gas.

Symptoms of gas can show up as belching, bloating, abdominal pain and flatulence. Whether having gas is regular for you or only happens on occasion it’s important to know a big contribution of it’s cause is found in your diet. While not all these foods will cause gas for everyone it is important to know gas-triggered foods especially if you’re gearing up for a special event, you just might to stay clear of these. The best and easiest way to find out if certain foods cause you gas is to try going a week without having it and see if the symptoms subside. Many of these foods are still healthy for you so make sure to consult your doctor because you may not want to completely cut them out of your diet.

1. Asparagus

Asparagus can be cooked and prepared in so many delicious ways that you will never get bored of it. They taste lovely steamed and lightly salted and even do really well on the grill. They’re an excellent source of vitamin K and fiber and could actually be considered a natural diuretic.

Along with being a natural diuretic, asparagus contains complex carbs called raffinose galactose. Our bodies don’t have the proper enzymes to fully break these down. In result, this causes the bacteria found in our gut to ferment the food so we can process it. This process then leads to excess gas.

DUSAN ZIDAR / Shutterstock

2. Broccoli

So many of us love these little trees for their health benefits. Just to name a few broccoli like asparagus, is a good source of vitamin K and fiber. It is also a great source vitamin C which is good for building collagen which is important to help form body tissue and bones. There are so many health benefits to broccoli however it could cause you gas too.

Like asparagus, broccoli also contains raffinose. As we know now this is complex carb has difficulty breaking down in our bodies causing us gas. This then can cause us to bloat and feel uncomfortable. Cooking broccoli may not eliminate bloating but it could help. Softening the fiber and shrinking its portion can take up less space in the gastrointestinal tract making them easier to digest.

Bukhta Yurii / Shutterstock

3. Beans

You know the song, “beans, beans a musical fruit”, I think you know the one. Well, there is a reason why beans have their own fart song because they can cause gas too! The reason behind it is because beans contain a sugar called oligosaccharide that our bodies cannot fully break down.

The oligosaccharides are large molecules that make their way through the digestive tract to the large intestine still unbroken. Bacteria that are present in the large intestine will then have to break down the oligosaccharides and this process causes gas which will then come out as flatulence. Beans do offer a great source of protein especially for those who follow the plant-based diet so make sure to consult your doctor if you believe beans to be the culprit of your constant gas before you cut them completely out of your diet.

Goode Imaging / Shuttertock

4. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a great alternative for those on a low carb diet because you can make it mock carby-foods you love like rice or potatoes. It also offers a good dose of vitamin C and can act as an antioxidant that searches and collects harmful free-radicals that are in our bodies. However, considering cauliflower has non-digestible carbohydrates makes it a food that causes gas as well as bloating.

Cauliflower is also a strong source of sulfur which can lead to a smellier kind of gas. While that alone may want to turn you away from cauliflower having a smelly gas can have its pros too. Foods that are rich in sulfur-containing glucosinolates could help lower the risk of some cancers such as colon cancer and lung cancer.

Tim UR / Shutterstock

5. Cabbage

Cabbage can give a salad an extra crunchy texture and can even add extra flavor. It is also often used in dinners like cabbage rolls or cabbage soup. It is known for its nutritional supply of vitamin K, C and B6 and so much more. There is no wonder why so many people enjoy having cabbage in their diet. However, when it comes to foods that can give you gas, cabbage too could be the culprit.

Like broccoli, cabbage contains the indigestible sugar, raffinose. As we already learned our bodies can’t break this down fully causing bacteria in the digestive tract to ferment the sugar and then result in gas and sometimes bloating. Green cabbage also contains a significant amount of fiber and more specifically contains insoluble fiber that increases the movement of waste in the digestive tract. If food is moved through the digestive tract too quickly it could result in diarrhea. So the next time your experience gas make sure to check if cabbage may have been the cause.

Kawongwarin / Shutterstock

6. Brussels Sprouts

Have you ever experienced an increase in pungent odors coming out of the rear several hours after eating delicious little Brussels sprouts? This is because our bodies have a hard time digesting them which leads to our intestines to do the hard work.

More specifically, sprouts contain cellulose which is hard for our digestive systems to process. This then will result in a lot of the original Brussels sprouts to enter the colon. It is then gets digested by gut bacteria.  While the intestines are breaking down the sprouts this process will release a variety of gases and will have to pass eventually.

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

7. Cow’s Milk

A lot of dairy products contain lactose, a sugar that is present in milk. Lactose can have difficulty breaking down in the digestive tract especially if there isn’t enough enzyme lactase (an enzyme found in the intestine that breaks down lactose).

Depending on how much lactase enzymes your body produces will determine how sensitive you are to lactose. The quantity would be quite low for someone who is lactose sensitive or intolerant. If that happens to be you, you know how much a little bit of milk in your coffee can affect you. Make sure to consult your doctor if you suspect you are lactose sensitive.

aquariagirl1970 / Shutterstock

8. Sodas

Considering sodas are carbonated, and you’re basically drinking gas and there is no wonder why this could be a gas-triggering drink. What goes in, must come out, right? On top of carbonation, sodas are also filled with sugar or more commonly known, corn syrup. Both of these sugars will head straight to the bowel quickly and can cause gas buildup. The bacteria will eat the sugar and then need to pass it as gas.

All of this can lead to abdominal pain, cramping, bloating and most obvious, flatulence. While you may think sugary sodas are the only gas-triggering beverages then think again. Even carbonated water can give you gas. Considering swallowing excess air can even cause gas, so can drinking liquid gas. Consider cutting out the carbonated drinks to help subside your excess gas.

Billion Photos / Shutterstock

9. Prunes

Prunes are well known to help relieve constipation because of their natural laxative capabilities. However, they too could be causing you excess gas and or bloating. To be more specific, prunes contain a sugar called sorbitol. This sugar is slow to break down in the body which can lead to gas and bloating.

Sorbitol is slow to break down but moves to the bowel quickly which is why it can help relieve constipation. You may want to make sure to stay clear of prunes if you have a special event coming up. You wouldn’t want to risk bloating, gassiness or diarrhea before something important!

SMarina / Shutterstock

10. Garlic

We have already learned that many healthy foods that contain fiber and complex carbs can trigger gas but garlic is relatively low in both those departments. Although, garlic still makes the gas-triggering food list. This is due to its starch contents.

Garlic has starches that our bodies have difficulty digesting. It will move from our stomach to the small intestine and then any undigested garlic that enters the large intestine will have to be broken down by bacteria. The starches from garlic can create a byproduct that is in the form of a gas. The gas is made up of carbon dioxide and hydrogen and then on top of the bacteria releases methane making your flatulence to have a foul odor. Garlic seasons many dishes nicely but if you’re going on a hot date you might want to stay clear of it because you could have more than bad breath!

Marian Weyo / Shutterstock

11. Artichokes

Artichokes may be a rarely eaten food amongst many people. If you’re like me and usually only have artichokes if its served in a dish at a restaurant then you might want to stay clear of artichokes if you have an event coming up. People who rarely eat artichokes are more likely to have gas problems caused by them.

Globe artichokes and Jerusalem artichokes are both high in indigestible fructans, a polymer of fructose molecules. The fructans are what can cause gas and bloating in our stomachs. Some studies show that if you eat hard to digest veggies like artichokes with fennel seeds it may greatly reduce gastrointestinal issues.

Valentina_G / Shutterstock

12. Mangoes

Mangoes are delicious and sweet fruit, especially if you can get them fresh. Mangoes are high in fiber and fructose and when you eat large quantities of a fruit that is high in both of those then it can cause bloating and gas.

A ripe mango may not do much harm to your digestive tract but one that is not fully ripe will. Sometimes cravings hit and we lose the patience to fully wait for our fruits to ripen. It’s almost ripe, good enough right? Wrong, when fruits like mangoes aren’t fully ripe they still contain a ton of digestive resistant starches. When the fruit ripens these starches turn to sugar which is easier to digest but if you consume it when it is still high in starch you may experience an unpleasant gas side effect.

Piyaset / Shutterstock

13. Snow Peas

Snow peas make the gas-triggering food list for a couple different reasons. First, they contain galacto-oligosaccharides which are a chain of sugars. These sugars are hard to digest and in result will end feeding bacteria found in our gut. As we already learned previously when this happens it can result in bloating.

Furthermore, snow peas also have fructans and they are high in polyols. These are usually only partially absorbed by our bodies and cause more stomach issues. To avoid any problems, you may want to pick an alternate snacking choice to help avoid gas. Luckily, there are plenty of options available to you.

bigacis / Shutterstock

14. Deep-Fried Food

Deep fried food may be a guilty pleasure food that we all like to indulge in every once in a while. However, fried foods can trigger gas too. A lot of restaurants cook fried food because it cooks quickly but also offers a crave quenching flavor and crunch that will keep everyone coming back for more.

Deep-fried foods take our stomachs a lot longer to break down and digest. Due to this, this will allow excess gas to build up and can result in bloating.  Make sure to stay clear of deep-fried foods before special occasions and to eat them in moderation.

Lightspring / Shutterstock

15. Cheese

Just like milk, cheese too is a dairy product that can trigger gas. A lot of cheese is made from curdled milk which means they too contain lactose. We know now can be hard for the body to digest dependent on the amount of lactase in our bodies.

Cheese may be naturally addictive thanks to casomorphins but if you experience gas, bloating and possibly IBS after each consumption of cheese you may need to give up. There are dairy-free cheeses at the supermarket. Make sure to talk to your doctor to discuss the possibilities of being lactose intolerance and what options are available to you.

MaraZe / Shutterstock

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The Health Benefits Of Ginger

Ginger has been used for thousands of years to treat minor illnesses. It originated in Southeast Asia but was also cultivated in many other countries. Ginger is considered to be one of the oldest spices traded throughout history. Its medicinal stature is what gave this spice its rich value. In modern day, ginger is now […]

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Ginger has been used for thousands of years to treat minor illnesses. It originated in Southeast Asia but was also cultivated in many other countries. Ginger is considered to be one of the oldest spices traded throughout history. Its medicinal stature is what gave this spice its rich value.

In modern day, ginger is now easily accessible to everyone and can be commonly found at many local supermarkets. You can find ginger in its fresh form, a ground powder, as a essential oil and in a capsule form as a dietary supplement. We have researched 12 amazing benefits that ginger could offer you. Not only does this spice provide many health benefits but it can also add a wonderful flavor to many dishes and make for a relaxing beverage.

1. High In Antioxidants

Our bodies come into contact with free radicals both through a normal metabolic process in the body and also through external sources such as air pollutants, cigarette smoke, industrial chemicals and many other external factors. We need foods rich in antioxidants to help fight off free radicals.

We can thank gingerol, the powerful compound that makes ginger have medicinal properties. This compound is what makes ginger rich in antioxidants and is why it would truly benefit our bodies if we consumed it regularly. That being said, it can’t hurt to add some ginger into your daily routine for optimal health benefits!

ChristianChan / Shutterstock

2. Curb Motion Sickness

Continuing on the topic of health, ginger is well known for its medicinal properties. One of these amazing benefits would be its ability to help curb nausea. Some over the counter medications for motion sickness contain ginger in their ingredients but simply drinking ginger tea could seriously benefit you too.

You can find two chemicals in the ginger root that is responsible for helping nausea. These are, gingerols and shagaols. The chemicals work by slowing an upset gastrointestinal tract which can really help with motion sicknesses such as in the car, airplane or boat. Perfect solution for your next road trip!

michaelheim / Shutterstock

3. Curb Morning Sickness

To some, motherhood is one of the most rewarding steps to take in life. However, many Mothers experience morning sickness during pregnancy. Often, Doctors will recommend expectant Mothers stay away from any over the counter medications such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen and the like as it could be harmful to the baby.

If you’re looking for a natural remedy that would be safe for you and the baby you may want to consider ginger. However, make sure to always consult with your medical professional first. Like motion sickness, the same chemicals found in the ginger root, gingerol and shagaols can help curb the nauseating feeling of morning sickness.

Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko / Shutterstock

4. Reduce Muscle Pain

Muscle pain can be an extreme nuisance, especially for those who enjoy training at the gym or doing any sort of physical activity. Several studies have shown that ginger too can help reduce the pain many of us experience the day(s) after physical activity.

You can obtain the benefits simply by sipping on tea with freshly shaved ginger. Alternatively, add fresh ginger to a stir-fry or if you aren’t fond of the flavor you can consume it in a capsule form too. You may want to consider having ginger before and after your workouts to help relieve muscle pain.

Jo Panuwat D / Shutterstock

5. Reduce Menstrual Pains

Any woman who experiences monthly menstrual pain understands the utter agony it can produce on the body. While popping Advils or Ibuprofens can often be a quick fix to help subside the pain, not everyone enjoys putting medications in their bodies when they don’t necessarily have to.

Once again as a natural remedy, you may want to try ginger. Prostaglandins are pro-inflammatory chemicals that are part of which triggers muscle contractions to help the uterus shed it’s lining, hence menstrual cramping. Studies show that by drinking fresh ginger tea or taking dietary ginger supplements could help reduce the pain during this process.

Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock

6. Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure should always be taken seriously especially because it can put a serious strain on your heart and blood vessels. Further, high blood pressure could also cause heart and kidney disease. Some studies have shown due to ginger’s medicinal properties it could also lower blood pressure.

Ginger can help lower blood pressure because it is a natural blood thinner and an anti-inflammatory agent. To attain its benefits you’ll want to either sip on homemade ginger tea or store-bought organic ginger tea. High blood pressure is, however, a serious matter so make sure to speak to your medical professional about natural remedies and your options before making any dietary changes on your own.

Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock

7. Improve Brain Function

As we grow in age, maintaining our brain function is of the upmost importance. Especially once you start to realize your memory isn’t as good as it used to be. Some studies have shown that ginger could also improve brain function.

Neurotransmitters are the chemicals that are in charge of the communication between brain cells. We need this to maintain our ability to remember, concentrate, focus, regulate our moods and many more purposes. Ginger has been shown to increase the levels of these crucial chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin which are in charge of keeping us focused, productive and happy.

Yurchanka Siarhei / Shutterstock

8. Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels can increase the risks of stroke, heart disease, and peripheral artery disease. Taking control of our cholesterol levels are important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Luckily, ginger poses as a natural remedy that may help keep your cholesterol levels in check.

Listed among its many medicinal benefits, ginger’s ability to help lower cholesterol is one of the most helpful. As we have talked about earlier ginger comes in many forms which makes it easy to digest for everyone. Once again make sure to consult your doctor to ensure trying ginger as a remedy is right for you.

nelzajamal / Shutterstock

9. Promotes Gut Health

A healthy and happy gut can put our mind at ease and put us in a positive mood too. Ginger has been known to promote a healthy gut for a few reasons. Firstly, it has been shown to help reduce bloating. Bloating can make you feel uncomfortable and can cause your clothes to fit improperly.

Further, ginger could benefit those who have poor digestion or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) by helping stimulate digestive acids and secretions. This, in turn, supports the digestion of food and our bodies ability to absorb the nutrients from food. It can’t hurt for people with stomach issues to add a little ginger into their daily routine.

Maya Kruchankova / Shutterstock

10. Help The Common Cold

The common cold can be an extreme annoyance especially when it interferes with your everyday tasks. If you want to try and get over the cold as quickly as possible with natural remedies then you might want to try having ginger as soon as you’re feeling a bit under the weather.

The anti-inflammatory elements of ginger can help soothe a sore throat quickly so you may want to consider sipping on homemade ginger tea. Gingerol and shagaol are once again what we have to thank to relieving a cold. They have also been found to kill rhinoviruses which are what cause colds in the first place.

pathdoc / Shutterstock

11. Relieve Stress

Busy lifestyles and hectic jobs with deadlines are all external factors that can lead up to tremendous stress. When you’re dealing with stress, it can negatively impact both your mind and body. Ginger relieves stress by relieving the underlying layers that add to stress such as fatigue and or gastrointestinal issues which both can cause increased stress.

Furthermore, some studies say sipping on ginger tea can be just as effective as taking an aspirin. If your head is feeling fuzzy from all the stress you’ve been experiencing you may want to drink ginger tea to help you feel refreshed, and calm.

Allison Herreid / Shutterstock

12. Anti-aging

Before we get into this next point, it’s important to know that aging is completely natural and normal! But if you’re looking for ways to slow down the process, some people believe that consuming ginger regularly could show anti-aging qualities. This can be another easy habit to implement into your beauty routine.

Once again, thanks to gingerol, a powerful antioxidant that could protect the collagen in our skin Further, gingerol could also help reduce skin damage and inflammation. To maintain healthy glowing skin you may want to add ginger to your daily diet more often. You could reap the benefits for years to come.

ViChizh / Shutterstock

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Quick and Easy Dinner Recipes Your Kids Will Love

60 delicious ideas even picky eaters will love!

The post Quick and Easy Dinner Recipes Your Kids Will Love appeared first on Forkly.

One of the hardest things about cooking for little people is trying to plan great meal options the kids in your life will actually love. Let’s face it, kids are picky eaters and having more than one picky eater can make meal planning an impossible task. Luckily, we’re here to help!

We’ve scoured the web for the best dinner recipes that we’re sure your kids will love (or hopefully they’ll at least love some of them!) From unique dishes like tater tot nachos to classic kid-friendly meals like mac and cheese, these meals are bound to satisfy the bellies at your table. If you’re looking for fun and easy dinner recipes your kids will love, consider these 18 awesome meal ideas below:

1. Pizza Casserole

Invented by a kid, this recipe is 100 percent kid-approved. Pepperoni and pasta combine to make a mouth-watering meal that will satisfy meal-eaters of every age! It’s essentially two fan favorite dinners to enjoy at the same time. Plus, it’s super easy to make and freeze ahead for hassle-free cooking.

This filling casserole recipe is loaded with ground beef, pepperoni, mozzarella cheese, and more ingredients that will flavor penne pasta like a pizza. It takes just 15 minutes to prepare, 45 minutes to cook, and yields six servings. If you want to freeze he casserole, simply follow the steps and allow it to cool instead of baking.

Elena Shashkina / Shutterstock

2. Tater Tot Nachos

Talk about a crowd-pleaser! Even if your kids don’t love Mexican food, they’ll go nuts over a plate of tater tot nachos. So will the adults, for that matter! This kid-friendly take on a tasty dish that can be easily customized depending on your family’s taste preferences.

Buy a package of tater tots and follow the directions to prepare them. Cook up some ground beef in the meantime and flavor it with some taco seasoning. Once both are ready, combine them and top with extra ingredients. Shredded cheese, sour cream, chives — whatever you’d typically load your nachos with, enjoy with the tater tots!

AS Food studio / Shutterstock

3. Pizza Quesadillas

Most kids love pizza, and this is a fun new twist on the old standard that they can help make! Pizza quesadillas are simple to prepare and I guarantee that your kids will love them. Let the fun begin with this 10 minute recipe from Taste of Home.

It only takes three steps to make four servings, starting with heating the spaghetti sauce until warm. Prepare the tortillas with butter on one side and cheese, salami, and pepperoni on the other. Top with another tortilla before putting it on a griddle over medium heat. After two to three minutes, they’ll be ready to enjoy!

Elena Veselova / Shutterstock

4. Buttermilk Chicken Tenders

Do your kids love ordering chicken tenders at restaurants? Then why not give it a try and make your very own at home. The tenders are soaked in buttermilk, which makes them juicy and moist. Needless to say, your kids love them! This recipe from Dinner Then Dessert yields 16 servings and takes just one hour to make.

You can add extra breadcrumbs to make the tenders crispier, depending on your taste preference. The recipe also walks you through oven-baked chicken tenders that are a healthier alternative to deep frying. Serve alongside some homemade french fries and your kids can enjoy a restaurant-worthy meal from home

Liudmyla Chuhunova / Shutterstock

5. BBQ Chicken Pizza

The next time you make grilled chicken, grill some extra to use for this delicious BBQ chicken pizza the next night! This pizza is simple and comes together in no time, and you won’t believe how delicious it is. The tangy sauce, the melted cheese, and the juicy chicken make for such a flavorful, yummy combination!

This recipe from Sally’s Baking Addiction uses gouda cheese for a smokey flavor and cilantro for some freshness. If you want to skip the homemade dough, simply buy some dough from the grocery store and go from there. Piling the ingredients onto the pizza can be a fun way to get your kids hands-on in the kitchen.

Medolka / Shutterstock

6. Bacon Pierogi Bake

In this comforting casserole, pierogies are smothered in a creamy sauce and then topped with gooey cheese, crisp bacon and fresh tomatoes. This is a family favorite for sure! This recipe from Lets Dish Recipes yields six servings. It takes about 15 minutes to prepare and 20 minutes to cook, making it a low maintenance dinner that can be whipped up in a jiffy.

The recipe calls for one pack of frozen potato and cheddar pierogies placed in a baking dish. You’ll prepare the bacon on a skillet and add the other ingredients gradually. Once the mixture is complete, pour it over the pierogies and cook in the oven until cooked. Top with bacon, green onions and tomatoes and it’s ready to eat!

Pronina Marina / Shutterstock

7. Baked Macaroni And Cheese

My mom always made this Baked Macaroni and Cheese recipe when I was growing up – we never had the boxed kind. Luckily, it’s super easy for anyone to give a go. This recipe from the Food Network takes less than an hour and yields up to eight servings.

After cooking the pasta and cheese sauce, you’ll place it in a baking dish followed by the breadcrumb and butter topping. It will be ready to eat once the dish bubbles around the edges after about 15 minutes in the oven. Toss up a salad or steam some broccoli and you have a full meal that is delicious and very comforting.

Sunny Forest / Shutterstock

8. Chicken Tacos

Tasty chicken tacos – an easy weeknight meal for busy parents. The ingredients are something you can always have on hand whenever you’re short on dinner ideas on busy weeknights. Taco shells (hard or soft), sour cream, cheese, shredded lettuce, and corn are just some of the many ingredients kids can decorate their tacos with.

If you don’t have time to actually cook chicken, have some pre-cooked chicken in the fridge. You can season it with your desired flavors and save tons of time. You can switch the recipe to beef or even fish if you start to get bored of the chicken.

Joshua Resnick / Shutterstock

9. Muffin Tin Cheeseburger Cups

These mini burgers are made in a muffin tin and because of that, you can whip up a large batch quickly! It’s made up of buns, ground turkey or beef, cheese, and some veggies for flavoring. Top with pickles and your favorite condiments to enjoy these mini burgers to the max!

This Forkly recipe is super easy to follow and takes no more than 20 minutes to cook. They would be great for any family dinner, potluck or birthday party and they certainly get the stamp of approval from the kiddos. It would be perfect to serve alongside French fries for a filling and addicting meal.

10. Quick & Easy Instant Pot Macaroni And Cheese

As a child, macaroni and cheese was always a favorite of mine. If you’re like most people and purchased or received an Instant Pot as a gift this year then you’ll be happy to know you can make your kiddo’s favorite meal, mac and cheese in it too! This Forkly recipe comes together in just 15 minutes – perfect for busy nights.

The ooey-gooey dish only requires a handful of ingredients: macaroni noodles, water or broth, salt, butter, garlic powder, milk or cream, and your choice of shredded cheese. Add presentation points with some parsley and your elevated mac and cheese is complete.

11. Easy Weeknight Leftover Chicken Quesadillas

Quesadillas are such an underrated meal! They’re simple, delicious, inexpensive, and are kid and adult-friendly. This Forkly recipe uses leftover or store-bought rotisserie chicken to simplify the meal and pair it with our delicious 5-Ingredient Copycat Chipotle Burrito Sauce!

This dish yields four servings and takes minutes to prepare. You’ll need a frying pan or panini press to make the quesadillas. Choose your favorite type of cheese to shred and flavor your quesadillas with. You can serve this meal alongside sour cream or mashed avocado. They’re super easy to dip into your favorite sauce and will become a go-to dinner whenever you’re dealing with chicken leftovers.

