Foods Rich With Antioxidants And Why We Need Them

Discover what antioxidants are and how you can get more of it in your diet!

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Surely you’ve heard the word antioxidant thrown around time and time again. But have you ever wondered, what does it actually mean? Today we’re sharing exactly what antioxidants are, why you need them, as well as the foods that are rich in antioxidants. Enjoying a healthy diet is a lot easier when you know why you’re putting certain foods in your body! Let’s all reap the benefits of these foods.

1. What Are Antioxidants

First and foremost, it’s important to have an understanding of what antioxidants are. To explain it simply, they’re molecules that fight free radicals in the body. Which leads us into, what exactly are free radicals?

Free radicals can be harmless unless their levels become too high in the body. Too many free radicals can lead to damage to the cells as well as inflammation in the body and this is known as oxidative stress.

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2. Why We Need Antioxidants

Now that we have a basic understanding of how free radicals affect the body, we’re going to dive into exactly why we need antioxidants. We need them because they help to either stop or limit the damage that can be caused by free radicals. This may also help to prevent a variety of chronic diseases such as autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.

While the body produces it’s own natural antioxidant defense against free radicals there are many foods that are high in antioxidants too. Next, let’s explore some of the best foods that are high in antioxidants.

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3. Avocados

Avocados contain both beta-carotene and lycopene. These are essential carotenoid antioxidants that are most heavily concentrated in the dark green flesh which is often found close to the peel.

Avocados can be mashed into guacamole, chopped into salads and can even be enjoyed on toast. There are so many great ways to add them to your diet.

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4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in an antioxidant called lycopene. Lycopene has been associated with several health benefits such as may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Further tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C which helps your body absorb iron and they are also rich in vitamin K which helps regulate blood cells, blood clotting, and bone metabolism. As you can see tomatoes are chock full of nutrients and would be an excellent fruit to add to your daily diet.

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5. Green Tea

Studies show that green tea contains the highest amount of antioxidants in comparison to other teas. Green tea contains both polyphenols and catechins which are both antioxidants that help prevent cell damage in the body.

To explain further, polyphenols are known to help reduce inflammation in the body and some studies show that it may even help to fight cancer too. Catechins not only protect the cells in your body but some studies show that they can also help to kill off bacteria and discourage viruses such as the flu .

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6. Spinach

Spinach is a powerhouse when it comes to nutrients. Firstly, it’s very low in calories but very high in essential vitamins and minerals. For example, spinach is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium and so much more.

Spinach is also rich in antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and lutein. Both of these antioxidants can help protect the eyes from harmful light such as UV light.

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7. Kale

Kale is a part of the cabbage family and much like spinach, kale is also rich in antioxidants. It is also rich in many other nutrients too which is why it is a true powerhouse vegetable. By consuming just one cup of kale, you will absorb Vitamin A, K, C, B6, as well as several minerals such as manganese, calcium, potassium and a few others.

More specifically, kale is rich in several antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, flavonoids, and polyphenols. These antioxidants may help to protect your heart, lower your blood pressure, as well as helps to prevent inflammation and viruses in the body.

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8. Oranges

Some would consider that oranges are nature’s candy. After all, they’re naturally sweet and unlike real candy are incredibly nutritious. Along with antioxidants, oranges are also chock full of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and thiamine.

Oranges are also a good source of citric acid which may help to prevent kidney stone formation. Further, the antioxidant properties found in oranges may help to lower the risk of heart disease.

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9. Grapes

Grapes are available in several colors, green, red, and purple. Grapes contain polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant. It also believed that polyphenols have anti-inflammatory properties too. Some studies believe that the antioxidant properties found in grapes may help to prevent cancer, help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and may help alleviate allergy symptoms.

While grapes are certainly healthful food, there is something to be said about wine. Some studies show that red wine may have heart-healthy benefits. This is due to resveratrol, which is part of polyphenol compounds. Resveratrol is found in the skin of grapes and because wine is fermented with grape skin it is believed that red wine contains more resveratrol in comparison to white wine.

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10. Broccoli

There is a reason why we were encouraged to eat more broccoli as kids, it’s a nutrient-rich food! Its nutritional profile is quite impressive as it is rich in fiber, vitamin C, potassium, B6, and vitamin A.

Broccoli is also rich in antioxidants as it is a great source of sulforaphane, a potent antioxidant as well as, an excellent source of lutein, a compound antioxidant. Both of these antioxidants are believed to neutralize free radicals in the body and in turn, help to prevent cell damage.

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11. Raspberries

Raspberries are naturally sweet and are bold in color. They’re also laden with amazing nutrients making them one of the most popular berries of all. Raspberries are available in several colors, there are yellow varieties, black varieties, and the most common, red.

Raspberries are rich in flavonoids, which are a powerful antioxidant. This antioxidant has anti-inflammatory properties, may improve memory, may decrease your chance of cardiovascular disease, and may prevent cancer. They’re so sweet and can be enjoyed by the handful which makes them easy healthful food you can add to your daily diet.

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12. Artichokes

Artichokes may not be the most popular food but they are certainly healthy for you! They’re low in fat and rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and of course, antioxidants. In fact, some studies show that artichokes are one of the most antioxidant-rich vegetables as they contain polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and several others.

There are many ways you can start adding more artichokes into your diet. You can cook them on the grill or bake them in the oven. They would make a great addition to a salad, pasta dishes and can even be added into a delicious artichoke and spinach dip!

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13. Pecans

Nuts are a wonderful snack as they’re loaded with nutrients, and they taste delicious too. However, there is one particular nut that stands out from the rest, pecans! Pecans are not only rich in antioxidants but they’re a healthy unsaturated fat too.

The antioxidants found in pecans may help to promote heart health as well as disease prevention. Further, the antioxidants may also help to reduce bad cholesterol.

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14. Goji Berries

Goji berries are native to Asia and have been used as a food supplement and a medicinal herb for thousands of years. They can be easily added to smoothies, yogurt, salads, baked goods and so much more.

To begin, goji berries are rich in zeaxanthin, an antioxidant that may help to protect the eyes as well as help to prevent damage from UV light and oxidative stress. Further, the antioxidants found in goji berries may also boost your immune system as they can fight destructive free radicals.

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15. Red Cabbage

Red cabbage is often forgotten about but it shouldn’t be. It has an impressive nutritional profile and would be another excellent veggie to add to your daily diet. Toss it into a salad or cook it into a stir fry, your choice!

