Spicy Marinated Tempeh Bowl


Try this protein-packed Spicy Marinated Tempeh Bowl for a delicious lunch bursting with energy. Perfectly seasoned and easy to put together.

The post Spicy Marinated Tempeh Bowl appeared first on Simple Green Smoothies.


Table of Contents
  1. Ingredients in a Tempeh Bowl
  2. How to Make a Tempeh Bowl
  3. Spicy Marinated Tempeh Bowl Recipe
  4. Tempeh Bowl FAQs

My latest plant-based rice bowl recipe is this Spicy Tempeh Bowl. It’s the perfect nourishing meal after a workout as it’s packed with 29 grams of plant-based protein. Both tempeh and tofu are made from fermented soybeans. Yet with tempeh, the whole soybean is used giving it a firmer texture that holds together better when cooking.

I’ve kept the toppings simple to let the marinated tempeh shine, yet you can load this up with veggies just like my Mediterranean Falafel Bowl to create the perfect meal.

white bowl with brown rice, marinated tempeh and pickled cucumbers all topped with sesame seeds.

Ingredients in a Tempeh Bowl

Most of the ingredients listed below will be for the marinade. You don’t have to follow the measurements perfectly if you’re good at guessing when you toss ingredients into the bowl. Just taste as you go to make sure it has the flavor and seasoning you want.

labeled ingredients for a tempeh bowl including brown rice, garlic, sesame oil, maple syrup, tempeh, tamari, sriracha, black pepper and avocado oil.
  • Tempeh: To find this ingredient, try the refrigerated part of the produce section or look on the vegan shelves of the refrigerated section. You can also find it at an eastern Asian grocery store.
  • Tamari: This is a gluten-free soy sauce that typically has less sodium than regular soy sauce. It adds great flavor to a variety of dishes.
  • Rice vinegar: This is less acidic than regular vinegar helping it add to the flavor of this marinated dish without over-powering it. 
  • Maple syrup: I love adding a little bit of sweetness to this Indonesian-inspired dish to balance the umami flavors.
  • Sesame oil: This is a great addition to tempeh that adds a slight toasted nut flavor. A little goes a long way.
  • Sriracha sauce: I enjoy spicy tempeh and sriracha is my fav way to heat it up. I really like Trader Joe’s version, yet use the one you like the most.
  • Black pepper: Fresh ground black pepper finishes off this dish nicely. No extra salt is needed since the tamari has plenty of sodium in it.
  • Garlic: Fresh garlic helps to add a bit of a flavor punch without going overboard.
  • Avocado oil: This high-heat oil will be used to cook the marinated tempeh. Feel free to swap with coconut oil or extra-virgin olive oil.
  • Brown rice: I like the warm flavor that brown rice adds to any dish and typically use it over white rice. If you are more of a white rice person then swap that in instead.
white bowl full of rice and other plant-based ingredients along with a black fork.

Tempeh BOwl Toppings

While this spicy tempeh bowl is fantastic with just the marinaded tempeh and brown rice, you can’t go wrong with a few extra toppings. Here’s what I love to add to mine.

  • Dill sauerkraut: Any kind of fermented veggies go great in this dish. If sauerkraut isn’t your thing then easily swap it for kimchi or pickled red onions.
  • Green onion: Fresh green onion on top is a bright and tasty topping.
  • Sesame seeds: Add a bit of crunch at the end with some sesame seeds. You can also use hemp hearts.

How to Make a Tempeh Bowl

This spicy tempeh bowl is easy to put together yet takes a bit of time if you really want the marinated flavor to come through. Read on for how to make this dish and a few prep tips to make it fabulous.

two hands using a chef's knife to make even rectangles of tempeh on a wooden cutting board.

Step 1: Cube the tempeh then place in a basket over 1-inch of water. Bring the water to a simmer then cover the tempeh and steam for 10 minutes. Once tender, remove from heat.

one hand with a wire whisk whisking a marinade in a glass dish.