12. Easy Upside-Down Pizza Casserole

This tasty Forkly recipe gives you all the comforting satisfaction that casseroles have to offer with a delicious spin of pizza flavors. To save time, prepare the pizza casserole the night before so it’s ready to place into the oven as soon as you’re home from work the next day.

The recipe yields six servings, takes 30 minutes to prepare, and up to 60 minutes of cooking time in the oven. Feel free to swap out the Italian sausage with turkey instead. This flavorful pizza is enhanced with diced pepper, minced garlic, mozzarella cheese and more melt-in-your-mouth ingredients that will everyone reaching for seconds!

13. Instant Pot Pizza

If you’re looking for yet another way to put your Instant Pot to use, look no further than this pizza recipe from Forkly. Pizza casseroles can be made in so many ways with a variety of flavors and ingredient choices. Say hello to a whole new way of making pasta. Making this dish in your Instant pot requires no additional clean up with multiple pot usage-you don’t even have to boil your pasta separately.

This dish takes about 15 minutes to prepare and yields six servings. It’s loaded with mozzarella cheese, pepperoni slices, Italian seasoning, and lots more. Prepare this Instant Pot Pizza with any type of pasta and enjoy!

14. Left Over Spaghetti Nests

If you’re seeking to stretch one dinner into two then look no further, this is the recipe for you. These spaghetti nests are a great way to make leftovers new again. The muffin tin also offers convenience by binding the pasta together so you can eat them with your fingers, what child doesn’t love that!

This Forkly recipe yields 12 servings and takes no more than 20 minutes to whip up with leftover spaghetti. All you have to do is fill the muffin tins with pasta covered in sauce and top with some cheese. Once the spaghetti is slightly browned on the edges, you can let it cool a bit and garnish with basil.

15. Easy Weeknight Instant Pot Copycat Hamburger Helper

There is perhaps nothing quite as easy to whip up on a busy weeknight as Hamburger Helper. It’s quick and inexpensive to make and most kids won’t say no to noodles, cheese, and meat. But you can clean up the ingredients of this store bought dinner and make it far tastier by creating it from scratch in your Instant Pot.

This Forkly recipe yields up to eight servings. If you have leftovers, allow it to cool completely before storing it in the fridge in an airtight container. It should be good to eat for up to one week. Bon appetit!

16. Kid-Approved Vegan Mac And Cheese

If you follow a vegan lifestyle or have a lactose allergy no need to worry! Your children and yourself don’t need to miss out on a childhood favorite like mac and cheese, Forkly has got you covered. This Forkly recipe will satisfy your mac and cheese craving all the while providing you and your children with an excellent serving of vegetables.

After preparing this mac and cheese, you’ll be left with four to six servings. It should take no more than 10 minutes to prep and about 40 to 60 minutes for cooking. Serve immediately while the pasta is still warm and dig in!

17. Quick & Easy Instant Pot Deconstructed Lasagna

While I love to cook, I just don’t have the time that goes into a meal like homemade lasagna, even though I adore this dish. Enter, the Instant Pot. It takes a small fraction of the time and tastes exactly the same as traditional lasagna, making it a favorite in my books!

The easy Forkly recipe provides up to eight servings. If you’d like to lower the fat content, feel free to reduce the amount of mozzarella cheese used. You could also switch to a low-fat cottage cheese. Top with basil for some added flavor and presentation points and enjoy.

18. Tater Tots Casserole With Cheddar Cheese

This is a fun dish that is easy to assemble and makes for a hearty meal for a family. It is a very interesting way of serving tater tots (or fried potato rounds), which everyone loves. This recipe from AllRecipes takes only 10 minutes to prep, half an hour to cook in the oven and yields eight servings.

To make it nice and creamy, the recipe calls for one can of condensed cream of mushroom soup. You’ll know the dish is ready once the tater tots appear golden and crispy. Feel free to remove the cheese from this dish — it works with or without it. Enjoy!

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

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Reasons Why Apple Cider Vinegar Is So Good For You

When it comes to the natural health community, apple cider is most likely the most popular type of vinegar and for good reason! This vinegar has been known to offer many health benefits to us which is why it’s become so popular. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can be incorporated into your diet in many ways. […]

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When it comes to the natural health community, apple cider is most likely the most popular type of vinegar and for good reason! This vinegar has been known to offer many health benefits to us which is why it’s become so popular.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can be incorporated into your diet in many ways. Some use it mixed into a salad dressing recipe, some cook with it, while others (known as the brave) take straight-up shots of this tart vinegar! For those that cannot brave the flavor and zing of the vinegar, there are ACV capsules that can help you consume it’s health benefits without actually having to taste much of it. So let’s find out what all the rave is about, and discover 12 reasons why it is SO good for you.

1. Promotes Weight loss

There is no magic pill for weight loss and it does take time and effort but there are ways to help promote it and push it along. Apple cider vinegar happens to be one of those things that can help push it along. While there is one study that says ACV can help burn fat it hasn’t been researched too fully.

More important ACV can help promote weight loss because it can improve your satiety. When we are satisfied and feel full for longer we are less tempted to eat when we don’t need to and can make us consume fewer calories overall. Many sources recommend that you take a tablespoon or two of ACV with at least 16 ounces of water.

Duda Vasilii / Shutterstock

2. Reduce Risk of Chronic Disease

Apple cider vinegar, as well as all types of vinegar, are a rich source of polyphenols. However, apple cider vinegar happens to have the most polyphenols out of all kinds of vinegar. They naturally occur in vinegar because of the fermentation process vinegar has to go through.

Now you might be asking yourself, why do we even need polyphenols? Well, we need them because they can help treat many issues like digestion and weight management. But more importantly, can help decrease free radical exposure. Free radicals can be created in our bodies through normal metabolic functions, but can also be introduced from environmental factors such as pollution. Long exposure of too much free radicals could lead to chronic diseases such as a stroke or cancer. Due to this, apple cider vinegar might not be able to prevent chronic disease like cancer, but it could help lower the risk of it.

Thaiview / Shutterstock

3. Relieve Leg Cramps

One of the worst feelings is waking up in the middle of the night to a leg cramp, also known as a “Charlie horse”! These muscle spasms can cause complete agony that can seriously disrupt your important sleep time. If you suffer from frequent leg cramps at night or during the day, could be a sign that you don’t have enough potassium in your diet.

Apple cider vinegar happens to be very high in potassium making it a great natural remedy for leg cramps. You could drink it by the spoonful, but if that isn’t appetizing to you considering mixing it with warm water and honey to drink before bed.

kwanchai.c / Shutterstock

4. Helps Fade Aging Spots

The not so fun reality of aging is all the side effects that come along with it. Like sagging skin, wrinkled skin and even age spots. Once the early signs of aging start, we tend to lean to beauty products to try help reverse the effects. But at what cost?

Unfortunately, there are no permanent reverse remedies out there unless you want to revert to medical cosmetic interventions. However, there are some natural remedies that might just work, and apple cider vinegar just might do the trick for you. If you’re looking to help fade your age spots, try mixing equal parts apple cider vinegar to water, dip a cotton ball into the mixture and dap onto your age spots and let it soak in. If your skin reacts well you can leave it on for up to 15 minutes before you rinse it off. Apple cider vinegar helps our skin stay fresh, firm and helps it renew itself.

wk1003mike / Shutterstock

5. Ease Digestion

The digestive system can be a sensitive little thing. Especially for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, experience constipation and or bloating. Apple cider vinegar can help ease digestion as well. ACV can actually stimulate digestive juices that help our bodies break down the foods we eat.

When it comes to digesting food another annoying side effect that many often experience is heartburn. Some experts recommend that taking 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water can help relieve symptoms of heartburn instantly. Furthermore, if you think you’re about to indulge in a food that you might regret later, consider having apple cider vinegar before your meal too.

Monster e / Shutterstock

6. Gets Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff can be an utter annoyance. Not only can it cause an itchy scalp but for those with severe cases often end up with flaky, dead skin all over their clothing. Embarrassing, and for many this may be a serious social nightmare, so no more black clothes for you!

While there are many over the counter shampoos to remedy dandruff, you could try apple cider vinegar. ACV benefits our bodies but it can benefit our skin too, after all, our skin is our largest organ. The acidity that is in apple cider vinegar can help change the pH of our scalp which makes it more difficult for yeast to grow. You can spray an equal parts ACV to water mixture on your head, wrap your hair in a towel and let it sit up to an hour. Then shampoo as normal. Some sources recommend that you do this process twice a week for optimal results.

suriya yapin / Shutterstock

7. Helps Clear Acne

Face it, we fork out a lot of money for skin care. We do it because we want to feel good about ourselves and that often starts with the appearance of our skin. Apple cider vinegar makes a great skin toner to help even your complexion. It can leave the skin looking healthy and is very inexpensive.

Furthermore, apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties to help reign in your acne problem and keep it under control. Two acids found in apple cider vinegar, malic and lactic can help soften and exfoliate our skin and in result reduce red spots and then balance the pH of our skin. Before you fork out money on expensive skin care products, give apple cider vinegar a try!

Sofia Zhuravetc / Shutterstock

8. Helps Control Blood Sugar

Signs that your blood sugar is out of whack could be blurred vision, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, increased heart rate along with several other leading signs. This can be a common occurrence for someone who has diabetes and they will know all too well how important it is to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Several studies have shown that apple cider vinegar could help balance blood sugar levels. However, it is always important to consult your doctor to ensure this is the right method for you. Depending on your condition, medical treatments may be necessary to ease symptoms and get your health back on track.

Syda Productions / Shutterstock

9. Detox The Liver

As we learned earlier, apple cider vinegar can help balance the pH levels in our body and skin but it can also promote healthy detoxification of our liver. This may be heavily important after a weekend with too much wine (if you know what I mean)!
Having some apple cider vinegar on hand after a fun night can definitely be beneficial.

Further, apple cider vinegar can help remove harmful environmental toxins in our bodies, as we learned earlier as well, but it can also remove toxins from the liver. It helps by promoting circulation and flushes out toxins to improve the natural blood filtration process.

StockPhotosLV / Shutterstock

10. Energy Booster

When we’re feeling the afternoon slump, we often always reach for a cup of coffee or an energy drink to help give us a boost in energy. Since so many other energy-boosting beverages aren’t always good for us, it’s may be a good idea to seek a healthier alternative. Apple cider vinegar could just be the healthy energy-boost you’re looking for!

Fatigue is often caused by lactic acid which builds up in our bodies, often a result of extreme stress. However, apple cider vinegar contains amino acids which are the antidote. ACV also contains enzymes and potassium that has been shown to help relieve tiredness. So the next time fatigue creeps up on you, try adding apple cider vinegar to some water for a healthy energy booster.

ThamKC / Shutterstock

11. Alleviate A Sore Throat

I don’t think anyone enjoys the early signs of a sore throat. It’s an awful feeling to wake up to feeling that prickle in the back of your throat that’s warning you that a sore throat is on its way.

The next time you feel a sore throat coming on you might want to try using apple cider vinegar to help relieve it and put it to a stop. ACV is an awesome natural germ fighter! A lot of germs can’t survive an acidic environment which is why it is great for sore throats. Mix it with warm water and gargle several times a day to help alleviate your sore throat.

puhhha / Shutterstock

12. Kills Bad Breath

Bad breath can bring on some embarrassing moments that nobody wants to experience! While oral health is important for healthy teeth and gums, it’s also key to helping fend off bad breath.

If regular and thorough teeth brushing and mouth washing just isn’t working well enough for you, then you might want to try apple cider vinegar. As we learned previously, ACV can help kill off unwanted bacteria. The root cause of a lot chronic bad breath is from odor-causing bacteria. So you might want to gargle a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with water before your next important meeting.