Red cabbage is rich in polyphenols, and sulfur compounds, 2 powerful antioxidants. Further, red cabbage is also rich in Vitamin C which is an impressive antioxidant that may help to protect against vision loss, heart disease as well as some types of cancers.

Source: Shutterstock

16. Blueberries

Blueberries are extremely rich in antioxidants, and if they’re not already a part of your daily diet, you may want to add them. Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, manganese are a few of the highlighted nutrients found in blueberries. They’re also an excellent low-calorie snack.

Further, blueberries have a high antioxidant profile. They’re especially high in flavonoids which are believed to help improve brain function, and may also help to prevent heart disease. Enjoy them by the handful, toss them into a salad or a smoothie or bake them into a delicious treat. The options are endless!

Source: Shutterstock

17. Beets

Beets are another overlooked vegetable. They’re a powerhouse when it comes to nutrients and that is we you should be eating beets. However, some avoid eating beets because they do have a strong flavor while others avoid them because they’re too difficult (and messy) to cook. Although, cooking perfect beets with less-mess can be easy!

Another great reason to enjoy beets is that they’re high in antioxidants. Specifically, they’re high in betalains which help the body to reduce oxidative stress as well as show inti-inflammatory capabilities that may help arthritis, prevent cancer and liver disease.

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18. Strawberries

Much like raspberries and blueberries, strawberries are also an antioxidant rich-food. Not only that, but they’re also rich in other essential nutrients and are low in calories too.

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, a potent water-soluble antioxidant. This powerful antioxidant may promote heart health as well as may help to manage blood sugar control.

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19. Dark Chocolate

You may be surprised to see dark chocolate on the list of foods high in antioxidants, but it’s is true. As long as you’re consuming high-quality dark chocolate that has a high cocoa percentage, then it is a great snack to enjoy.

Dark chocolate is rich in several antioxidant compounds such as polyphenols, catechins, and flavanols. These antioxidants may help to improve blood flow, reduce your risk of heart disease, may protect you from sun damage as well as several other benefits.

Source: Shutterstock

20. Garlic

Garlic is used in so many dishes as it provides excellent depth of flavor, however, garlic also has strong medicinal properties too. Garlic may help to improve bone health, may help to reduce blood pressure, may combat sickness as well as many other benefits.

While the antioxidant properties found in garlic will help the body from oxidative stress, some studies believe it may also help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. All in all, it’s a versatile food that can be added to many different dishes.

Source: Shutterstock

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Food Cravings & Why You’re Having Them

Our bodies can do strange things, especially when it comes to cravings. One minute you eat an entire meal the next minute you’re craving a whole box of chocolates. Or maybe an even stranger craving such as eating chocolate then suddenly find yourself craving a box of Chinese take-out. We all know what it feels […]

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Our bodies can do strange things, especially when it comes to cravings. One minute you eat an entire meal the next minute you’re craving a whole box of chocolates. Or maybe an even stranger craving such as eating chocolate then suddenly find yourself craving a box of Chinese take-out. We all know what it feels like when the cravings hit especially when they become too strong they start to interfere with your day until you finally give in.

When you think about food cravings usually your minds automatically think about unhealthy foods like chocolate, fast food etc. However, sometimes our bodies crave other foods like pickles or ice chips which seem to have no reason. Whichever the case it’s important to know when a craving arises there might be a bigger underlying message your body is trying to send you. Together we can learn about 15 foods and what their cravings might mean.

1. Candy

Whether you have a sweet tooth or not a candy craving can be a hard one to ignore. There’s nothing like a sweet tasting candy to either chew on or savor. However, next time you find yourself in a rut and are strongly craving a piece of candy consider the following; having a candy craving might mean you haven’t eaten enough or not enough of the right kinds of foods. For example, if you’re lacking protein or fat this may be the culprit for your sugary candy craving. It could also be a sign that you ate too much starch or consumed too many salty foods.

Lastly, you could have simply picked up a really bad habit and found yourself addicted to sugar and just simply can’t get enough. Recent studies show that sugar can lead to a dopamine release in the part of our brain that is associated with reward and motivation. There’s no wonder why we keep reaching for that jar of candy, it can make us feel good!  None the less make sure to always ask yourself, is it candy that your body really wants?

2. Cheese

Cheese, a crazily delicious and addictive food. There is a reason why people say “I could never give up cheese” or why so many people transitioning to a plant-based diet struggle with this food, it’s because it has natural addictive traits. This is from the casomorphin protein fragments found in cheese has an opioid effect on our brains, although the reason why it’s so addictive is slightly unclear it makes it a hard food to say no to.

Furthermore, your body could be craving cheese because it actually wants sugar. Your brain recognizes that cheese contains natural milk sugars and we know now that sugar releases dopamine into the brain so there is no wonder that cheese could have a similar effect.  And finally, craving cheese could also mean your body isn’t getting eno0ugh calcium or vitamin D. Although cheese may contain both of these nutrients it isn’t enough to satisfy the body. Consider a healthier choice such as leafy greens rich in calcium or fatty fish rich in vitamin D the next time you have a cheese craving.

3. Pickles

Whether you’re craving pickles or other vinegary foods like salt and vinegar chips, vinegar on fries etc, you could really be craving something else. The next time you crave pickles you could really be having an issue with your stomach acid. If there isn’t enough stomach acid your body will crave vinegary foods to help trigger your stomach to produce more.

You may be experiencing low stomach acid because of stress or other health problems. Instead of eating processed vinegary foods like potato chips or fries try using vinegar as a salad dressing or pairing it with seasonings to compliment a chicken dinner. This can help restore the balance of your stomach acid levels without hurting your digestion.

4. Burgers

Sometimes you just crave a big juicy burger loaded with toppings. If this happens it could be a way of your body telling you it is actually craving iron and zinc. Both of these are very common deficiencies all across America, especially in women.

Furthermore, if you find yourself craving a burger you may be lacking energy. If you’ve been living a busy lifestyle lately your body may be craving nourishment and comfort food. Make sure to indulge in a healthy meal including a good balance of carbs, protein and a big side of vegetables for extra nutrients. This can help satisfy your craving without making you more tired from foods that lack nutrients.

5. Pasta

There are two major reasons why your body may be craving pasta, you may be lacking nutrients and calories. First, pasta is considered a high-energy carb so if you have a big event coming up your body may crave it to help get you through the stressful time. However what you really need is nutrient dense food that can do all the same and more.

Secondly, you may be craving pasta even more so in the winter months when we have cooler weather. Your body is seeking ways to keep warm which can lead you to comfort foods like pasta. Regardless of the reasons why your body is craving pasta make sure if you choose to indulge in it you pair it with something healthy like vegetables or good fats like avocados.