Step 2: While the tempeh is steaming, prepare the marinade: whisk together tamari, vinegar, maple syrup, sesame oil, sriracha, garlic and black pepper. Place the steamed tempeh in a shallow bowl then pour the marinade over top. Coat the pieces completely then allow to rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes up to 24 hours. The longer it marinates, the more flavorful it will be after you cook it.

white bowl full of cooked brown rice.

Step 3: Prepare the rice according to the package directions. It typically takes about 45 minutes to cook, so plan for this! Check out my prep tips to help. Once cooked, fluff with a fork.

black skillet with pieces of fried marinated tempeh squares.

Step 4: When you’re ready to cook the marinated pieces, heat avocado oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Arrange the tempeh cubes in a single layer, reserving the excess marinade. Cook 10-15 minutes or until the cubes are caramelized and golden. Add the remaining marinade to the skillet and let the cubes soak up the liquid.

two white bowls filled with brown rice and pieces of cooked tempeh next to containers of toppings including green onion, sesame seeds and pickled vegetables.

Step 5: Dish rice into bowls, top with tempeh pieces and any toppings you wish. Enjoy! Extra pieces can be enjoyed over salad greens or in a veggie wrap.

I’m a pretty active runner who needs a high protein diet to help my body through endurance training and I can get plenty of protein from meals like this Tempeh Bowl, my bbq vegetarian pizza (23g of protein), chickpea tacos (24g of protein), pumpkin chia pudding (10g of protein), banana smoothie (18g of protein) or my chocolate protein shake (16g of protein). 


Spicy Marinated Tempeh Bowl

With just a bit of prep you can have a protein-packed, delightfully flavored meal that is 100% plant-based. This Spicy Marinated Tempeh Bowl is versatile and perfect for lunch or dinner. I pair my marinated tempeh with pickled vegetables, brown rice and sesame seeds for a plant-powered meal.
Course Entree
Cuisine Plant-Based
Diet Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Servings 2
Calories 579kcal


  • 8 ounce tempeh 1 package
  • ¼ cup tamari
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon sriracha
  • ¼ tsp black pepper
  • 1 garlic clove minced
  • ½ cup brown rice uncooked
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tsp avocado oil


  • ¼ cup dill sauerkraut
  • 2 tbsp green onions
  • 1 tbsp black sesame seeds


  • Cut the tempeh into cubes, place in a steamer basket, and set over a pot with 1-inch of water. Bring the water to a simmer, cover, and let steam for 10 minutes. This helps it become tender and ready to soak up more flavor from the marinade.
  • In a small bowl, whisk together tamari, vinegar, maple syrup, sesame oil, sriracha, garlic and pepper to create a marinade. Place the tempeh in a shallow dish and pour the marinade on top to coat. Marinate for at least 30 minutes in fridge—and up to 24 hours for max flavor.
  • Prepare the rice by boiling water over high heat. Add rice and reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 45 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool; fluff rice with a fork.
  • Heat avocado oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Arrange tempeh in a single layer, reserving the excess marinade. Cook for 10-15 minutes, or until caramelized and golden. Add remaining marinade and let the cubes soak up the liquid and the remaining sauce to thicken.
  • Serve with brown rice and top with sauerkraut, green onions and sesame seeds.


  • Swap sauerkraut for kimchi or pickled red onions.
  • Swap brown rice for white rice or quinoa.
  • Marinate the tempeh a few days in advance and keep refrigerated until you’re ready to serve. I like to meal prep this on a Sunday, marinating it in an airtight container until I’m ready to  serve as a weeknight meal.
  • Brown rice can be made ahead of time. My family eats rice on a weekly basis so I often prep this over the weekend as well, then scoop it out a serving at a time throughout the week.
  • You can also bake the tempeh in the oven at 375°F for 20 minutes on a lined baking sheet.


Calories: 579kcal | Carbohydrates: 65g | Protein: 29g | Fat: 25g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 9g | Monounsaturated Fat: 9g | Sodium: 1931mg | Potassium: 785mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 13g | Vitamin A: 75IU | Vitamin C: 9mg | Calcium: 227mg | Iron: 6mg

Tempeh Bowl FAQs

What is tempeh?