G-Stock Studio / Shutterstock

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Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

Water is vital to maintaining a healthy body. I know we’ve heard it time and time again, drink more water! But do you know why exactly that is? Did you know there is a list of negative side effects that you may not like if you don’t drink enough water? The average male’s body is […]

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Water is vital to maintaining a healthy body. I know we’ve heard it time and time again, drink more water! But do you know why exactly that is? Did you know there is a list of negative side effects that you may not like if you don’t drink enough water? The average male’s body is made up of 60% water, whereas a woman’s body is made up of 55% water. That fact alone shows how important water intake is for us. Not only that but our bodies are constantly losing water just by existing. We lose water from sweating and we lose it in our urine, this is why it is so important to constantly be refuelling our bodies with water.

In recent studies, you can find out you can go about three weeks without food whereas you can only go about three to four days without water before utter dehydration and I would hate to say it, but possibly death. Although the daily recommendations vary from study to study, on average it is recommended we drink at least 10 glasses of water a day. Not only will this help us survive but water is what lubricates our bodies and help to energize our muscles so we have the energy to conquer our everyday tasks.  We have researched and compiled 15 signs that you’re not getting enough water. Be reminded, we are not professional doctors so make sure if feeling uneasy about any of these symptoms to always consult your professional right away. So let’s grab a glass of water, take a sip and let’s dig in.

1. Dry Mouth, Eyes and Skin

These may be the most obvious symptoms of needing more water but are just as important to know. Sometimes that one cup of coffee turns into two or three or maybe four depending on the day, but if you’re not drinking enough water alongside your coffee that can actually dehydrate you. As soon as you feel like your mouth is becoming dry it may just be an immediate symptom you need to put more water into your body.

Following, dry eyes can be another symptom of not enough water. You could have been just staring at your computer for too long but when in doubt drink more water. lastly, the least obvious of the three water can affect your skin. Your skin is your largest organ so we really need to take care of it and most obviously it needs water to stay hydrated. Drinking more water can help prevent wrinkles as well as save you from a few breakouts.

9nong / Shutterstock

2. Headaches

Not only are our bodies vastly made up of water but so is our brain, 80% to be exact. When you become dehydrated that results in water loss around the brain tissue. This can then cause brain shrinkage and then pain that surrounds the brain-also known as your headache.

Being dehydrated also decreases the blood flow as well as oxygen to our brains. Medical News Today says that dehydration headaches can occur at the front, side, back, or all over the head. So consider drinking a glass or two of water before immediately going for a bottle of painkillers. If hydrating doesn’t relieve the pain consider consulting your doctor. / Shutterstock

3. Dark Urine Color

The color of your urine is an easy indicator to show whether or not you are drinking enough water. A good rule of thumb is to keep in mind the lighter the color of your urine, the more hydrated you are and vise versa.

Water is what helps your kidneys flush out toxins and waste. In contrast, the darker the colour such as dark yellow, like orange juice, the more dehydrated you may be, sorry if we just ruined orange juice for you! The next time you visit the restroom make sure to make note of the color of your urine, you may need to pick up a glass of water after you return.

gritsalak karalak / Shutterstock

4. Low Energy

Having low energy levels can prevent people from being productive. That’s partly because when our bodies are low in energy we often feel lethargic and fatigue. Perhaps your children kept you up all night or you binged watched the latest Netflix show which is resulting in your tiredness. Or, perhaps your low energy is caused by dehydration.

When your body becomes dehydrated it starts to store its energy by decreasing blood circulation. When that happens that also results in less oxygen being delivered to our muscles and therefore when the blood isn’t flowing properly it causes us to feel lethargic and lacking energy.

Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock

5. Disorientation

There’s nothing like the feeling of disorientation to mess up your entire day. Feeling disoriented includes confusion, lack of concentration and dizziness. These are all examples of what a lack of water can do to your mind and body. As we know now, our bodies lose water from sweating and urinating as well as other bodily functions.

The loss of fluids can result in a poor imbalance of electrolytes. We need electrolytes to keep our bodies and minds functioning properly which is why the feeling of being disoriented could be a good indicator you need to drink more water. Healthline says to consider an electrolyte water if you’re being active, working in hot weather, or feeling ill.

Rainer Fuhrmann / Shutterstock

6. Frequent Muscle Cramps

Sweating, especially a vigorous workout session can cause a significant loss of body fluids. You only have so much in your body before it’s best to refuel with a bottle of water. If our bodies are lacking water, our bodies are smart enough to delegate where the water should go. Our circulatory system is more important than our muscles, so that will get first priority.

When our muscles don’t have enough water surrounding them they can become very sensitive. This can then cause spontaneous muscle contractions and spasms. Furthermore, sweating isn’t the only way to deprive the muscles of water, lack of water consumption as a whole can cause muscles spasms too. So whether you workout or not make sure to drink your water so you don’t get a Charlie Horse in the middle of the night.

WAYHOME studio / Shutterstock

7. Constantly Hungry

Have you ever considered when the hunger arises that it could possibly be dehydration talking? As we discovered earlier lack of water can cause disorientation and may confuse the brain. This could cause your brain to send you signals that you’re hungry when in reality you’re actually just craving a tall glass of water.

Everyday Health says that dehydration makes it hard for the organs to release glycogen and other energy source components, making you think you’re hungry. The next time your tummy starts to rumble consider it as a signal that your body wants more water. If the thoughts of food don’t go away after a little while then consider making yourself a snack.

Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock

8. Joint Pain

Joint pain can be an utter annoyance that causes discomfort and can even sometimes restrict your mobility. Cartilage is what lines and cushions our joints. Did you know it’s estimated that cartilage is made up of as much as 70 to 80 percent water? Considering that it is clear that it is important to stay hydrated.

Water acts as a lubricant for our body, especially when it comes to our joints. If we do not keep the cartilage lubricated it will deflate and will result in a decreased cushion for our joints. This then can lead to inflammation as well as pain and stiffness in our joints.

DexonDee / Shutterstock

9. Decrease In Muscle Mass

I’m sure we have all heard if you want to increase your muscle you need to introduce higher quantities of protein into your diet. That is important but possibly even more important is we need to regulate our water intake more closely if we want to see a muscle increase.

Our muscles are made up of 70% water which is a leading factor into why water consumption is so important to maintain muscle mass. When training, water is directed from the blood into our muscle which helps gives you the pump sensation. When our bodies are dehydrated water is taken out of the muscle and back into the bloodstream to help preserve our circulation and keep our blood pressure at a proper level. Dehydration, over a long period of time can deprive the muscle and may result in decreased muscle mass.

VGstockstudio / Shutterstock

10. Bad Breath

There may be an underlying factor that is causing your bad breath that a stick of gum or mint cannot fix. A lack of drinking water can cause chronic bad breath.

Dry mouth, also known as Xerostomia is a result of lack of saliva production in the mouth. This can be caused by tobacco use, some medical conditions but also can be caused by dehydration. Saliva plays an important role in regulating the population of microorganisms that live in our mouths. Whereas dehydration causes our saliva to lack and then allows bacteria and yeast to develop in and around our teeth, gums and tongue.  This can then turn our mouth into a very bad smelling one. Listen to your mouth, and consider drinking more water the next time it starts to smell bad.

Seasontime / Shutterstock

11. Digestive Issues

As we just discovered a lack of hydration in the mouth can affect the mouth but can also affect your digestive system too. Dehydration can cause the amount and strength of mucus in our stomachs to decrease. If we have less mucus in the stomach it can then lead the stomach acid to cause some serious damage to the insides of our bodies. This can then lead to what we call heartburn and indigestion.

Following, dehydration can also lead to constipation! This is caused by lack of lubrication in our intestines. We can all imagine what happens if there is nothing to keep the intestines from moving along. If this doesn’t make you take another drink of water then I don’t know what will!

AstroStar / Shutterstock

12. Impaired Concentration And Memory

Like disorientation, lack of water can impair our concentration and our memory. The same applies here, lack of water can decrease the blood flow to your brain. This steals the proper oxygen and nutrients your brain needs to function properly. In fact, research shows that even less than two percent of body mass loss caused by dehydration can lead to cognitive problems and alter your mood.

Drinking water throughout the day can help prevent your brain from going into a major fog. Keep drinking your water so you can stay on track with your daily tasks, as well as not forget to pick up the kids after school.

WAYHOME studio / Shutterstock

13. Irritability And Mood Swings

Have you ever found yourself snapping at someone over nothing? Perhaps it was caused by the culprit, lack of water! Like being hungry, the need for water can make us easily irritated. Considering all the negative side effects lack of water can have on your entire body, there’s no wonder why it could cause a mood swing too. Studies show that even mild dehydration can impact our mood and emotions.

Following, chronic dehydration could also cause a hormone imbalance which could result in worse than mood swings, depression or anxiety. Make sure to drink more water to keep your moods intact, both when you’re eating meals and throughout the day.

favorita1987 / Shutterstock

14. Food Cravings

Before eating out of boredom or binge eating, ask yourself how long it’s been since you’ve had a glass of water. Just like many organs in your body, your liver also needs water to work properly. The liver uses water to break down fat cells and uses stored energy to fuel our bodies all the while maintaining balanced blood-glucose levels.

A lack of water consumption can cause your liver not to function properly. When this happens that can cause us to crave foods that we probably shouldn’t be eating such as salty and sweet foods. Consider your next food craving as a cry for more water.

Syda Productions / Shutterstock

15. Difficulty In Losing Weight

Anyone trying to lose weight needs to prioritize drinking water throughout the day and whenever you exercise. Dehydration impacts everything from your energy levels to your digestion to craving unhealthy foods. All these factors can prevent you from achieving your weight loss goal.

Your body cannot break down stored fat without proper hydration. Even if you exercise, this could be what is stopping you from seeing progress. Consider how much water you are consuming on a daily basis when you feel like your weight loss progress is in a rut. The sooner you start drinking more water, the sooner you’ll get to reaching you weight goal.

VGstockstudio / Shutterstock

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No Fuss, No-Bake Christmas Cookies  

Make holiday cookies fun and easy with these no-bake, no-fuss recipes!

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The more time we can steal for ourselves over the holidays, the better! Sure, you can spend hours making your Nana’s famous shortbread—or you can make an assortment of our holiday-ready, no-fuss no-bake cookies in a virtual flash (dashier than Santa’s reindeer), and still enjoy the holidays. Make these no-bake cookie recipes a new, foolproof holiday tradition.

1. Chocolate Covered Oreos

Oreos are delicious enough on their own, but you can easily take them to the next level by dipping them in chocolate! This simple recipe will look great on the dessert table and takes only 20 minutes to prepare. Take you pick between white or milk chocolate, add some sprinkles or peppermint candies, and the Oreos will look fancier than ever.

Melting chocolate is a simple process. You simply place candy melts in the microwave in 30 second increments until fully melted. Don’t forget to stir occasionally! You can then use a fork to coat the Oreos completely in chocolate. Customize the appearance with some sprinkles and candies, let them dry completely, and you’re done!

Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock

2. White Chocolate Raspberry No-Bake Cookies

Anyone wanting to serve up healthier cookies this Christmas season can try out these white chocolate raspberry cookies. They are keto, vegan, and paleo diet-friendly! This recipe is super easy since it uses only five ingredients and 10 minutes of your time. Plus, they contain some nutritional value since they’re packed with protein.

These chewy cookies combine delicious white chocolate, dried raspberries, and maple syrup into one delicious cookie. Once the batter is prepared at a thick consistency, you can form them into balls and let it sit in the fridge. You’ll know the cookies are ready once they are firm to the touch.

BarthFotografie / Shutterstock

3. No-Bake Cookie Dough Bites

We’ve all done it. When you’re baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies and take a bite of the cookie dough despite potential health risks. Who can help it? Raw cookie dough is too delicious to resist. Luckily, this recipe teaches you how to make edible cookie dough bites without risking salmonella infection.

This recipe uses an eight-by-eight inch pan to make the bites in a bar form. After letting the cookie dough chill in the fridge for an hour, you can add a decadent topping. It’s made up of white chocolate chips and heavy cream. Color it with food coloring, pour it onto the cold dough, and refrigerate for one more hour. Enjoy!

Nick Lundgren / Shutterstock

4. Fudgy Mint Chocolate No-Bake Cookies

Who doesn’t love a good mint and chocolate combo? This flavor pairing is perfect for cookies, especially when following this fudgy mint chocolate no-bake cookie recipe. The finishing touch atop the chocolate cookies is a mint frosting and chocolate ganache that will leave you aching for seconds!