6. Chinese Food

Considering Chinese foods are generally very high in sodium this could the biggest reason why your body is craving it. When you’re craving salty foods it can usually mean your body is dehydrated.

You may really want that Chinese takeout but it isn’t always the healthiest option. Before dialling that takeout phone number consider drinking some water to see if you were indeed dehydrated. If hydrating doesn’t do the trick then you can consider getting that takeout after all.

7. Ice

Cravings for ice chips is an interesting one and I hate to admit it but it is an often craving of mine and I’m sure many other people too. Some health professionals say that craving ice chips could be a sign of an iron deficiency but the reason behind that is unclear. You could also crave ice if you’re dehydrated and it’s your bodies way of getting more water into it.

Following, craving ice could have hidden psychological meaning. Constantly craving ice could be a sign of stress, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and even developmental disorder. However, most common of the three is due to stress. Ice contains no calories or nutrients so there isn’t any harm in indulging in some ice chips to help you get through a stressful situation but if you believe it could be due to an iron deficiency make sure to speak to your doctor and seek foods that are high in iron nutrients such as spinach, beans or red meats.

8. Peanut Butter

If you’re a peanut butter lover you know how delicious its creamy spread is perfect on toast or in baking or even better mixed with chocolate. Craving peanut butter might mean you and your body are more stressed out than you thought.

Recent studies show that our bodies crave high calorie and fatty foods when we are stressed. Our bodies tend to lean towards the foods that make us feel the best but these usually offer only a short-term, temporary fix. Further, you could also be craving peanut butter if your body is low in magnesium and Vitamin B which are both found in many nut-butters. You could also not be getting enough fat or calories that is causing your body to crave this high-calorie food. Make sure your body doesn’t actually need a wholesome meal before you indulge in your spoonful of peanut butter.

9. Chocolate

Chocolate is my ultimate weakness when it comes to food. If you’re like me and can’t say no to a chocolate offering there may be a deeper reason why we love it and crave it so much. Firstly, craving chocolate could mean you need more magnesium. Sodas and other sugary foods and drinks have components that bind to the magnesium in our diets causing it to flush out of our bodies. However, we need magnesium for many crucial chemical reactions that occur in our bodies especially for heart and bone health as well as our overall energy.

Furthermore, similar to candy chocolate too can make us feel happy and content because of the sugars abilities to release dopamine in our brain. Instead of leaning towards milk chocolate, if the craving occurs consider having a dark chocolate instead. It will contain the magnesium your body needs just without all the refined sugar.

10. Ice Cream

Ice cream is such a delicious treat because it comes in so many amazing flavors that there is something for everyone. You can even have ice cream if you have a dairy allergy or prefer to not have dairy for other reasons as there are so many other great alternatives out there such as coconut ice cream, soy ice cream, and many other great choices. However, craving ice cream could really mean that your body is actually exhausted.

Ice cream, as well as many other dairy or dairy alternative desserts and drinks, contain sugars and our bodies recognize it as a quick boost of energy. You could also be craving a bowl of ice cream after a heavy meal because it helps prevent heartburn and can help control your stomach acidity. So the next time you have an ice cream craving consider maybe you just need a quick power nap instead and making sure you’re eating a wholesome meal to help prevent this craving right after you eat.

11. French Fries

Craving french fries and other oily, deep fried foods could mean a couple different things. First, your body may actually need more calcium when you’re craving fries. Your body still needs fats but not the fried kind, try and stick to healthy fats like fish, almonds or avocados.

Continuing, you could also be craving french fries because we recognize that they smell and taste good which sends all sorts of signals to the pleasure center in our brain. Your brain remembers that you temporarily feel good every time you have them so it will naturally crave them.

12. Coffee

If our bodies are lacking iron it can make us feel lethargic and very tired. So naturally, we may crave coffee as a temporary fix. If you think this may be the case make sure to eat foods that are dense in iron nutrients and make sure to talk to your doctor in the case that it may be a more serious issue.

You may also be craving coffee because you are addicted to caffeine. If you find yourself unable to get through the day with0ut coffee or experience caffeine headaches when you don’t have coffee you are probably addicted. Consider drinking less or watching your caffeine intake so your body doesn’t rely on caffeine to fuel your energy.

13. Spicy Food

If you’re a hot sauce lover like myself you know that a dabble or two of hot sauce can be a game changer with a lot of meals. However, sometimes the craving for spicy foods can come out of nowhere.

There is a logical reason why spicy food is popular in countries that have warmer climates. It is because when you eat spicy food it naturally cools your body down. It sounds interesting because you might think that eating hot foods would make you warmer internally too but it actually does the opposite. When you eat spicy foods your body sweats as a reaction which is a form of cooling your body. You may also crave spicy foods when you’re sick because it can release endorphins to help relieve pain and enhance our moods. Make sure to reach for spices to add to your dish instead of spicy potato chips the next time a spicy food craving comes up.

14. Soda

An underlying reason why you may be craving soda could be a calcium deficiency. The presence of phosphoric acid found in carbonated drinks can drain away calcium and magnesium from the bones in our bodies. This sparks a vicious cycle of craving and then depletion. If your craving soda considers eating or drinking something that is high in calcium such as kale, raw milk, yogurt, and broccoli.

Soda also contains a ton of sugar, that is probably to no surprise. However, as we have discovered previously we crave sugary drinks and snacks because they make us feel good. So the next time you feel stressed try and not reach for that soda, it may cause temporary relief but it may not be worth the long-term toll it can have on your body.

15. Water

Water may seem like an obvious craving. If a serious craving for water occurs usually that means you are dehydrated. It’s important to not dismiss this craving because water keeps you hydrated which in turns help keep your skin from aging quickly, helps distribute nutrients in your body as well as can help enhance your overall mood.

A more underlying reason why you may be craving water could be because you are at risk of diabetes. If you find yourself consistently craving water consider speaking to your doctor about it. One of the earliest warning signs of diabetes is excessive urination and thirst. As you can see, it is very important not to ignore your cravings for water.

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The Health Benefits Of Pumpkin

Who knew pumpkin could be more than a decorative item or a delicious ingredient for pie? We’ll explain how!

The post The Health Benefits Of Pumpkin appeared first on Forkly.

When I think about pumpkins I often find myself reminiscing or wishing it was the season of Fall. Strolling through a pumpkin patch with the brisk air brushing past your face, sounds enticing right? Well, what if we told you pumpkins should be known for more than their stunning color and perfect Fall esthetic.