Tempeh originated in Indonesia and is made from fermented whole soybeans. It is similar to tofu yet is more firm and keeps its structure more easily when cooked.

What does tempeh taste like?

Tempeh is savory and has a meaty, mushroom-like flavor. It pairs excellently with a variety of savory flavors like tamari, sriracha, maple syrup and rice vinegar.

Why should you boil tempeh before cooking it?

Straight from the package tempeh is often bitter. Boiling or steaming it ahead of cooking helps to soften it up. This takes away some of the bitterness and also helps make it a great vessel for marinade, sauce and more.

The post Spicy Marinated Tempeh Bowl appeared first on Simple Green Smoothies.

Best Green Olive Tapenade


Add this fail-proof Green Olive Tapenade to your next Vegan Charcuterie Board or serve as an appetizer at a holiday party. It takes just 5-minutes to create and is ridiculous delicious on some crostini.

The post Best Green Olive Tapenade appeared first on Simple Green Smoothies.


Table of Contents
  1. Why You’ll Love this Green Olive Tapenade
  2. Green Olive Tapenade Ingredients
  3. How to Make this Green Olive Tapenade
  4. Homemade Tapenade Storage Options
  5. Other Appetizer Spreads You’ll Love
  6. Green Olive Tapenade FAQs
  7. Best Green Olive Tapenade Recipe

I’m a big snacker and this Green Olive Tapenade hits the spot anytime I’m craving something salty and crunchy. It’s quick to make and versatile— smother it on crackers, pasta, crusty garlic bread or as a festive spread for a veggie wrap or charcuterie board.

green olive tapenade in a bowl topped with fresh parsley, surrounded by crostini.

Why You’ll Love this Green Olive Tapenade

My love for Mediterranean-inspired cuisine knows no bounds and this lovely tapenade has recently been added to my go-to snack options. While it can seamlessly grace a holiday table, it can also be an easy + filling snack option with a variety of uses. I’ve even dropped spoonfuls on top of my oven-roasted Spaghetti Squash (you’re welcome!).

  • It’s quick to make and easy to clean up (5 minutes)
  • Has lots of depth for flavors (making it feel extra fancy)— from the salt, to the buttery goodness of olives to the olive oil…oh it’s divine!
  • It’s a versatile spread. You can add it to bread, salads, veggie bowls, wraps or even pizza and it’ll blow your mind. Trust me– it’s that good.

Tapenade is traditionally made with olives, capers and anchovies. Depending on the region of France or Italy it’s from, tapenade can be made with a variety of herbs, spices and lemon juice. Sorta like hummus— you can easily tweak this tapenade recipe to work for you. For my vegan tapenade version, we’ve swapped the anchovies (they’ve never been my thang) for a variety of fresh herbs and spices to achieve a remarkable flavor.

labeled ingredients for green olive tapenade including lemon juice, crushed red pepper, black pepper, lemon zest, garlic, lemon capers, castelvetrano olives, kalamata olives, parsley, olive oil and basil.

Green Olive Tapenade Ingredients

I’m an olive lover— I won’t ever turn them down. Black, green, Kalamata, yes… please! Yet even if you aren’t on #teamolive, this recipe just might surprise and delight your taste buds. The herbs and salty goodness can be an unexpected result you actually do like. 

I’m using two kinds of olives plus a lot of different herbs and seasonings to achieve the perfect blend. Here’s what I’m tossing into my Vitamix food processor:

  • Castelvetrano olives: This specific variety of green olive gives a mild + buttery flavor instead of that tangy kick you’re used to in a green olive. It’s lovely and perfect for a spread like this tapenade. They are also easy to find at your local grocery store… yet not all green olives are the same! Look for this one by name.
  • Kalamata olives: These are the most common black olive you’ll find at the store. Feel free to buy them whole or sliced, it doesn’t matter.
  • Fresh parsley: Fresh herbs contribute greatly to the flavor of this olive spread so don’t skimp. While you can use dried herbs in a pinch that will change the flavor and the amounts will need to be adjusted after tasting.
  • Fresh basil: This is another ingredient to grab in its freshest state. My hack for basil is to skip over the plastic shell of basil leaves and buy the whole plant. You can usually find them in the fresh produce section and often times they’re the same price as that tiny plastic container. Even if your plant doesn’t last forever, I bet you’ll get more leaves out of it by putting it in a sunny spot and giving it a little water daily.
  • Capers: These can be found right be the olives. They’re salty and have a sharp flavor. I love adding these to my skillet green beans and other side dishes.
  • Garlic: One clove of fresh garlic works great here. If you aren’t a fan of peeling garlic then listen up. I just found these little containers of crushed garlic at Trader Joes in the freezer section. Each section is one whole clove and is super easy to add to whatever you are making!
  • Lemon: Both the juice and the zest are used here because the zest helps brighten the salty components nicely.
  • Black pepper + crushed red pepper: Both of these spices help bring a bit of depth to this spread. You don’t need to use a lot of red pepper flakes since I’m not going for spicy, just another level of flavor.
  • Olive oil: Since you aren’t cooking tapenade, I suggested going with a tasting oil. Try using that fancy extra virgin olive oil you got as a gift last year. You won’t regret it!

You might notice that salt is missing from this list. I promise you won’t miss it in the recipe, though! Since both olives and the capers are housed in a salty brine, there’s no need for extra.

How to Make this Green Olive Tapenade

This tapenade is sooooo easy to make! Now that you’ve gathered up your ingredients, let’s make this easy green olive tapenade recipe. Let the food processor do the chopping for you and use a spatula to scrape down the sides, as needed. 

a hand grabbing a plate full of green olives, cappers and herbs for a green olive tapenade.

Step 1: In a food processor, combine olives, herbs, capers, garlic, lemon juice and zest, black pepper and red pepper flakes. Pulse until coarsely chopped. 

chopped up ingredients in a food processor and a hand pouring in olive oil from a small white bowl.

Step 2: Drizzle the olive oil over the mixture then pulse a few more times to incorporate. You want to end up with a coarse texture, not a smooth paste. 

a black spoon scooping olive tapenade out of the bowl of a food processor.

Step 3: Taste, then season with additional pepper and salt (if needed). Scoop out into a bowl. 

a white plate full of crostini topped with green olive tapenade.

Step 4: Serve one teaspoon at a time over top a crostini, or the cracker of your choice.

If you don’t have a food processor, you can finely chop everything by hand or use a mortar and pestle. Just make sure the different herbs and lemon zest are well incorporated so those flavors come through each bite.

Homemade Tapenade Storage Options

Tapenade should be stored in the fridge in an airtight jar, like a glass jelly jar. It lasts up to 7 days in the refrigerator. You can also freeze olive tapenade for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in the fridge and enjoy!

Other Appetizer Spreads You’ll Love

If you’re looking for some good hors d’oeuvres options then I’ve got you covered. Try making snack trays with homemade hummus, sun-dried tomato pesto, arugula pesto or garlic lemon aioli paired with crackers, cheese and fruit. You can even add in some date caramel or coconut whipped cream for a few sweeter options to balance out the salty ones. 

If you’re an adventurous cook who likes to try new recipes, you’ll love Rawk the Year. It’s my interactive meal planner packed with plant-based whole food recipes. You get to choose from over 650 delicious recipes to create your own meal plan, or follow the weekly plan curated by our team. In addition to all that, Rawk the Year provides allergy swaps for most recipes, generates a custom shopping list and a private support group with live cooking classes. How amazing is that?

Start a free 7-day trial to Rawk the Year.

wooden board topped with crostini, tapenade and a plate full of appetizers already put together.

Green Olive Tapenade FAQs

What is in olive tapenade?

Traditional tapenade uses a black olive base with capers, herbs and spices. My version uses both green olives and black olives along with capers and spices for a punchy result that’s a party in your mouth.

How do you eat tapenade?

You can enjoy olive tapenade in a variety of ways: spread it on crusty bread or crackers, use as a sandwich spread or use on chicken or fish just like you would with pesto. I’ve even been known to dip my veggies in it!