It yields two dozen servings and takes less than half an hour to make. The recipe breaks it down into easy steps for the cookie, mint frosting, and chocolate ganache. Two ingredients to look forward to in the cookies, and also add some texture, are oats and shredded coconut. These cookies are definitely great for gifting or preparing for a Christmas cookie exchange.

Anna Shepulova / Shutterstock

5. No-Bake Turtle Cookies

One of the most fitting chocolates to gift loved ones and friends during Christmas is Turles — and for good reason! These cookies are packed with irresistible caramel, chocolate, and pecans that are too good to pass up. Consider making your own Turtles concoction by following this homemade no-bake turtle cookie recipe.

One part of the recipe teaches you how to make a delectable dulce de leche that’s spooned onto each cookie. Along with chopped chocolate, shredded coconut, pecan halves, and vanilla, these hearty cookies are something you’ll want to be making all year round. Just make sure to allow the cookies to set at room temperature or in the fridge before serving.

melissamn / Shutterstock

6. Hot Cocoa No-Bake Cookies

Hot cocoa and Christmastime go hand in hand. So why not combine both elements into one delicious cookie for the holiday? This no-bake hot cocoa cookie recipe is a good one to follow. Its flavor and marshmallow topped appearance are the perfect cookie to bake in December.

To achieve that distinct hot cocoa flavor, the recipe actually uses two tablespoons of hot cocoa mix and cocoa powder. It even calls for half a cup of Nutella to guarantee max chocolaty-ness. What’s great is the cookies can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

JoyStudio / Shutterstock

7. No-Bake Peanut Butter Jam Thumbprints

Looking for a Christmas cookie that’s cute as a button? Then look no further than these no-bake peanut butter jam thumbprints. These bite-sized treats are a tasty combination of powdered sugar, peanut butter, pretzels, and rice krispies. The strawberry jam spooned into the cookie gives it some color and presentation points.

This recipe recommends using a standup mixer with a paddle attachment, but you can also beat the ingredients using a wooden spoon or something similar. It yield about 30 cookies and takes just 15 minutes to prepare. You’ll need to let the cookies chill in the fridge for about two hours before serving. It’s also a great cookie to make ahead fo time since they can be stored in the fridge for up to seven days!

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

8. Chocolate Raspberry Bites

With just 25 minutes of your time and four ingredients, you can enjoy chocolate-raspberry bite cookies! This recipe expertly combines chocolate wafer cookies, jam, and chocolate chip frosting into a decadently sweet cookie. And they really can’t be any easier to make.

All you have to do is grab your store-bought wafters and spread some jam onto half of them. Set them on a wired rack while you work on the icing. Simply melt the chocolate chips and shortening in the microwave and stir every 30 seconds. Spread the icing onto your wafer sandwiches and the cookies are ready to serve!

Natasha Breen / Shutterstock

9. No-Bake Pumpkin Cookies

There’s no reason why enjoying pumpkin-spiced anything should end after the fall season. Enjoy pumpkin flavored cookies this Christmas by making these no-bake pumpkin cookies. It uses oatmeal, pumpkin spice pudding mix, sugar, butter, and a few other ingredients. The result? Soft and chewy cookies that you won’t be able to get enough of.

This small batch recipe yielded about a dozen cookies. If you’re looking to make more, simply double the ingredient amounts. There are only two steps of instructions to make the cookies. While it only takes about 10 minutes to prepare, keep in mind the cookies need to set on a wax paper lined tray for about an hour.

Oleksandra Naumenko / Shutterstock

10. Candy Cane Oreo Balls

It wouldn’t be the Christmas season without indulging in at least one candy cane. Enjoy candy canes with a twist by whipping up these candy cane Oreo balls. These are Oreo truffles in the shape of a candy cane! They’re delicious, colorful, and can be made in about two hours.

You can make these cookies ahead of time by storing them in an airtight container for up to one week. Just make sure they are kept in the fridge until serving. Alternatively, you could also freeze the Oreo balls for up to three months. The recipe yields about 20 to 30 servings, depending on how large you form them

JLMcAnally / Shutterstock

11. Chocolate Dipped Fluffernutter Ritz Cookies

I’m not sure what’s more fun — making chocolate dipped fluffernutter Ritz cookies from scratch or simply saying the name of these cookies out loud! The cookies combine Ritz crackers, peanut butter, marshmallow creme, and chocolate into one delicious dessert.

These no-bake cookies are simple enough to have kids help out in the kitchen. To add a little extra color to the cookies, feel free to add some sprinkles after dipping them in chocolate. It takes just half an hour to prepare and yields about two dozen servings. Just be sure to let the cookies dry fully before serving them.

Trevor D Snook / Shutterstock

12. Milk & Cookies Bark

Get ready for Santa Claus to visit the house on Christmas Eve by making these milk and cookies bark recipe. This twist on an old classic leaves you with thin, crunchy cookies with a strong chocolatey taste. The best part is that you only need three ingredients: vanilla almond bark, mini chocolate chip cookies, and sprinkles.

You’ll start this recipe by melting the almond park and pouring it onto a pan with parchment paper or tinfoil. Then, place the mini chocolate chip cookies all over the pan. Add Christmas colored sprinkles and the bark preparation is complete! Give it some time to harden or speed up the process by putting it in the fridge. Cut pieces with a knife and enjoy!

foodPh / Shutterstock

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Unique Christmas Dessert Recipes: 12 Delicious Ideas!

Serve a unique and exciting dessert this holiday season using one of these recipes!

The post Unique Christmas Dessert Recipes: 12 Delicious Ideas! appeared first on Forkly.

Dessert is and has always been the highlight of any holiday dinner, and this year is no exception. If you’re tired of serving the same predictable desserts you’ve served for countless years try switching things up this season and wow your guests with one of these unique and fabulous ideas!

1. No-Bake White Chocolate Peppermint Cheesecakes

Are you looking for a dessert that looks as good as it tastes? Look no further than this white chocolate peppermint cheesecake recipe. The crust, cheesecake filling, and candy cane toppings are the definition of Christmas in a cup.

This no-bake treat is prepared and served in individual nine-ounce plastic cups. To avoid the dessert from being overwhelmingly flavored, make sure to use real peppermint extract. This recipe yields up to 12 servings and takes just an hour and a half to make. You could even make this dish ahead of time since it needs to be refrigerated until firm. Enjoy!

Rimma Bondarenko / Shutterstock

2. Chocolate Mousse And Brownie Shot Glass Dessert

Is there anything more comforting than an ooey gooey chocolate brownie? This delectable dessert is rich in flavor that always has people asking for seconds. Take your typical brownie to the next level by recreating these chocolate mousse and brownie versions! These brownies are elegantly served in individual shot glasses.

Once you make the brownies and chocolate mousse, all you have to do is layer them into the glasses. You can use a piping bag for the mousse since it will be less messy and give you points on presentation. Top the brownie and mousse layers with some chocolate curls and keep them in the fridge until you’re ready to serve.

Katarzyna Hurova / Shutterstock

3. Coconut Cream Tarts With Macadamia Nut Crust

It’s always a good call to serve at least one custard-based dessert. This coconut cream tart is a good choice to go with! Its creamy custard is elevated with a coconutty flavor. Plus, the macadamia nut crusts and toasted coconut topping will earn you plenty of presentation points from guests.

The first part of the recipe to complete is the filling since it must chill for three hours. In the meantime, you can get started on making the crust. Once both elements are ready, spoon the custard mixture into the tart shell. Take your dessert to the next level by piping homemade cream onto the tarts along with some toasted coconut. Bon appetit!

Julia-Bogdanova / Shutterstock

4. Sticky Date Christmas Pudding

Anyone wanting to serve their Christmas guests a dessert they don’t see very often should try out this sticky date pudding. This recipe delivers a spiced fruit pudding topped with a caramel sauce that will melt in your mouth with each bite. Some of the ingredients include brandy, mixed fruit, and pitted dates.

For those looking to make this an alcohol-free dessert everyone can enjoy, simply replace the brandy with apple juice. What’s great is you can prepare this recipe the day before a big get together, saving you time and stress while you’re entertaining. It only requires five steps of preparation and takes about an hour and a half to make.

Robyn Mackenzie / Shutterstock

5. White Chocolate Peppermint Fudge

No matter the dessert, adding peppermint will instantly make it perfect for the Christmas season. This white chocolate peppermint fudge recipe is no exception. The fresh peppermint paired with the richness of white chocolate is addicting. Plus, these tasty treats also make for a nice holiday gift.

If you’ve never made fudge from scratch before, then you may be surprised at how easy it is to do. You only need four ingredients and can spend less than 10 minutes preparing it. The most time consuming part is letting the fudge cool completely before cutting it into pieces.

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

6. Bailey’s Chocolate Ice Cream Cake

Chocolate cake is one of the safest desserts to serve up at Christmas. But if you’re looking for a way to elevate chocolate cake into something unforgettable, then try out this Bailey’s chocolate ice cream cake. It’s two brownies separated by a layer of Bailey’s cream — a homemade ice cream sandwich!

This two-part recipe teaches you how to make the ice cream and brownies from scratch. Luckily, both elements can be prepared ahead of time. Stacking the sandwiches will only take about 10 minutes. For a more low maintenance execution, feel free to use a pre-made brownie mix and ice cream.

Yasemin Karaca / Shutterstock

7. Salted Caramel Apple Pie Blondies

What’s the opposite of a decadent chocolate brownie? It’s a blondie baked good that delivers a lighter, yet just as chewy, dessert. This recipe customizes a blondie with salted caramel and apple pie flavoring. It’s topped with brown sugar pecan streusel and drizzled with salted caramel. It makes your mouth water just thinking about it!

You don’t need a mixer to bake up these blondies. The recipe is broken down into three steps to make the blondie base, apple topping, and pecan streusel. It takes just 30 minutes to prepare, 35 minutes to cook, and yields 20 servings. Scoop some vanilla ice cream for extra sweetness and you’re ready to serve!

Life morning / Shutterstock

8. Toblerone-Topped Caramel Cheesecake

One type of chocolate you can’t avoid at Christmas is Toblerone. It’s a filling, nutty, and incredibly chocolatey that is hard to resist. Put your extra Toblerone bar to good use this holiday season by making this Toblerone-topped caramel cheesecake. It’s made with an Oreo cookie crumb crust, cream cheese filling, and topped with delicious caramel and chopped Toblerone.

This recipe takes just 40 minutes to make, but you will need to refrigerate it for four hours before slicing and serving. It yields 12 servings when using a nine inch springform pan. Right before slicing, top the cheesecake with caramel and your chocolate garnish.

Lenscap Photography / Shutterstock

9. Marble Sugar Cookies

Who doesn’t love a good sugar cookie? Christmas and sugar cookies go hand in hand, so there’s no reason to forget about them this holiday season. If you’re wondering how to elevate your sugar cookies, then check out these marble sugar cookies. These multi-colored goods are pleasing to look at and taste!

After making the cookie dough, you will divide them into four sections. Leave one batch of the dough white and grab food coloring to make red and green batches. The recipe walks you through how to roll the dough into one and to ensure all colors mesh well together for each cookie. Add some sugar sprinkles on the raw dough and they’re ready for the oven.

SerbBgd / Shutterstock

10. Holiday French Macarons With Peppermint Frosting

Nothing says showstopping dessert more than macarons. From it’s elegant presentation to the light and flavorful taste, this French delicacy aims to impress. Bake macarons that fit in with your Christmas theme by following this macarons with peppermint frosting recipe. It yields 18 servings and takes about an hour to prepare.

These perfectly portioned bites of heaven may seem difficult to prepare, but will ultimately be worth going through the learning curve. Luckily, the homemade buttercream is equally tasty as it is easy to prepare. These delicate shells will look festive thanks to the red food coloring and will certainly impress guests at your Christmas party!