Pumpkins actually have a ton of health benefits too and that is precisely what we’re going to discuss today. We’re not talking about the beloved sugary pumpkin pie, we’re referring to it’s healthier relative, cooked pumpkin with possibly a dash of seasoning. We’ll walk you through exactly what consuming pumpkin can do for you. Once you check this out we’re confident you’ll want some delicious recipes. To help get you started with tasty recipes you can read HERE.

1. Excellent Source of Beta-Carotene

Pumpkin happens to be one of the most well-known sources of beta-carotene. This is responsible for a few things. First, beta-carotene is what provides pumpkins with their vibrantly orange color and this would also be true for carrots, sweet potatoes, and other winter squashes.

Further, beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant which we will talk more about that importance later. Our bodies also naturally convert any indigested beta-carotene into vitamin A. And vitamin A could help reduce the risk of cancer, protect against asthma, as well as could help to prevent heart disease.

2. Boost Immunity

Maintaining a strong immune system is crucial to preventing sickness. We’re often at our weakest during seasonal changes and it is so important we do the best we can to keep the immune system strong and healthy. Along with regular exercise and adequate sleep, consuming a diet that is thriving in foods that are good for our immune system is a great idea too.

Pumpkin is packed full of nutrients that can help boost our immunity. For starters, pumpkin is high in vitamin C which we need because it can increase the white blood cell production. If you aren’t familiar, white blood cells are what help fight off infections. Further, once again thanks to beta-carotene pumpkins are high in vitamin A which have also been shown to help fight off infections. If you want to maintain a healthy immune system you might want to consider adding more pumpkin into your diet.

3. Promote Healthy Skin

Many of us go through extreme measures and costs to maintain or achieve healthy and young looking skin. Before you drop copious amounts of dollars on skin care products you may want to reassess your diet. Pumpkin contains some excellent nutrients that can promote healthy glowing skin.

To start, pumpkin is rich in vitamin B and C both of which help to protect our skin from damage such as premature wrinkles. These vitamins can help promote collagen production as well as improve our circulation. In time, both of these contribute to an evener skin tone as well as can improve the elasticity and skin cell renewal. Furthermore, pumpkins are also chock full of minerals such as magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper, and iron. All of these can promote healthy skin and hair. These minerals also work to maintain collagen, protect cell membranes, increase skin renewal and can even fight off acne.

4. Aids Digestion

A healthy digestion is vital for your overall health and to maintaining a happy mindset. After all, no one likes the feeling of constipation or any other digestion problems. Pumpkin can help aid our digestions because of it’s rich fiber content.

The average female should consume around 25 grams of fiber per day whereas the average male should consume about 30-38 grams of fiber per day. Fresh cooked pumpkin contains about 3 grams of fiber whereas canned pumpkin contains about 7 grams. Adding at least a serving of pumpkin into your daily diet could really help in contributing to your daily fiber intake.

5. Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants play an important role in protecting us from free radicals. Free radicals can occur naturally in the body through our bodies metabolic process but also from external sources such as air pollutants, cigarette smoking, industrial chemicals, and several others.

Fighting free radicals and consuming a diet that is rich in antioxidants could help reduce the risk of chronic disease. Pumpkin is rich in antioxidants such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. All of these work to protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals.

6. Supports Weightloss

If you’re looking to shed a few pounds or are trying to maintain your weight you may want to consider adding more pumpkin to your diet. It’s an excellent food for weight loss for several reasons. For starters, it’s a low-calorie food and is high in fiber. Just half a cup of pumpkin contains 40 calories and 8 grams of dietary fiber.

A diet that is thriving in dietary fiber is great for dieters because it can curb your appetite by making you feel full for longer. In addition, dietary fiber can help slow the absorption of sugar/glucose in the body. This will help keep your blood sugar levels in check. And this is important because stable blood sugar levels can decrease your chances of spiked insulin release and unwanted fat storage. Along with these nutrients, pumpkin is thriving in other vital minerals and vitamins that can promote a healthy body.

7. Regulate Blood Pressure

Regulating your blood pressure is essential to maintaining a healthy body. It can decrease your risk of some severe health problems. Not only can it promote heart health which we will talk about next but regulating your blood pressure can help promote healthy arteries too.

Pumpkin is rich in magnesium and potassium both of which play an important role in lowering blood pressure. Try cooking pumpkin and enjoy it as a side dish or add it into a soup. There are so many easy and delicious ways you can start adding it to your diet.

8. Promote Heart Health

Blood pressure and heart health go hand in hand. When your blood pressure is high it can put a strain on your heart. That said, healthy blood pressure levels can put you on the right road to maintaining a healthy heart.

To begin, it is rich in potassium, fiber and vitamin C. All of which are linked to aid the heart. Further, as we talked about earlier pumpkin is high in antioxidants and this can protect our blood vessels which in result could lower the risk of heart disease. In conclusion, there are so many great health benefits that cooked pumpkin can offer you. You may want to try adding more of it to your diet to maintain a healthier you on the inside and the out.

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Instant Pot Hack: How To Cook Spaghetti Squash

While I don’t love all vegetables, I am definitely up for trying new things (at least once). When I first discovered spaghetti squash I was utterly confused. I couldn’t understand how stringy squash was supposed to be good. To my surprise, I was so very wrong! Now, spaghetti squash is one of my favorite vegetables. […]

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While I don’t love all vegetables, I am definitely up for trying new things (at least once). When I first discovered spaghetti squash I was utterly confused. I couldn’t understand how stringy squash was supposed to be good. To my surprise, I was so very wrong! Now, spaghetti squash is one of my favorite vegetables. It can make a great side dish, however, I like it best when used as a replacement for traditional pasta.

Considering spaghetti squash has a stringy texture, it can mimic the texture of spaghetti (hence the name). If you’re looking to cut back on your carb intake but don’t want to miss out on your favorite savory pasta dishes then you need to give it a try! Spaghetti squash is also a great option for keto dieters.

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There are several ways you can cook spaghetti squash. You can cook it the traditional way, roasted in the oven, or cook it quickly in the microwave. But absolutely nothing compares to how it cooks in the Instant Pot. Aside from the time it takes the pot to come to pressure, it cooks in 7 minutes! But more than the time, it’s the final product that truly shines in this hack!

When we opened the Instant Pot, we discovered the squash was quite literally falling off the skin, which means absolutely no squash left behind! Follow this cooking hack to discover what an incredible job the Instant Pot does cooking this squash. You won’t be disappointed – we promise!