What is a substitute for olive tapenade?

If olives are not your fav pickled vegetable, I totally get it. Swap them out for roasted red peppers or sun-dried tomatoes, or use a pesto instead. Yet, you can also give this green olive tapenade a try if traditional black olive tapenade isn’t your jam. My version uses both colors of olives and a variety of spices that make it the perfect salty spread.

gray bowl full of green olive tapenade a topped with fresh parsley leaves.

Best Green Olive Tapenade

Whether you love olive tapenade or are a newbie to this delicious appetizer, you need to try the best Green Olive Tapenade. It's salty, herby and oh so delicious on a crostini. And it only takes 5 minutes to make, so what are you waiting for?!
Course Appetizer
Cuisine French-Inspired, Italian-Inspired
Diet Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 6
Calories 464kcal


  • food processor


  • 1 cup Castelvetrano olives pitted
  • ½ cup Kalamata olives pitted
  • ¼ cup fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • 2 tablespoons fresh basil leaves
  • 1 tablespoon capers drained
  • 2 garlic cloves peeled
  • 2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • Zest of 1 lemon finely grated
  • tsp ground black pepper
  • tsp red pepper flakes
  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

Ingredients for Crostini:

  • 1 baguette
  • 3 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove minced


  • In a food processor, combine olives, herbs, capers, garlic, lemon juice and zest, black pepper, and red pepper flakes, if using. Pulse until coarsely chopped.
  • Drizzle the olive oil over the mixture and pulse a few more times until a chunky paste forms. Be careful not to overdo it. The tapenade should have some texture and not be smooth.
  • Taste and season with pepper. Transfer to a bowl and scoop 1 tbsp on top of a crostini toasts, when ready.

Make the Crostini Toasts:

  • Preheat oven to 400˚F with a rack in the center of the oven lined with parchment paper.
  • Cut toasts into 1/2” thick slices, slicing diagonally.
  • Mix minced garlic clove with olive oil.
  • Arrange toasts on the prepared baking sheet and brush the garlic infused olive oil on both sides of toasts and bake at 400˚F for 5 minutes then broil on high heat for 1 to 2 minutes or until the edges are golden brown.


  • You can purchase crostini in the bakery section of most grocery stores if you prefer.
  • Don’t add additional salt until you’ve tasted the final result. Since many ingredients are already packaged in a salty brine, you don’t want to ruin the flavor by adding too much!
  • You can use this as a sandwich spread, dip or topping for pasta. 


Calories: 464kcal | Carbohydrates: 64g | Protein: 13g | Fat: 18g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 3g | Monounsaturated Fat: 11g | Sodium: 1357mg | Potassium: 200mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 6g | Vitamin A: 393IU | Vitamin C: 6mg | Calcium: 160mg | Iron: 5mg

The post Best Green Olive Tapenade appeared first on Simple Green Smoothies.

Cherry Chocolate Bark


This 4-ingredient Cherry Chocolate Bark recipe is so easy to make and customize to create your own signature version to enjoy with family and friends this holiday season.

The post Cherry Chocolate Bark appeared first on Simple Green Smoothies.


Table of Contents
  1. Cherry Chocolate Bark Ingredients
  2. How to Make Cherry Chocolate Bark
  3. Helpful Tips
  4. Homemade Chocolate Bark Variations
  5. Chocolate Bark FAQs
  6. More Festive Homemade Desserts
  7. Cherry Chocolate Bark Recipe

This simple Cherry Chocolate Bark is the perfect holiday homemade gift for a chocolate lover. It’s only 4 ingredients, doesn’t require baking, and just screams Happy Holidays! Add to the list for your annual cookie baking day alongside the Gluten-Free Brownies and Soft Ginger Cookies. I dare you to eat just one piece.