Ruth Black / Shutterstock

11. Cranberry White Chocolate Macaroons

Next time you’re at the grocery store, make sure to pick up the ingredients for this cranberry white chocolate macaroon recipe. It delivers elegant looking macaroons with a crispy shell and soft filling. Plus, they happen to be gluten-free.

What makes these macaroons so festive for Christmas is the dried cranberries and hints of orange flavoring. The recipe is user-friendly even for baking novices since it can be prepared in less than half hour. You can store macaroons for a few days at room temperature or in the fridge, so feel free to make these ahead of time.

Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock

12. Peppermint Cheesecake Trifle

Turn your trifle into a holiday masterpiece by following this peppermint cheesecake trifle recipe! It has layers of red velvet cake, cheesecake filling, peppermint bits, and mint oreos. The cherry on top is a layer of whipped cream — and it’s really simple to make from scratch. You can serve it one big bowl or create individual servings using clear plastic cups.

The writer of this recipe has different variations to consider. If you’re a chocolate lover, simply add a bit of cocoa powder to the cream cheese layer. Opt for a gluten-free or sugar-free cake mix depending on your preference. You could also use a sugar-free whipped cream to cut down on calories. Enjoy!

Michelle Lee Photography / Shutterstock

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12 Days of Leftover Thanksgiving Meals

In addition to family time, one of the best things about a holiday like Thanksgiving is the food. Thanksgiving usually includes a dinner that is overflowing in flavors, textures and good conversion. Honestly, when the holiday comes to an end what I look forward to the most are those delicious leftovers. Leftovers can only last […]

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In addition to family time, one of the best things about a holiday like Thanksgiving is the food. Thanksgiving usually includes a dinner that is overflowing in flavors, textures and good conversion. Honestly, when the holiday comes to an end what I look forward to the most are those delicious leftovers.

Leftovers can only last in your fridge for up to 3-5 days so you need to make the best of it! We’ve accumulated some of the best recipes so you can transform your leftovers into something extraordinary. We’ve found a few recipes that you’ve probably tried before and some that you most definitely haven’t! Be prepared to start meal planning because you’ll be making these all week long, or for however long your leftovers last.

1. Thanksgiving Leftover Sandwich

We’re going to start with the classic and the one everyone thinks of — a sandwich. The idea is so simple that you won’t even need a recipe. You can customize the sandwich based on your taste preferences and whatever foods are leftover, giving you delicious Thanksgiving themed lunches for days to come.

To create an excellent Thanksgiving leftover sandwich, start with two pieces of your choice of bread and add a spread of either mayo or butter. Then, fill it with whatever leftovers are enticing to you. We recommend fresh greens such as spinach, mashed potatoes or stuffing, cranberry sauce, and of course, turkey!

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

2. Leftover Thanksgiving Stuffing Waffles

Let Thanksgiving dinner carry over to breakfast the next morning with these leftover stuffing waffles! It only uses three ingredients: chicken broth, eggs, and leftover stuffing. It’s perfect for those craving a savory, filling breakfast that can be whipped up in 10 minutes.

All you have to do is combine the eggs, stuffing and a quarter of the chicken broth until the mix is moist. Scoop some of the mixture into your waffle iron and let it bake until it’s a crispy golden brown color. Make sure the egg is fully cooked as well. Pour warm gravy on top and enjoy!

Caterina Trimarchi / Shutterstock

3. Turkey And Wild Rice Soup

What better way to extend your leftover turkey than to turn it into a warm and savory soup! This soup recipe is simple and you’ll most likely have all the ingredients on hand, especially if you were in charge of hosting Thanksgiving dinner. Some of these ingredients include carrots, celery, and fresh herbs.

Combine the delicious flavors with wild rice for an exciting texture. Following the steps in this recipe will take about a little over an hour to prepare and yield up to eight servings. You can either create your own soup stock out of the turkey bones from Thanksgiving dinner or use chicken broth, either way, it’ll turn out great!

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

4. Cheesy Leftover Turkey And Mashed Potato Bites

With just 25 minutes of preparation and five minutes of cook time, you can turn leftover turkey and mashed potatoes into bite-sized poppers. You start by gathering all ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Once it reaches the right consistency, roll the mixture into a ball. Then, drop it into the breadcrumb bowl and coat it completely.

Once they are covered, line them up onto a baking sheet. You’ll have to carefully add them to your deep fryer and turn them occasionally. Once they appear golden brown, remove them from heat and season with salt. Dip them into your leftover gravy or cranberry sauce for extra flavor!

rj lerich / Shutterstock

5. Leftover Thanksgiving Turkey Shepard’s Pie

Put your leftover turkey to good use by following this shepherd’s pie recipe. It’s a Thanksgiving twist on a classic dinner dish. Not only is it tasty, but it only takes about 15 minutes to prepare and 30 minutes to cook in the oven. A lot of the ingredients included in the recipe, like mashed potatoes or leftover veggies, could also be added to the dish.

This recipe yields about four servings. If you’re working with leftover mashed potatoes, just make sure you have enough since you’ll need about two cups of it. Simply grab three to four pounds of potatoes to whip up some more if you’re low on this particular leftover.

freeskyline / Shutterstock

6. Bacon-Wrapped Stuffing Bites

For anyone dealing with stuffing leftovers, you’ll want to try out this 35 minute recipe. It takes your stuffing to the next level by wrapping it in crispy bacon — the perfect pairing! After slicing the bacon, mould your leftover stuffing into a ball. Each one should be about the size of a golf ball.

You can then place each ball onto the center of a piece of bacon. Wrap the ends around it and secure with a toothpick. After no more than 25 minutes in the oven, you can remove the tray from heat. Just make sure the bacon is fully cooked before serving. Enjoy!

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

7. Turkey Cranberry Puff Pastry Bites

Craving something a little sweeter post-Thanksgiving Day? Then check out this recipe that combines your leftover turkey and cranberries. These ingredients are baked on a pre-made puff pastry sheet and takes less than 20 minutes to prepare. The balance between sweet and savory is a sure way to satisfy your tastebuds!

You start by mixing all the ingredients in a large bowl. Then, roll out the pastry sheet and cut out up to 20 circles. Scoop about two tablespoons onto each of the rounds. To ensure even servings, consider using something like an ice cream scoop. You’ll know the pastry bites are ready once they appear golden brown.

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

8. Creamy Turkey Noodles

Soup is the ultimate comfort food, so why wouldn’t you want to make some with your Thanksgiving leftovers? Especially when it’s turkey soup made with creamy, flavorful noodles. This recipe walks you through simple steps to achieve a delicious soup in just an hour and 10 minutes.

The recipe uses bowtie pasta. While that’s cooking, you can use another pot to cook up the veggies and the broth. The soup is topped with cheese to add extra creaminess, so feel free to add as much as you like! Serve the soup while it’s still warm and your Thanksgiving leftovers will be no more.

Oksana Mizina / Shutterstock

9. Leftover Turkey Salad

After a big meal like Thanksgiving dinner, it’s nice to enjoy something light and refreshing. Que this leftover turkey salad. This recipe will utilize your leftover turkey perfectly and invite new ingredients to turn your leftovers into a new meal. Apples and celery provide this salad with the perfect crunch, while Greek yogurt and mayo provide the creamy texture.

The best part is this recipe only takes 15 minutes to make and yields up to four servings. You simply combine all the ingredients, add the yogurt or mayonnaise, mix well, and serve! Don’t forget to season with salt and pepper!

Africa Studio / Shutterstock

10. Beer Battered Deep Fried Turkey

Skip the takeout and turn your Thanksgiving leftovers into a deep-fried dream. Follow this recipe to create delicious beer-battered deep-fried turkey in the comfort of your own kitchen. It’s a restaurant-worthy dish that takes 10 minutes to prepare and 10 minutes of cooking in the deep fryer.

After mixing together the batter, you can dip the turkey slices into it. Transfer it to the deep fryer and let it fry until it appears golden brown, which should only take a few minutes. You can serve the turkey over a bed of leftover stuffing and with a side of cranberry sauce. Complete the meal with a heaping of thick-cut fries.

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

11. Thanksgiving Leftovers Panini

Did the Thanksgiving sandwich sound like a bore to you? Why not try making a leftover panini? This recipe takes on a similar approach, but what sets it apart is the toasty grilled bread. It takes less than 20 minutes to prepare and yields about two sandwiches. Heat up some leftover gravy so you can dip the paninis for added flavor.

Panini’s are essentially gourmet sandwiches that make you feel like you’re enjoying a delicious meal straight from the restaurant but at home! If you don’t have a panini press there is no need to worry, this recipe explains you can achieve the same outcome using a skillet.

Karl Allgaeuer / Shutterstock

12. Turkey Club Stromboli

If hot pockets are regularly requested in your household, then you and your family will love these turkey club strombolis. These pockets are filled with tender leftover turkey combined with cooked bacon, sun dried tomatoes and freshly grated parmesan. Between prepping, cooking and letting the strombolis rest, it will take about 50 minutes.

This recipe yields between six to eight servings. Go all out and try making the homemade dough recipe. If you’re pinched for time, this blogger reassures you can achieve the same outcome with store-bought pizza dough too. Bake until the top is evenly golden brown and make sure you let it sit for up to 20 minutes before cutting.

circlePS / Shutterstock

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Keto Thanksgiving: Recipes For A Delicious, Low-Carb Holiday Feast

Thanksgiving preparation is hard enough, add in dietary restrictions and then the level of complications keeps rising. Holiday dinners can be stressful on their own without having to cook duplicate dishes, one regular, one low carb. Throw that thought in the trash and make delicious recipes that you and your non-keto guests will love. We’ve compiled […]

The post Keto Thanksgiving: Recipes For A Delicious, Low-Carb Holiday Feast appeared first on Forkly.

Thanksgiving preparation is hard enough, add in dietary restrictions and then the level of complications keeps rising. Holiday dinners can be stressful on their own without having to cook duplicate dishes, one regular, one low carb. Throw that thought in the trash and make delicious recipes that you and your non-keto guests will love. We’ve compiled some great ideas that range from intriguing appetizers to the perfect side dishes and even an outstanding turkey main course. Dive in and check out how you can throw an unforgettable, keto-friendly and tasty Thanksgiving dinner.

1. Bacon-Wrapped Brussels Sprouts With Balsamic Mayo Dip

There will be no passing on brussels sprouts this holiday season if you follow this Savory Tooth recipe. With each sprout individually wrapped in bacon and paired with a balsamic mayo dip, this mouthwatering appetizer will have you question why anyone could ever hate brussels sprouts.

You only need four ingredients and 10 minutes of hands-on prep to whip up this recipe. Cook the bacon until it’s crispy and not overcooked. That way, you don’t have a hard time wrapping the pieces around the brussels sprouts. Secure each brussels sprout with a toothpick, serve alongside the two-ingredient dip, and enjoy!

Pedal to the Stock / Shutterstock

2. Instant Pot Low-Carb Unstuffed Cabbage Roll Soup

Is there anything more convenient than owning an Instant Pot? These savvy pressure cookers can save you time, energy, and cleanup during the holidays. All you have to do is throw the ingredients in with the proper setting for a low-maintenance meal.

That being said, you can put your Instant Pot to good use by following this Forkly unstuffed cabbage roll soup recipe. This soup is loaded with seasoning that will have you swoon with every bite. The ground beef, cabbage, and rice also make it a lot more filling. With minimal preparation and an hour of your time your dinner guests will love indulging in this tasty comfort food.

3. Low-Carb Keto Tuna Pickles Boats

Pickles are tasty enough to eat straight from the jar, but can taste even better with this Forkly recipe! It’s a dairy-free, gluten-free, and low-carb snack that will be way too easy to whip up on Thanksgiving Day. This recipe yields two to four servings and takes just five minutes to prepare.

To get started, split the pickles in half lengthwise. You can then seed all of the pickles and toss them in the garbage. Drain the tuna and mix it in a bowl with the mayo, dill, salt and pepper. Scoop the tuna mix into each of the pickles and you’re done! Just make sure to garnish with some extra dill.