1. Cut and Scoop Out Seeds of Squash

Before cooking, you’ll need to remove all the seeds. First, cut the squash in half. Be sure to use a sharp knife as cutting through the squash can be tough. Then, scoop out the seeds or “guts” and discard.

2. Add Water and Squash into Instant Pot

Next, you’ll want to add 1 cup of water or broth to the Instant Pot. Water will cook the squash perfectly, however, using broth instead will add more flavor to the squash. Place the trivet into the pot and set the squash halves on top. Using the trivet keeps the squash out of the liquid keeping it from getting soggy where it’s submerged.

3. Pressure Cook

Put the lid in place and set the valve to sealing. Cook the squash on Manual or Pressure Cook (depending on the model of your pot) HIGH for 7 minutes. We cooked an extra large spaghetti squash (the absolute largest that would fit!) and found it took our Instant Pot 20 minutes to come to pressure. Keep in mind this time will vary depending on the size of the squash, the size and model of your Instant Pot, and a number of other factors.

4. Quick Release and Serve

Once the cooking time has elapsed, quick release the pressure and remove the lid. Use oven mitts to remove the squash as it will be very hot! Allow the squash to cool slightly before using a fork to shred the squash and removing the skins. The skin and squash will separate easily and completely, which is probably the best part of using the Instant Pot instead of the oven. You can use this squash as a substitute for various pasta dishes or enjoy as a side dish! Store leftovers in the fridge in an air-tight container for up to a week.

Servings: 6


  • Spaghetti squash
  • 1 cup water or broth


  • Instant Pot


  • Slice the spaghetti squash in half and scoop out the seeds in the center.
  • Add liquid, then trivet, then squash halves to the Instant Pot.
  • Lid the pot and set the valve to sealing. Cook on Manual/Pressure Cook HIGH for 7 minutes.
  • Once the cooking time has elapsed, quick release the pressure and remove the lid. Carefully remove the squash and once cooled slightly, peel off the skin, then shred with a fork for serving.
  • Serve hot or store in an airtight container for up to a week!


It took our 6 Quart Instant Pot Duo 20 minutes to come to pressure. Keep in mind we cooked an extra large sized spaghetti squash, so this time will vary depending on the size of your squash, as well as the model and size of your Instant Pot.

The serving sizes will vary depending on the size of the spaghetti squash. We found that an extra large spaghetti squash easily served 6.

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Quick & Easy Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Enjoy the fresh flavors of Mediterranean cooking that will have you dreaming of lounging next to the sea without having to fly across the ocean to enjoy it! Seriously, today we’re making an insanely delicious and easy salad that is light, bright, and bold in flavor! There is nothing better than transitioning into spring and summer […]

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Enjoy the fresh flavors of Mediterranean cooking that will have you dreaming of lounging next to the sea without having to fly across the ocean to enjoy it! Seriously, today we’re making an insanely delicious and easy salad that is light, bright, and bold in flavor! There is nothing better than transitioning into spring and summer by replacing our hearty comforting dishes for something fresh and light. We’re here to show you how you can make salad fun again with our Mediterranian quinoa salad.

To learn more about the Mediterranean diet and what to eat check out The Absolute Best Snacks To Try On The Mediterranean Diet. Our salad combines authentic Mediterranean flavors to create an exciting bowl that can be served for both lunch and dinner. It can be prepared quickly and certainly serves a crowd so consider making this salad for your next potluck or use it to create healthy lunches for the whole week!

1. Cook Quinoa

Before preparing the salad, you need to cook the quinoa. There are two easy methods to do this. First, you can cook it using an Instant Pot, which is our favorite method. This method is completely hands-off, requires no babysitting and can be done quickly. Follow our Instant Pot Hack: How To Cook Quinoa! Second, if you don’t own an Instant Pot you can prepare it on the stovetop by following the instructions found on the back of the quinoa package. You’ll want to ensure the quinoa is cold before preparing the salad so consider cooking it the day before or at least several hours before assembling the salad.

2. Prepare The Dressing

It’s easy to buy store-bought salad dressing, however, we believe nothing quite compares to the delicious flavors that homemade dressing has to offer. Once you try it, you’ll never want to go back to store-bought again! The base of our dressing is made from olive oil, red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, and freshly squeezed lemon juice. You will also need minced garlic, dried basil and oregano, and a dash of salt and pepper. Toss all of these ingredients into a jar and give it a good shake until it’s thoroughly mixed.

3. Combine Salad Ingredients

Once the dressing is prepared, set it aside and prepare the salad ingredients. Dice the cucumber and peppers, slice the tomatoes and olives, and finely chop the red onion. Finally, crumble feta cheese on top and then mix thoroughly with the quinoa to combine all the ingredients.

4. Combine Salad With Dressing & Serve!

Just before serving give the dressing another shake and then pour over the salad. Mix gently to ensure all the ingredients are evenly coated. Finally, garnish with more feta cheese and serve immediately! If you’re looking to turn this salad into a full meal considering serving it with a piece of grilled chicken or salmon on top for protein. Alternatively, if you don’t eat meat you can mix in one can of rinsed chickpeas for added protein! Enjoy!

Servings: 6-8


  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • 1/2 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • 2 tsp minced garlic
  • ½ tsp each salt and pepper
  • 4-5 cups cooked chilled quinoa
  • 1.5 cups cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1 cucumber, diced
  • 1 yellow pepper, diced
  • 1/2 cup kalamata olives, sliced
  • 1/2 red onion, finely chopped
  • 2/3 cup feta cheese, crumbled


  • Add olive oil, vinegars, lemon juice, oregano, basil, garlic, salt, and pepper to a jar or container. Lid the jar and shake thoroughly to combine. Set aside.
  • In a large bowl, combine remaining ingredients and mix gently.
  • Just before serving, give the dressing another quick shake and pour over the salad. Mix gently to coat all ingredients. Serve immediately.


When preparing quinoa, 2 cups uncooked quinoa equates to about 4-5 cups cooked.

To make this a full meal, add grilled chicken or salmon and serve on top of the salad. Alternatively (if you don’t eat meat), add one can of rinsed chickpeas directly into the salad and mix together.

The post Quick & Easy Mediterranean Quinoa Salad appeared first on Forkly.

Cooking Fatigue? How Home Chef Is Reinventing Weeknight Meals So You Don’t Have To

This convenient, all-in-one meal kit delivery service takes the effort out of cooking and helps you choose and prepare delicious restaurant-quality meals even on weeknights! Here’s how Home Chef is reinventing weeknight meals so you don’t have to.