With all the end-of-year gatherings my family has this year related school, sports, friends and more, this no-fail Cherry Chocolate Bark comes to the rescue. Here’s a few reasons why I love this recipe:

Pieces of cherry chocolate bark on a concrete table.
  • Don’t have to turn the oven on! No baking and you just need one measuring cup for everything. 
  • Kid-friendly: kids can help make and eat this chocolate bark. Let them get creative in sprinkling varies goodies on top to make it their own.
  • Festive gift: If you want to spread a little holiday cheer, wrap up pieces of this bark in little clear baggies with cute ribbons and deliver to friends, neighbors, teachers and more. 
  • Fast to make: you can make multiple batches of homemade chocolate bark in 1 hour and have a variety of treats to share.
  • Not crazy sweet: it’s as perfectly sweetened, chocolate treat you didn’t know you needed this season. A winning dessert for everyone.
  • Versatile: Using the melted chocolate, you can top it however you want, creating a variety of flavors and colors. I’ve got some great ideas below that you can use for inspiration.

Cherry Chocolate Bark Ingredients

labeled ingredients for cherry chocolate bark including dried tart cherries, sliced almonds, semi-sweet chocolate chips and sea salt.

My recipe has just 4 ingredients, seriously! Here’s what you need to make an epically awesome dessert:

  • Semi-sweet chocolate chips: I find that semi-sweet is the crowd pleaser. While adults might gravitate towards dark chocolate and kids want milk chocolate, this kind provides the best all-around flavor and sweetness level. You can use chips or chop up full bars.
  • Sliced almonds: This provides the perfect crunch with a bit of nuttiness. Sliced almonds also make breaking the chocolate bark into pieces easier.
  • Dried, tart cherries: Since the chocolate will bring a lot of sweetness, using tart cherries will bring balance. Plus, there’s just something so satisfying about pairing chocolate and cherries.
  • Coarse sea salt: That fancy salt someone bought you for a house warming gift, or that you got on a whim? Use that here! Flaked sea salt also works great. It’s beautiful, crunchy and brings out the other flavors beautifully.

How to Make Cherry Chocolate Bark

melted chocolate spread out on a parchment lined baking sheet, topped with sliced almonds.

To make this recipe, you’ll need a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper, a heatproof glass bowl and an offset spatula. You’ll need to melt the chocolate in a microwave or stove top. 

  1. Place a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment in the freezer to get very cold.
  2. Melt the chocolate: Simmer of small saucepan of water on the stove. In a heatproof glass bowl set over the simmering water, melt the chocolate chips, stirring frequently so that the bottom doesn’t burn or stick. Be careful not to let water droplets into the bowl or this will cause the chocolate to seize.

    You can also use the microwave, if you wish. Heat for 30 seconds, stir, and heat for 30 more seconds. Repeat until most of the chocolate is melted.
  3. Once most of the chocolate is melted, remove from heat. Continue to stir until the remaining pieces are melted. Avoid stirring to quickly as this will create air bubbles. 
  4. Pour the melted chocolate onto chilled parchment paper in the baking sheet and use a spatula to spread it out evenly, almost to the edges.
  5. Immediately sprinkle the sliced almonds and dried cherries over the chocolate, followed by sprinkling the salt. 
  6. Refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours.

Helpful Tips

Chocolate chips can be swapped with milk, dark, or even white.

Almonds can be swapped for pecans, pistachios, pumpkin seeds or walnuts. Dried cherries can be swapped for dried cranberries, dried blueberries or candied ginger.

Homemade Chocolate Bark Variations

One of my favorite reasons to make homemade chocolate bark is how easy it is to change it up! I can top with whatever dried fruit I want, mix up the nuts that go on as well, or use a mixture of white and dark chocolate for some festive flare.

Here are a few combinations I love:

  • 1 layer of dark chocolate, 1 layer of white chocolate, crushed candy canes
  • Semi-sweet chocolate, crunched pretzels, peanuts
  • Dark chocolate + crunched potato chips
  • Dark chocolate + semi sweet chocolate swirled together with dried blueberries and hazelnuts
  • Go wild and chop up your fav candy bars into the melted chocolate for a Snickers or Peanut Butter Cups bark that will be gone in minutes.
Fresh cherries next to a plate of cherry chocolate bark.

Chocolate Bark FAQs

What is in chocolate bark?