4. Keto Cornbread Stuffing

You shouldn’t have to avoid carbs, especially on Thanksgiving Day. Stuffing is one of the most classic dishes to enjoy this holiday and for good reason. It’s a mix of bread crumbs, veggies, and seasoning to make it delectable with each bite. Keep your keto diet in check this year by following this keto cornbread stuffing recipe!

The recipe offers different variations of the stuffing in case you’re short on time. Some important ingredients you will need include keto bread, chopped veggies, chicken broth, and melted butter. It takes just 10 minutes to prepare, 10 minutes to cook, and yields four servings. Enjoy!

MSPhotographic / Shutterstock

5. Creamy Cauliflower Mash & Keto Gravy

Would it truly be a Thanksgiving dinner without having mashed potatoes on the table? This fan favorite is a must-have for any holiday meal, but it’s not always too keto-friendly. Luckily, this creamy cauliflower mash makes for an excellent substitute that just might be favored over the real thing!

This recipe calls for five cups of chopped cauliflower and seasoning ingredients like garlic minced, dried rosemary, and pink Himalayan salt. Top the mash off with some homemade keto gravy, that can also be used alongside other foods. It’s made up of just five ingredients and takes 10 minutes to prepare.

Razmarinka / Shutterstock

6. Loaded Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes

Looking for a way to take your mashed potato dish to the next level? This loaded cauliflower mashed potato recipe will deliver the wow-factor you’re looking for! It’s packed with butter, cheese, bacon, sour cream, and green onions that will have guests craving it again next year.

Using cauliflower makes it a healthier alternative to potatoes, giving you more reason to go wild and enjoy the extra toppings. It takes only 10 minutes to prepare, 15 minutes to cook, and yields four servings. To make it vegan-friendly, simply switch out the bacon and cheese with vegan versions. You can also use vegan cream cheese instead of sour cream.

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

7. Low Carb Green Bean Casserole

You can’t forget about the greens at a holiday meal. It’s an essential side to help balance out all of the turkey, carb-heavy sides, and mouth watering dessert options. This green bean casserole recipe is low-carb and happens to be topped with pork rinds for a crunch surprise.

You can use either frozen or fresh green beans for this recipe. It yields three servings and takes just 35 minutes to make from preparation to serving. The writer recommends using a high quality bone broth, which will add more flavor with each bite. Another way to guarantee good taste is by opting for grass-fed butter.

Elena Veselova / Shutterstock

8. Keto Dinner Rolls

There isn’t a side that’s more multi-purpose at the dinner table than a dinner roll. These side breads can be dipped into gravy, sandwiched with turkey, stacked with potatoes, and taste great with just about anything else being served. All this is why you should make time to whip up these homemade grain-free and low-carb dinner rolls.

This recipe is simple even for novice bakers since it requires zero kneading or yeast. All you have to do is measure your ingredients, combine the mixed bowls of dry and wet ingredients, and scoop out golf ball-sized servings onto a baking sheet. Bake until they appear golden brown and you’re done!

chaechaebyv / Shutterstock

9. Bacon-Wrapped Turkey

It may be obvious that turkey is allowed and encouraged on the keto diet but do you want your turkey to stand out from the rest? If you answered yes to this question, then you need to check out how to perfectly wrap your turkey in a bacon weave.

Not only does this easy to follow recipe happen to be keto-friendly, but you’ll be providing guests with an unforgettable dinner. This recipe will walk you through a step-by-step process on how to achieve the bacon-wrapped turkey. One of the secrets is to create a butter “glue” that will help hold the bacon in place.

Rosamar / Shutterstock

10. Keto Cranberry Sauce

The quintessential Thanksgiving Day side, no matter what diet you’re on, has got to be cranberry sauce. This sweet topping is the perfect addition to every side dish and main course served at the dinner table. Consider skipping the canned cranberry sauce this year and make it completely from scratch instead.

It doesn’t get much easier than this four-ingredient recipe. All you need are cranberries, Besti Powdered Erythritol, water, and vanilla extract — no sugar necessary! You can also add some orange zest for an extra hint of flavor. Feel free to make this the day before to save yourself time on Thanksgiving.

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

11. Crispy Baked Zucchini Fries

Is it a thing to serve French fries on Thanksgiving Day? Why not! It’s something everyone loves and could even work as a finger food appetizer before you bring out the main course. Those looking for a keto-friendly alternative to fries can check out these crispy baked zucchini fries.

These fries are low in carbs since you’re not cooking with actual potatoes. It’s topped with a Paremsan cheese coating that will add lots of flavor and help crisp up the fries. This recipe yields four servings, and takes just 20 minutes to cook in the oven. You’ll know they’re ready once you place them in a darker golden color and crispy.

Anna Shepulova / Shutterstock

12. Spaghetti Squash Au Gratin

Spaghetti squash is awesome because firstly, it’s low-carb and secondly it’s string-like texture is the perfect substitution for pasta. This recipe is cheesy and delicious and would be a great addition to your Thanksgiving spread. Plus, it takes less than one hour to make!

To prepare you’ll want to start by cooking the spaghetti squash and chicken pieces first. Then, once cooked the flesh of the spaghetti squash will turn to a noodle-like texture. By combining the squash with chicken, onion, yogurt and a baked cheesy top layer you will have a delicious side dish that everyone will surely enjoy.

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

The post Keto Thanksgiving: Recipes For A Delicious, Low-Carb Holiday Feast appeared first on Forkly.

30 Dishes You Want To See At A Thanksgiving Potluck

Here are 40 drool-worthy Thanksgiving potluck recipes that you’ll actually want to eat!

The post 30 Dishes You Want To See At A Thanksgiving Potluck appeared first on Forkly.

Potlucks are fun for everyone. It’s an excellent opportunity for a group of people whether it be family, co-workers or friends to share food together and mingle. Potlucks are also great because this means the food prep won’t be left for one person.

If you’re attending a potluck this Thanksgiving we’re going to help you bring the best dishes possible. These recipes will range from sweet to savory and either way will make an excellent contribution to the potluck. Thanksgiving is a fun time of year because along with the weather change, it’s a signal that the comforting dishes are here and they’re here to stay. And of course, it’s a great holiday to spend time with those you care about as well as give thanks for everything you have.

1. Instant Pot Turkey

When you commit to making a turkey dinner for the holidays, it becomes a day-long affair. From basting to making sure it doesn’t dry out to worrying about the side plates, it makes sense why not everyone may want to tackle such a task. But what if you could cook a delicious turkey in just one hour using your Instant Pot instead?

Following this recipe from Temecula Blogs will save you a ton of time on Thanksgiving Day. All you have to do is prep the pressure cooker with broth and vegetables. Rub spices on the turkey, set it on the trivet, and close the lid. Set it on high pressure for six minutes per pound and it can be cooked in less than one hour.

The writer recommends choosing a turkey no bigger than eight pounds for an eight quart pot. If you want to make the skin crispier, you can put it on a baking sheet and put it under your broiler for about four minutes. Easy peasy!

Alexander Raths / Shutterstock

2. Slow Cooker Honey-Glazed Ham

Put your slow cooker to good use during holiday season by trying out this honey-glazed ham recipe. This juicy and oh-so-flavorful ham is sure to be a hit at the dinner table. It literally takes minutes to prepare and will be ready to eat after cooking for two to three hours on low setting

All you have to do is place the ham in your slow cooker, followed by the honey mustard glaze. Once the ham is cooked, reduce the glaze for about five minutes on the stovetop and pour it back over the ham. Put the whole ham under the broiler for a few minutes and you’re good to go.

It’s up to you whether or not you want to cook a bone-in ham. While boneless ham is easier to work with, bone-in ham can hold moisture better.

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

3. “Stuffins” Stuffing Muffins

You can’t have Thanksgiving Day dinner without stuffing. It’s a holiday comfort food that is the perfect pairing for turkey, mashed potatoes, and just about every other side dish to exist. If you’re looking for a convenient and cute way to serve up stuffing this year, look no further than this Forkly recipe for stuffing muffins.

This side combines all the traditional stuffing ingredients into decadent bite-sized muffins. It’s packed with bread crumbs, onion, celery, garlic, and other savory flavors that bake together in perfect harmony. This recipe yields 12 servings and bakes in the oven, using a muffin tray, for just over half an hour.

4. No-Boil Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes

One of the most classic foods to have on the dinner table at Thanksgiving is mashed potatoes. The soft, buttery, and creamy texture is a must-have alongside turkey and other holiday favorites. You can let your slow cooker work its magic by following this mashed potato recipe.

There’s no need to boil the potatoes for this recipe. Simply peel and chop the potatoes into chunks, then throw them into the cooker. Add in your flavoring ingredients and let it cook on low for six to seven hours. If you’re short on time, cook on high for three to four hours. Mash the potatoes once they’re cooked, add some garnish, and you’re good to go!

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

5. Thanksgiving Turkey-Shaped Cheese Platter

Prepare yourself for compliments after you serve this show stopping cheese platter at Thanksgiving dinner. It uses classic cheese board foods like crackers, cheddar cheese, and salami, but arranges it to look like a turkey. So cute! This could also be a fun way to have your kids help out in the kitchen.

This recipe teaches you how to put together the platter, starting with the turkey’s head, body, and legs. It uses raisins or peppercorns for the eyes and swiss cheese for the beak. To start making the body, you alternate circles of salami and cheese around the body. Finish it off with a layer of Ritz crackers and your edible masterpiece is complete.

Anna_Pustynnikova / Shutterstock

6. Crock Pot Stuffing

Switch up your stuffing this year with this recipe from Well Plated. What sets this stuffing apart is it includes nutty wild rice and cranberries. There’s also almonds for a crunch and mushrooms to provide some savoriness. This not only elevates the dish, but guarantees that your guests will enjoy a burst of flavor with every bite.

Using the crock pot is a helpful way to save oven space on Thanksgiving Day. It only has three steps and can be cooked in as little as two hours on high heat. If you want to add some protein to the mix, consider sautéing some ground turkey or pork sausage in a skillet before transferring it to the slow cooker.

G.MARTYSHEVA / Shutterstock

7. Turkey Pinwheels

Looking for bite sized snacks to serve up on Thanksgiving Day? Check out this turkey pinwheel recipe that aims to please. This recipe has cream cheese, cheddar, bacon, ranch dressing, and turkey wrapped together in a tortilla — and it’s really easy to make homemade.

Start by mixing together the cream cheese, ranch, bacon, and cheese along with a bit of milk. Once it’s spreadable, put some cream cheese over a tortilla and top with some turkey. Roll it up tightly, then wrap the tortillas in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least half an hour, then slice and serve!

MSPhotographic / Shutterstock

8. Jalapeno Popper Rollups

Bring some spice to the Thanksgiving Day table with these jalapeno popper roll ups. These bite-sized snacks are cheesy, rich tortilla snacks with a kick. This recipe also shares a variation of the poppers to make them less spicy, if that’s something you’d prefer.

The bacon adds an extra bit of flavor, but can also be omitted if you want the poppers to be vegetarian-friendly. Make the poppers ahead of time, or whip them up the day of since it only takes about half an hour to prepare. They stay fresh for two to three days if you store them refrigerated in an airtight container.

P Maxwell Photography / Shutterstock

9. Turkey Veggie Tray

Decorate your Thanksgiving Day table with an edible arrangement. This veggie tray is creatively designed in the shape of a turkey! It’s a fun way to make the vegetables appear more interesting and is sure to earn the host some compliments.

To achieve a stellar looking turkey veggie tray, opt for vegetables that can lay flat. Choose a variety of different colors to give your turkey some flair. The creator of this recipe made the turkey’s face with a pepper and carrots, placed on top of the dip. Surround the turkey with layers of veggies and you’re good to go.

nadianb / Shutterstock

10. Crockpot Drunken Bourbon Whiskey Meatballs

No matter what time of year it is, there’s always a spot for meatballs on the menu. The saucy, filling, and flavorful meatballs are always a fan favorite among meat eaters. You can take meatballs to the next level by following this Forkly bourbon whiskey meatball recipe.

This crockpot recipe, which provides 20 servings, is about as easy as it gets. Starting with your sauce ingredients, pour and mix all of them in the crockpot. Add in your frozen meatballs until they’re completely coated. Once they are cooked, your guests will rave over the mouthwatering sauce and look for them at the next potluck!