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Are you tired of making the same meals over and over again? Perhaps you’re feeling uninspired in the kitchen. If that’s the case, you’re likely suffering from cooking fatigue. Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

The secret to overcoming cooking fatigue is finding new ways to get excited about cooking again! Don’t have time for that? That’s where Home Chef comes in. This convenient, all-in-one meal kit delivery service takes the effort out of cooking and helps you choose and prepare delicious restaurant-quality meals perfect for any night of the week! Here’s how Home Chef is reinventing weeknight meals so you don’t have to.

How Home Chef is Making Weeknight Meals Easy

Home Chef is a weekly subscription meal kit service that offers delicious all-in-one meal kits delivered right to your front door. Their kits come with fresh produce, hearty proteins, and EVERYTHING you need to make a fast & fresh tasty dinner – right down to the cooking tray!

Make weeknight meals easy by taking the guesswork out of cooking. Each meal comes with pre-measured (yes – pre-measured!), ready-to-cook ingredients so you can spend less time contemplating what to make for dinner and more time on things you enjoy doing.

★ Best Deal Guarantee ★ Get $90 Off On Your First Boxes! Valid on Oven Ready or Fast & Fresh!

A Cut Above With Customization

Home Chef features a diverse menu with plenty of meal options to choose from. A new menu is released every week which means there are tons of recipes for you to try. In addition to meal kits, you can also choose recipes that are oven-ready or require little to no prep or cooking for those extra-busy nights.

Sound good? It gets better! Did you know Home Chef (unlike most meal delivery services) gives you countless ways to customize your meals? One size does not fit all and Home Chef has a solution. Simply look for the Customize It badge on select meals and choose from a variety of ways to customize the meal exactly how you like it.

Want to swap your protein? No problem. Upgrade your protein to a premium cut of steak? Easy. Double up with an extra dose of protein? Just one extra click. We’re not kidding when we say the options are endless.

★ Best Deal Guarantee ★ Get $90 Off On Your First Boxes! Valid on Oven Ready or Fast & Fresh!

Ready to Give It a Try?

Are you ready to give Home Chef a try?

Fall in love with cooking all over again and enjoy fast & fresh, flavorful meals with the help of Home Chef. There’s no risk – you can cancel at any time! Get free shipping on orders over $40/week. There’s a reason this meal delivery service has been #1 in customer service since 2018*! Give it a try and see for yourself!

*Source: US Grocery Benchmark Study, April 2020, Market Force Information, Inc.

The post Cooking Fatigue? How Home Chef Is Reinventing Weeknight Meals So You Don’t Have To appeared first on Forkly.

Why Families Are Switching From Takeout to Meal Delivery Kits in 2021

Worried you’re spending too much money on takeout? You’re not alone! Takeout is certainly convenient but ordering too often can be expensive – and unhealthy if you’re not making the right choices. So, what’s the alternative? Meal delivery plans – a cost-effective, convenient, and healthy way to make mealtime fun again. It’s easy to see […]

The post Why Families Are Switching From Takeout to Meal Delivery Kits in 2021 appeared first on Forkly.

Worried you’re spending too much money on takeout? You’re not alone! Takeout is certainly convenient but ordering too often can be expensive – and unhealthy if you’re not making the right choices. So, what’s the alternative? Meal delivery plans – a cost-effective, convenient, and healthy way to make mealtime fun again.

It’s easy to see why many families are switching from takeout to meal delivery kits: busy parents are saving time on home-cooked dinners so they can spend more time on the things that matter. Sound too good to be true? It’s not! ! Let’s take a closer look into why so many families are making the switch this year:

★ Best Deal Guarantee ★ Get $90 Off On Your First Boxes! Valid on Oven Ready or Fast & Fresh!

Why Families Are Choosing Meal Delivery Kits in 2021

So why are families choosing meal delivery kits? Here are just a few of the benefits:

✔️ Skip the grocery store lines (and stay safe)
✔️ Save time on deciding which meals to make (and shopping for all of the ingredients)
✔️ Save time on prepping dinner
✔️ Eat healthier – unlike takeout, you know exactly what’s going into your body
✔️ No waste – all ingredients are pre-measured to ensure you don’t have to throw away leftover food
✔️ No delivery fees – unlike takeout, most meal delivery companies (like Home Chef) waive delivery fees if a minimum amount is spent each week
✔️ New dinner ideas – save the recipe cards and create a vault of delicious meal ideas for future meals
★ Best Deal Guarantee ★ Get $90 Off On Your First Boxes! Valid on Oven Ready or Fast & Fresh!

Why Families Are Choosing Home Chef

There are many meal kit services to choose from but Home Chef is taking the home meal delivery market by storm. Home Chef delivers fresh produce, hearty proteins, and every (pre-measured) ingredient you need right to your door. Their oven-ready and fast & fresh meals come with EVERYTHING included – right down to the cooking tray!

Not only does Home Chef offer all of the benefits we mentioned above but their restaurant-quality, gourmet meal selections (from seafood to sirloins steaks) and commitment to fresh, healthy ingredients at an affordable cost (starting at only $8.99 per serving) take them a cut above the competition.

★ Best Deal Guarantee ★ Get $90 Off On Your First Boxes! Valid on Oven Ready or Fast & Fresh!

Give It A Try (No Strings Attached!)

Are you ready to give Home Chef a try? Fall in love with cooking all over again and enjoy fast & fresh, flavorful meals with the help of Home Chef. There’s no risk – you can cancel at any time! Get free shipping on orders over $40/week. There’s a reason this meal delivery service has been #1 in customer service since 2018*! Give it a try and see for yourself!

*Source: US Grocery Benchmark Study, April 2020, Market Force Information, Inc.

The post Why Families Are Switching From Takeout to Meal Delivery Kits in 2021 appeared first on Forkly.

The Nutrisystem Diet: Delicious Meals You Can Enjoy and Still Lose Weight

Many of us are trying to lose weight and live healthier lifestyles but it is no easy feat. We get it! Nutrisystem, a weight-loss meal delivery program, makes losing weight easy (and convenient) and we’re here to show you how!

The post The Nutrisystem Diet: Delicious Meals You Can Enjoy and Still Lose Weight appeared first on Forkly.

Many of us are trying to lose weight and live healthier lifestyles but it is no easy feat. We get it! Nutrisystem, a weight-loss meal delivery program, makes losing weight easy (and convenient) and we’re here to show you how!

How Nutrisystem Works

So here’s how it works. Their pre-made (yes, pre-made!), portion-controlled meals, snacks, and desserts are conveniently delivered right to your door. This takes the guesswork out of meal selection and saves you time and energy with meal prep. Could it get any better? Actually, yes!