Homemade chocolate bark typically contains a base of chocolate; you can choose white, dark, semi-sweet or milk. It can be vegan or non, depending on your preference. Then you add toppings to it like sliced nuts, dried fruit, candy and more. My recipe uses semi sweet chocolate topped with sliced almonds, dried cherries and coarse sea salt.

How do you make chocolate bark?

Making chocolate bark is so easy! First, melt the chocolate either on the stove or in the microwave. Then spread it out on a parchment lined baking sheet then top with desired toppings. Refrigerate or freeze to help the whole thing set. Finally, remove and break into pieces and try not to eat it all in 1 sitting. You can also layer different kinds of chocolate or almond bark to achieve the exact look and flavor you want.

Is almond bark the same as melting chocolate?

Almond bark is a bit different than melting chocolate. Melting chocolate is real, high-quality chocolate that you melt. Almond bark is artificially flavored vegetable fat. You can use either in a chocolate bark recipe, or you can just use a real chocolate bar (or chocolate chips) for your bark. If you want a chocolate-free option, use white chocolate or almond bark as the base of your candy bark.

More Festive Homemade Desserts

My kids ask for Chocolate Chip Cookies from Thanksgiving to New Years. They’re a constant presence ion my house this time of year. I also enjoy making my soft Ginger Cookies to share with family and friends. My dad loved ginger snaps, so this recipe always reminds me of him.

If you want another easy + no-bake option, try this freezer Peanut Butter Fudge… it won’t stick around for long at any party! You can also make a batch of my fudgy Gluten-Free Brownies or Rice Krispie Treats and throw some sprinkles on top to make them even more festive and inviting. 

I can’t wait for you to whip up a batch of this Chocolate Almond Bark; it is seriously easy and so delicious. How are you going to top yours? Drop and comment and let me know!

Cherry Chocolate Bark om blue plate

Cherry Chocolate Bark

This 4-ingredient Cherry Chocolate Bark recipe is so easy to make and customize to create your own signature version to enjoy with family and friends this holiday season.
Course Dessert
Cuisine Vegan
Diet Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Prep Time 2 hours
Cook Time 3 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 3 minutes
Servings 8
Calories 245kcal


  • stove top


  • 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips vegan
  • 1 cup sliced almonds
  • 1 cup dried tart cherries
  • ½ tsp sea salt


  • Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment and place in the fridge or freezer to chill.
  • In a heatproof glass bowl set over a pan of simmering water, melt the chocolate, stirring occasionally. Be careful not to let any water get into the bowl or the chocolate will seize.
  • Remove the bowl from the heat when some pieces of unmelted chocolate still remain. Stir well until the remaining chocolate melts, but do not stir too vigorously or air bubbles will form.
  • Pour melted chocolate onto the chilled, parchment lined pan and use a thin spatula to spread it out evenly, almost to the edges. Immediately sprinkle the almonds and cherries over the chocolate, evenly covering it. Then sprinkle the salt.
  • Refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours.
  • Break bark into pieces to serve. Store in an air-tight container in the fridge.


  • This can be stored in the refrigerator up to 1 week.
  • Feel free to use whatever toppings you want over the melted chocolate. Here are a few combos you can try: 
    • 1 layer of dark chocolate, 1 layer of white chocolate, crushed candy canes
    • Semi-sweet chocolate, crunched pretzels, peanuts
    • Dark chocolate + crunched potato chips
    • Dark chocolate + semi sweet chocolate swirled together with dried blueberries and hazelnuts
    • Go wild and chop up your fav candy bars into the melted chocolate for a Snickers or Peanut Butter Cups bark that will be gone in minutes.
  • This can be added to a cookie tray, just let the person you are giving it to know that it is best stored in the fridge.


Calories: 245kcal | Carbohydrates: 25g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 6g | Trans Fat: 0.02g | Cholesterol: 1mg | Sodium: 150mg | Potassium: 212mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 17g | Vitamin A: 549IU | Calcium: 59mg | Iron: 2mg

The post Cherry Chocolate Bark appeared first on Simple Green Smoothies.