11. Grape Jelly Party Meatballs

Prepare this tasty Thanksgiving Day appetizer with just four ingredients and your slow cooker. This grape jelly party meatball recipe uses frozen meatballs, chili sauce, and grape jelly. You could even add some Worcestershire sauce for extra flavor if you’re up for it.

To make the meatballs, add the sauce and grape jelly to your slow cooker and stir until completely combined.You can add the meatballs and stir until they are evenly covered by the sauce. Let it cook for eight hours on low heat or on high for four hours, depending on when you started prepping. Add some toothpicks for easy munching and it’s ready to be eaten.

Robyn Mackenzie / Shutterstock

12. Easy Make-Ahead Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry sauce is the cherry on top of just about everything at Thanksgiving. Mashed potatoes? Delicious duo. Turkey? Mouthwatering. Stuffing? Perfect combination. This year, consider skipping the canned cranberry sauce and making your own from scratch. One you see how easy it is to make, you’ll never go store-bought again.

All you need is orange juice, granulated sugar, and cranberries. You can choose to use either frozen or fresh cranberries, and add a pinch of cinnamon for extra flavor if you like. It’s cooked in a saucepan and must be refrigerated overnight. Prepare this sauce the night before and there is one less thing to worry about on Thanksgiving Day.

Alexander Prokopenko / Shutterstock

13. Thanksgiving Turkey Bread Bowl

While you may expect a cooked turkey to be the centerpiece on Thanksgiving, this bread bowl shaped like a turkey just might replace it. This perfectly arranged appetizer is insanely cute and makes it really easy for guests to dip veggies into the homemade dip.

This recipe yields six servings, but can easily be multiplied if you’re looking to make extra. To make the dip, you just have to blend all ingredients together in a bowl and refrigerate. Assembling the turkey will require some creativity and skill hollowing out the boule bread loaf. It will look like you put in tons of effort, when in reality it only takes 20 minutes to make!

Viktor1 / Shutterstock

14. Apple Cider Sangria

Apple cider is a holiday season staple both adults and kids will love. You can upgrade the adults-only table with this spiked apple cider recipe. It’s sangria that delivers a classic apple flavor guests are sure to rave over. Luckily, it’s really easy to make.

Pick up a bottle of white wine and nine other flavorful ingredients listed here. Then, mix it altogether and let it sit for anywhere from two to 24 hours. Add in the carbonated water once you’re ready to serve. To make this holiday sangria even more festive, you can garnish the glasses with paleo caramel.

Kolpakova Svetlana / Shutterstock

15. Crock Pot Apple Cider

Apple cider is a crowd favorite in the fall time. Its warm, rich, and flavors are something to crave all year round — but especially on Thanksgiving Day. Serve up some fresh and homemade apple cider by following this easy recipe with your slow cooker. All you need is five minutes of prep and let the cooker do its magic.

Start by adding all the fruit into your slow cooker, followed by the cinnamon sticks and whole cloves. Pour some water over top to cover the fruit and cook on high for four hours or low for six hours. Mash the fruit once the timer goes off, cover it up, and cook on low for one more hour. Once the solids are strained from the liquid, the cider is ready to serve!

Yurchenko Iryna / Shutterstock

16. Easy Mozzarella Bites

Small handheld foods make for the best Thanksgiving Day appetizers, which is why you should consider making some delicious mozzarella bites. These take 20 minutes to prepare, 35 minutes to cook, and only use four ingredients. This recipe yields 24 servings that are perfect for dipping.

Roll out a pre-made dough and cut them into 24 rectangles using a pizza cutter. Stick a piece of cheese in each rectangle and bring the dough up and around, pressing the edges to seal them. Make a mixture with melted butter and bread crumbs, then evenly coat all of the mozzarella bites. Cook them in the oven until they appear golden brown and you’re done!

MSPhotographic / Shutterstock

17. Mini Pumpkin Pies

Why bake one pumpkin pie when you can make 48 mini pumpkin pies instead? This recipe is easy enough for inexperienced bakers to follow and only takes about half an hour of your day to complete. Opting for mini pies will result in evenly sized servings that are easy enough to eat handheld without a fork — which means less dishes for later!

You will have to buy mini tart shells from the grocery store, which acts as the crust. The pumpkin filling can be mixed together in one bowl. Scoop the mix onto your tart shells and let them bake in the oven until they appear golden. Top it off with some whipped cream and dessert is ready to be served.

JeniFoto / Shutterstock

18. Apple Pie Bites

Skip the store-bought apple pie this year and make these apple pie bites from scratch instead. It only takes 30 minutes to prepare and yields eight servings. Plus, it could taste decadent alongside some vanilla ice cream or caramel syrup. All you need are six ingredients.

Start by mixing together the brown sugar and apple pie spice. Separately, melt the butter and put in the apple slices. You will then place crescent roll triangles on the baking sheet along with the brown sugar mix and chopped pecans. Place an apple slice, wrap the dough around, and let them bake until golden brown.

Marie C Fields / Shutterstock

19. Slow Cooker Fresh Green Bean Casserole

Make sure there are plenty of greens to munch on this Thanksgiving by making this fresh green bean casserole. You can use your slow cooker and have it ready in as little as three and a half hours! It yields 12 servings, but can easily be multiplied according to your needs.

This recipe notes that your sauce should be thick enough to coat a spoon. You can make it thicker by whisking a couple tablespoons of flour with sauce into the sauce and let it simmer. If you’re hosting vegetarians this year, simply omit the bacon and use a veggie broth to make it meat-free.

Elena Veselova / Shutterstock

20. Slow Cooker Scalloped Potatoes

Have scalloped potatoes on the menu to make sure you include everyone’s favorite potato dish this holiday season. These creamy, cheesy, and saucy side dishes can be prepared with your crock pot in a little over three hours.

What’s cool about this Well Plated recipe is that it uses both Yukon Gold potatoes and sweet potatoes. The mix of flavor along with the other ingredients will make the dish a whole lot more interesting in taste and presentation. Any leftovers can be refrigerated for up to four days, but don’t bet on there being any left after dinner! It will taste way too good.

Oksana Mizina / Shutterstock

21. Butternut Squash Soup

Another classic Thanksgiving Day ingredient is butternut squash — and for good reason. The decadent vegetable can be prepared in so many different ways and is one of the ultimate comfort foods for the season. If you’re looking for a way to cook butternut squash, follow this recipe and turn it into soup.

This slow cooker recipe has only three steps. You literally toss all your carrots, onions, vegetable broth, and other ingredients into the slow cooker and let it cook. Transfer it to a blender once it’s cooked and serve warm. This soup is also vegetarian and vegan-friendly, so more of your guests are able to enjoy this side dish.

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

22. Slow Cooker Creamed Corn

Upgrade your bowl of corn this holiday with this slow cooker creamed corn recipe. With just five ingredients, you can turn a boring side plate into something that just might take attention away from the main course! Its sweet and creamy taste can be achieved in just two steps.

All you have to do is place corn into the slow cooker and stir in the milk, sugar, and pepper. Then, top it with butter and cream cheese before cooking on high heat for two to three hours. When the timer goes off, stir until the butter and cream cheese are combined and cook for an extra 15 minutes. Then it’s ready to serve!

inewsfoto / Shutterstock

23. No-Boil Slow Cooker Mac And Cheese

While macaroni and cheese can be the main course any day of the year, it can also work as a decadent side dish for Thanksgiving Day. It’s especially hassle-free and easy to prepare when you follow this slow cooker recipe. After 10 minutes of preparation, it will cook on low for about two to three hours.

While this recipe yields six servings, you can easily multiply it to make more if there’s space in your slow cooker. Take note that cook time can vary depending on the slow cooker you have, so make sure to keep an eye on it. It’s also recommended that you use freshly grated cheese to achieve optimal creaminess.

Kiian Oksana / Shutterstock

24. Dinner Rolls

The ultimate side dish for any dinner are rolls, so there’s no reason why it should be forgotten on Thanksgiving Day! Especially when they are easy peasy to make from scratch. Unlike other types of bread that can be day-long affairs to bake, dinner rolls take less than a few hours to prepare.

After mixing all the ingredients to make the dough, you’ll have to knead it thoroughly into a ball shape. It needs to be covered with a kitchen towel until it’s doubled in size. Once that’s done, it’s ready to be shaped into balls and left to rise for another 45 minutes. Then all it takes is 20 minutes maximum in the oven and they’re ready to eat.

vm2002 / Shutterstock

25. Crock Pot Cheesy Potatoes

Cheese and potatoes are delicious enough on their own, so why not combine them to be one extra-delicious side dish? This crockpot cheesy potato recipe delivers just that. It yields six servings, takes five minutes to prepare, and is a decadent side that will leave dinner guests wanting more of.

To make this dish, toss your ingredients into the slow cooker and set it to low heat for four hours. Once that’s done, you can remove the lid and add the remaining cup of cheese. Cover it again, cook until the cheese is melted, and your cheesy potatoes are good to go.

Karl Allgaeuer / Shutterstock

26. Autumn Crunch Pasta Salad

What better way to celebrate the fall season than by making a salad with just about every fall favorite ingredient? This recipe combines pasta and spinach salad along with apples, toasted pecans, and dried cranberries. It’s basically autumn in a bowl!

The author recommends using short pasta, such as orecchiette, so that it’s able to catch as much of the dressing as possible. Salting the pasta water can also ensure that all flavors stand out instead of blending altogether. It takes about half an hour to prepare and provides six to eight servings.

mythja / Shutterstock

27. Bacon Wrapped Brussels Sprouts

If you hate brussels sprouts then maybe you need to try them again but reinvented. Roasted or steamed plain sprouts can be utterly dull but share this platter of bacon wrapped brussels sprouts at the Thanksgiving potluck and they’ll surely be gobbled up quickly.

Simply wrap each brussels sprout with a slice of bacon and adhere with a toothpick. You’ll cook them in the oven until the bacon and the brussels sprouts are nice and crispy. While the sprouts are roasting you can whip together the delicious balsamic dip. Once everything is complete, serve together and be prepared to be amazed.

New Africa / Shutterstock

28. Cranberry Brie Bites

If you’re looking for something to whip up that taste as festive as they look, then cranberry brie bites are the way to go. These bite-sized treats are made with just five ingredients and yield 24 servings. Better yet, this recipe takes a mere 25 minutes to make! Grab a muffin tin and sprinkle the counter with flour to get started.

Roll out a tube of crescent rolls and cut them into even squares. Place them into the muffin tin followed by a small piece of brie cheese. Throw on some cranberry sauce and a sprig of rosemary, and these bites are ready for the oven. Bake for about 15 minutes or until the crescents are golden brown. Enjoy!

Elena Shashkina / Shutterstock

29. Caramel Apple Cream Cheese Spread

Sweeten up your cheese tray this year with some caramel! This recipe combines delicious flavors into one spread — caramel, apple, and cream cheese. This dessert-in-disguise is the perfect addition to any potluck meal, especially on Thanksgiving Day.

All you have to do is place cream cheese on a serving dish and pour as much caramel as you want on top of it.Add some toffee bits and serve alongside sliced apples, pears, or pretzels — that’s it!

If you’re craving lots of caramel, shape the cheese into a circle and pour as much caramel as you like in the center. This gives guests prime opportunity for dipping.

Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock

30. Cranberry And Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms With Sage

Stuffed mushrooms are always a hit at potlucks. To cater this appetizer for the holidays, check out this twist on a classic that uses cranberry, sausage, and sage. But beware: once you make this savory dish, it will inevitably be requested at every function with foods going forward!

The filling takes no more than 10 minutes to cook in a saucepan on medium heat. Once it’s done, you can combine it with the cranberries, sage, and whisked eggs. Place it evenly into each mushroom and put it in the oven for 25 minutes. You’ll know it’s ready once edges appear golden brown.

Martin Rettenberger / Shutterstock

The post 30 Dishes You Want To See At A Thanksgiving Potluck appeared first on Forkly.