You won’t feel deprived while following Nutrisystem’s diet program because you’re actually encouraged to eat. In fact, Nutrisystem encourages you to eat six times a day and you’ll be indulging in meals you actually want to eat (just made healthier). With these healthier food choices, you can expect to lose about 1 to 2-pounds per week!

Delicious Meals You Can Enjoy on the Nutrisystem Diet

So what can you expect to eat on the Nutrisystem diet? Enjoy all your favorite foods, made healthier. In addition to your own fresh groceries, Nutrisystem has a diverse menu to choose from. They offer tasty lunches like a classic hamburger or grilled chicken sandwich and for dinner, they have tons of fan-favorites to choose from. Craving pizza? They have it. Want lasagna? They have that too! They even offer vegetarian-friendly meals. There truly is something for everyone. Their meals combine healthy fats, lean proteins, dietary fiber, and complex carbs; just add the best vegetables to make a wholesome meal.

When a craving strikes, Nutrisystem has plenty of delicious snacks to hold you over until your next meal. And no, you don’t have to eat carrots and celery sticks (of course you can if you want to!). Nutrisystem offers your favorite snacks in perfect portions to help you stick to your goals. Enjoy treats like chocolate brownie sundaes, red velvet cupcakes and so much more.

Ready to try Nutrisystem? All you have to do is sign up and select your plan. Each plan is personalized based on your metabolic rate that accounts for a variety of factors like your height, weight, age, gender, body type, and lifestyle. Better yet, as you lose weight, your plan adapts to you to help you avoid plateaus and instead, keeps you striving for your goals! Finally, Nutrisystem helps you stay motivated with their free NuMi app where you can track your progress along the way.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not! Try it today and see for yourself!

The post The Nutrisystem Diet: Delicious Meals You Can Enjoy and Still Lose Weight appeared first on Forkly.

Instant Pot French Toast Croissant Casserole

What’s better than breakfast? Brunch! Combining lunch and breakfast is such a brilliant idea and allows us to feast on an array of amazing food without committing to just one meal. We’re quite comfortable cooking dinners in our Instant Pot so we wanted to test the waters with a new menu item: breakfast casserole! So we […]

The post Instant Pot French Toast Croissant Casserole appeared first on Forkly.

What’s better than breakfast? Brunch! Combining lunch and breakfast is such a brilliant idea and allows us to feast on an array of amazing food without committing to just one meal. We’re quite comfortable cooking dinners in our Instant Pot so we wanted to test the waters with a new menu item: breakfast casserole! So we whipped up a French toast casserole with sweet berries and a maple syrup drizzle using another fav breakfast bread – croissants. Are you drooling yet?

All you’ll need is your Instant Pot and a springform pan that fits nicely in your pot. When choosing a pan, ensure that there is at least an inch of space left between the pan and the pot. A 7-inch springform pan fits perfectly in a 6 Quart Duo Instant Pot. Preparing the casserole is easy but cooking it in the Instant Pot is even easier! This dish is perfect for brunch on a lazy weekend, but actually sweet enough to even be served as a dessert! So grab your whisk and apron and let’s start cookin’ because you won’t want to miss out on this!

Want New Instant Pot Recipes and Content Delivered Straight To Your Inbox? Sign up for our Instant Pot Email Newsletter

While traditional French toast is made with slices of bread we wanted to step up our game and use croissants. Croissants are perfect for an elevated casserole like this because they’re soft, flaky and elegant. Plus this upgrade turns this dish into an Instagram-worthy meal! To make this super easy, grab some pre-baked croissants from your local grocery store bakery and allow the container to sit open overnight (stale is a good thing here)! If you happen to have stale croissants lying around already, even better!

There are a few key ingredients that make the egg mixture extra special. We chose to add in light cream (for richness), brown sugar, and enough cinnamon to really give this casserole some sweetness (but it’s not overpowering, we promise!). Once you’ve dipped the croissants, it’s important to pack them down into the pan. This allows you to fit more croissants in, but more importantly, it binds the ingredients together. When adding the fresh berries, be sure to tuck them in between the croissant layers so that the fresh burst of berries is present throughout the casserole.

Before adding the extra liquid and placing the casserole into the pot, you need to wrap it in foil. Put a piece on the counter before placing the springform pan on top. Wrapping the foil bottom-up instead of top-down will prevent any leakage when you add the extra cup of liquid to the pan. If you skip this step, we can almost guarantee that the egg/cream mixture will spill out onto your countertop! Once you’ve added the liquid and before placing the casserole into the Instant Pot, let it rest for about 30 minutes. This allows the croissants to soak up all the liquid and prepare it for cooking. Lastly, pour water into the pot and place the trivet inside so that the pan can sit on top. Otherwise you risk a soggy-bottomed casserole!

Once cooked and the pressure is quick released, allow the casserole to cool slightly before removing it from the springform pan. You can enjoy as is, or set it in the oven to broil for 5-10 minutes. While this step is completely optional, we highly recommended it if you have the time because it results in a lovely golden and slightly crispy top layer. Serve with a drizzle of maple syrup and a sprinkle of powdered sugar and enjoy!

Servings: 8


  • 7 croissants, cut in half lengthwise, left to dry out overnight
  • 1 cup milk or light cream
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 cup sliced strawberries
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • Powdered sugar, for dusting
  • Maple syrup, for serving


  • Instant Pot
  • 7" springform pan


  • Lightly grease the springform pan and set aside.
  • In a bowl, mix together the cream, vanilla, maple syrup, eggs, sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Dip each croissant half in the mixture, coating it completely and moving to the pan.
  • Arrange the croissants to fit in the pan, overlapping. Press down to compact the croissants as you add them.
  • Add 1 cup of mixed berries to the top of the casserole, carefully tucking them into the layers.
  • Wrap the entire pan in tin foil, leaving the top pulled back. If you skip this step, liquid may leak out of the bottom of your spring form pan.
  • Pour 1 cup of remaining liquid into the pan and press the croissants down to soak up the liquid and compact more.
  • Cover the top of the pan with tin foil and let sit for 30 minutes to allow more liquid to absorb.
  • Add 1 cup of water to the Instant Pot and set trivet inside. Carefully place the foil covered pan inside and close the lid, ensuring the pressure valve is sealed.
  • Cook on Manual/Pressure Cook for 25 minutes. Once cook time has elapsed, quick release the pressure and remove the pan carefully using oven mitts.
  • Remove tin foil. If desired, put in the oven to Broil for 5-10 minutes until browned and crispy on the top. This step isn’t necessary, but will crisp up the outer layer for a nice crunch.
  • Let cool slightly before serving. Top with powdered sugar, more maple syrup, and fresh berries!


Broiling the casserole is optional but we totally reccomend it! This not only crisps up the the top layer but provides a beautiful golden color to the casserole.

The post Instant Pot French Toast Croissant Casserole appeared first on Forkly.

Instant Pot Whole (Faux) Rotisserie Chicken

Nothing quite compares to a slow roasted, rotisserie chicken, but really, who has the time for that?! We all live busy lives but crave delicious cooking, which is part of the reason you can pick up a pre-cooked chicken from most grocery stores! But would you believe us if we told you that you can achieve […]

The post Instant Pot Whole (Faux) Rotisserie Chicken appeared first on Forkly.

Nothing quite compares to a slow roasted, rotisserie chicken, but really, who has the time for that?! We all live busy lives but crave delicious cooking, which is part of the reason you can pick up a pre-cooked chicken from most grocery stores! But would you believe us if we told you that you can achieve a tender rotisserie chicken in a fraction of the time at home? Well you should, because today we’re going to prove to you that it can be done! The depth of flavor is truly unreal and the amount of effort that goes into making it is next to none.

The secret tool in today’s recipe is the Instant Pot. This trusty gadget is blowing us away one recipe at a time! Get ready for a seriously drool-worthy dinner that you and your family are going to love!

Want New Instant Pot Recipes and Content Delivered Straight To Your Inbox? Sign up for our Instant Pot Email Newsletter!

1. Infuse the Chicken

It’s important to note that today we’re cooking a whole fresh chicken so if your chicken is frozen, ensure that you thaw it the night before, or set it out to thaw before you go to work. Before you do anything inspect the cavity of your chicken. If there are any giblets, remove them. Next, fill the cavity with onion, half a lemon, and fresh rosemary sprigs. These ingredients infuse the chicken with flavor from the inside out!

2. Season the Chicken

When cooking chicken there are two key elements that you need to achieve to make it great. First, the texture – it needs to be tender and moist. The second element is flavor – it needs to be next level! After all, these two key factors are what will make a lasting impression. To really bring the flavor to the next level, simply rub olive oil and your favorite spice mix all over the chicken. We chose a lemon pepper spice mix. This bold and cheery flavor will seriously have you drooling just by the smell of it. For other examples of spice mixes you can use, check out the notes section at the bottom of this article.

3. Sear the Chicken

Next, we’re mastering the texture. If you choose to solely pressure cook the chicken, you won’t get a crispy outer layer like you would get in the oven. However, we figured out a genius hack that results in that slightly charred outer layer that we have come to love! The hack – sear it! You can effortlessly sear meat using the saute function. Simply turn on saute mode, add the remaining oil to the pot, add the chicken and sear for about 3 minutes per side.

4. Deglaze the Pot

This next step is extremely crucial so don’t skip past it! Once you’ve seared the chicken and removed it from the pot you need to deglaze the pot. Deglazing the pot ensures that you don’t get the dreaded burn notice. To do so, simply pour in 1/2 a cup of broth and turn the saute mode back on. Using a wooden spoon or spatula lift the charred bits from the bottom of the pot. Once complete, turn off Saute. Be sure to keep the liquid from the deglazed pot in, as this will only add more flavor.

5. Add Chicken & Other Ingredients

We’ll be cooking the chicken on the trivet so go ahead and add that into the pot next. Pour the remaining chicken broth to the pot and then place the chicken back inside. We added additional lemon slices, onion, and fresh rosemary sprigs on top for more flavor, but this step is optional.

6. Pressure Cook

Lid the pot and set the valve to sealing. You’ll need to cook the chicken on HIGH pressure for 25 minutes. Keep in mind that this doesn’t account for the time it takes the pot to come to pressure. We found it took our 6 Quart Instant Pot Du0 15 minutes to come to pressure, however, this time will vary depending on the model and size of your pot as well as the size of the chicken.

7. Natural Release

Once the cooking time has elapsed, allow for a natural release of 15 minutes. To do this simply do nothing once the cook time is up and the LCD screen will begin to clock the natural release time. Once it reads 15, quick release any remaining pressure. From experimentation, we found that a natural release is extremely important because the release will affect the texture of the chicken. A quick release results in tough and chewy meat while a natural release yields tender results – it’s perfection!

8. Serve!

Carefully lift the trivet out of the pot. It will be quite hot so use oven mitts! Allow the chicken to rest for at least 5 minutes. Then remove the lemon, onion, and rosemary sprigs from the cavity. Carve the chicken and serve with your favorite side dishes or add it into your favorite salad. If you loved this recipe, check out the Best Instant Pot Chicken Recipes!

Servings: 4


  • 3 tbsp of your favorite spice mix (we used lemon pepper)
  • 1 tsp salt (optional, if spice mix contains salt, omit this)
  • Rosemary sprigs
  • 4 lb whole roasting chicken
  • 1 small yellow onion, quartered
  • 1 lemon, halved
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cup chicken stock


  • Instant Pot


  • If necessary, remove giblets from chicken cavity.
  • Add onion, half a lemon, and rosemary sprigs to the cavity of the chicken.
  • Rub whole chicken with a tbsp of olive oil. If adding salt, mix the salt and seasoning. Then season the entire chicken with the spice mixture of your choice by rubbing it onto the skin of the chicken.
  • Turn Instant Pot to Saute mode. Add the remaining oil and the chicken, searing both sides for about 3 minutes each. Remove from pot.
  • Add 1/2 cup of broth and turn on saute. With a wooden spoon or spatula lift any charred bits from the bottom. Once the bottom is clear, turn off saute.
  • Add remaining broth and trivet to the pot. Place chicken inside, add lemon slices and a few more sprigs of rosemary.
  • Lid the pot and set the valve to sealing. Cook on Manual/Pressure Cook for 25 minutes.
  • Once cook time has elapsed, allow for a 15-minute natural release.
  • Remove the chicken from the pot and let rest 5 minutes before serving.


Our 6 Quart Instant Pot Duo took 15 minutes to come to pressure, however, this time will vary depending on the size and model of your Instant Pot.

Alternative spice mix ideas: Lemon Pepper, Ranch Dip Mix, Cajun, Greek, Montreal Chicken, Beer Can Spice Mix.

The post Instant Pot Whole (Faux) Rotisserie Chicken appeared first on Forkly.